'M. J. Bethlehem' wrote about 'Re: fMSX' - Tue, May 01, 2001 at 07:53:42AM CEST
> What you say makes sense. However, does MESS run on UNIX, or is it easily
> portable to that platform? If not I'll stick to fMSX for my games for a
> while, and check in upon MESS every now and then.

It's more portable to it then fMSX.
(I only work on Debian GNU/Linux)

MESS is a part of MAME, which has a nice X-port,
which runs on SVGA, X, X+DGA, X+DGA2, OpenGL, SDL, ...
At also runs on a mirade of OS's including even Mac OSX.


Also check Sean Young's site:


He's the current Author of the mess MSX driver.

MESS is developed for DOS, and then ported to windows
unix for each release. (Which is rather easy, since it's
nicely portable code)

It, next to MSX emulates a mirade of systems:


> To think of it... I actually saw a reference to MESS on a website once,
> can't remember which. The screenshots were cool :)
> Furthermore, Marat's license doesn't really prohibit your changing the
> code, he simply states that he wishes to be notified when you do so, and
> also that you may not use his products commercially (i.e. e.g. sell it),
> which I find perfectly acceptable. So far I've had to change very little
> in his distributions of fMSX. Version 2.3 runs fine on my systems. 
> However, I agree with you that a free software implementation would be
> more useful. Please note the difference between Open Source and Free
> Software (take a look at Richard Stallman's page for that, there are
> references to it everywhere). Also, note that the GNU Public License
> (version 2) isn't entirely "burnproof", there are loopholes in it, but
> it's a good way to start. 

I know :) I see that you know more about this then I do!
Sorry for the long rambling then.

If you have any troubles getting xmess to run on your
unix box, feel free to mail me :)

Btw, note that MAME/MESS is also not compliant with free
software unfortunately :(
E.g.: it is in the non-free part of Debian.

See also:


But yet still I think it's licensing is better then fMSX.



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