David Heremans wrote:
> - - Near perfect Z80 emulation. BRMSX is the first (and only) MSX 
> emulator to pass in all ZEXALL tests. BRMSX has perfect emulation 
> of the flags registers, including undocumented flags.

        These days, this is not true anymore. I believe
MESS and MSKISS also pass in all ZEX tests. fMSX-based
emulators do not pass in the tests, since the Z80 core
of fMSX does not emulate undocumented flags.

> Could somebody tell me wath is so special about this test-program
> Wat extra's does it have in comparison to other z80 validators ?

        Well, it's very hard to get it working :)

        The algorithm is a CRC on almost all Z80 opcodes, 
for a lot (and I mean A LOT) of random-generated input data.
It takes many minutes to run it entirely (IIRC, some hours
on a standard Z80 @ 3.57 MHz). 

> And were can I download it ?

        It's inside the YAZE package:

        Ricardo Bittencourt
For info, see http://www.stack.nl/~wynke/MSX/listinfo.html

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