Alex Wulms wrote:
>] My idea is to:
>] 1. switch to R800 ROM mode
>] 2. copy the DOS2 system area to the upper 2 segments
>] 3. execute some stuff, using the 'freed' 64kB.
>] 4. copy the DOS2 system area back to the original position
>] 5. switch to R800 DRAM mode
>] Ofcourse the interrupts are switched off during steps 2-4.
>There is already a utility which does this. I think this was discussed in 
>the mailinglist a few weeks ago.

If I understood correctly that utility does NOT relocate the DOS2 segments 
into what previously was DRAM-mode memory. And does NOT free up the extra 
64kB to DOS2 memory managment.
If it does, it must also patch DOS2 to use the relocated system & data 
area. So are you sure it does exactly what my idea was???
(Or I could be wrong and this utility is something wonderful)

>You must copy the ROMs back explicitly (while still in ROM mode).

So how does the ROM get there in the first place?! There must be some 
routine in the BIOS that gets it there???


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