On Tuesday 26 June 2001 11:59, you wrote:

> The site is 100% working with (minimum required:) Internet Explorer 5.0 or
> Netscape Navigator 4.7, 

What about Mozilla, Opera, Konqueror, NetPositive, FudeBrowser and all the 
other browsers out there?

You can check your pages against the HTML standard using W3C's validator:
Valid pages work in most browsers. And when they don't, it is the browser's 

> in resolutions 800x600 and 1024x768.

My screen resolution is 1024x768, but the browser window is about 700x700, of 
which 700x570 is available for the document. You cannot assume everyone uses 
a maximized browser window.

> Be sure that your browser is compatible with Javascript, frames (are there
> people which have browsers that are not?), and PHP (will come).

As Sean said as well, PHP is server-side, so it is independant of the browser.

There are browsers that do not support frames, for example Lynx (text mode 
browser). Also, some people dislike frames, especially if they prefer 
navigating using the keyboard instead of the mouse.

Please don't be discouraged by the comments on your HTML. Many pages cause 
troubles because they do not conform to the HTML standard. Combined with the 
fact that many designers only check with IE, this means using an alternative 
browser will cause broken displaying that would not occur if the designer 
stuck to the standard. This is a frustration of almost any non-IE user.

Web pages should be flexible enough to be displayed on a large number of 
browsers and resolutions. It's useless to demand a certain browser or 
resolution, because no-one is going to change the way they surf the web just 
to view your (or anyone else's) page. If necessary, use a simpler layout that 
will work for more viewers.

By the way, if you look at sites that get many visitors, those often have a 
simple layout. Google is a good example. Also, most sites use tables instead 
of frames nowadays, users seem to prefer that. And remember that a slick look 
may give a good first impression, but good content makes sure visitors come 

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