> According to my tests with a 4MB mapper, DOS2 indeed lists it as 255 
> segments (4080kB) and trying to allocate all segments does result in 
> segment 256 being ignored!

Yes, that's because it is impossible to say "256" with just one byte. A
solution would be to use this byte as "number of segments minus one"
counter, but since value 0 is used as the end of segments table mark, a
theorical 1-segment mapper could not be correclty used then.

> 3. Do the 2 DOS2 system segments reside in segment 254 and 255?

Good question. I have a 4Mb mapper, but since Turbo-R uses always
internal mapper as primary one, I can't check this out. But if DOS 2 is
consistent, segment 255 should be always ignored, even for using system

> I think it would've been better if DOS2 counted from 0, not from 1 :(

Oh, come on! Really you miss these 16K when having 4080K available?? 8-)

                              Konami Man - AKA Nestor Soriano (^^)v
         http://www.konamiman.com    -     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                             ICQ#: 18281450

 "Celebrating the imprudences must be unfailingly consequent with it said,
not for the fact in itself, but for some that another onomatopoeia to the use"

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