From: Julio Marchi (MSX ALL) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   Do excuse for my it completes stupidity (because I don't really know
> technically HD's SCSI of MSX), but would not it be possible to connect it
> a PC and to use a software like Norton DiskEditor to edit it physically
> to redraft some bytes that are rotten or even copying the content still
> rotten for another HD? That I already did with HDs of PC, even with
> different farmats (like FATs, NTFS and HPFS). That gives a lot of work but
> it sometimes solves...

Probably you're right, and he has a SCSI controller in the PC. But before to
arrive to those levels... I think it's better only to get again the disk and
fix that partition with FDISK (if format of entire HD is needed, then he'll
format it). It's a faster way in order to solve the situation. If that is
not working, then he'll have to think in your way, or simply change to IDE
interface (ok, he thought in it too, but he wants to keep operative the Bert
with his HD).

Thanks for your reply!

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