Sorry, but if you write the ftp-url like this, everybody is having problems... I only used to get on your FTP-server...
Maybe you can telle we in which directory the photographs can be found (I have a KPN-line so I have to pay for every second I'm searching for files!)
And if these photographs are the photographs I made during the last couple of years, those are not the one I'm looking for!
--[ MARI ]--
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Willem v/d Werf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Datum: maandag 19 maart 2001 1:23
Onderwerp: MSX-fairs

Some photographs MSX-fairs can be found on "ftp://msx@msx: "


Wilem van der Werf Sysop Msx-Veendam

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