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On Friday 13 July 2001 08:21, you wrote:

> Yeah, i have the same problem with my 512kb external Memmorymapper, but you
> allready know that :)) (also have a problem with my Internal Memmory
> mapper, but that's a diffrent story).

External mapper on a Turbo-R ?
I have the same problem in R800 mode. I use a checkmark mapper and apparently 
they are to slow to be used in a not 3.5 MHz machine. Since the R800 stand of 
the Turbo-R is faster...
Make sure the mapper is fast enough for anything faster than the lowest 3.5 

Otherwise the RAM's don't have enough time to set their data on the bus so 
the CPU reads in rubbish values, therefore executing a program made of random 
opcodes which in 99.9999% of the cases will crash the computer. In the other 
0.0001% change your MSX will turn into a super intelligent system trying to 
take over the world by dailing the USA racket launchs systems, so always 
discconnect your modem :-)

David Heremans

- -- 
If it weren't for Emulation, we'd have no reason to lack a life
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