>       Some time ago I got a text file from KonamiMan that described
> many MegaSCSI functions. It was a partial translation from the original
> MegaSCSI manual.
>       I was looking for it in my HD but I didn't find it. I looked
> at KonamiMan's page (argh! it has lots of broken links! I had to find
> the english page using AltaVista!) and also didn't find this technical
> text there.
>       Anyone knows where can I find it, please?

Let me return to spain and surf on my HD for it! One week or so, if I
forget, email again pleez,

And BTW to access my home page quickly use http://msx.konamiman.com

Nestor Soriano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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  • MegaSCSI info Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha
    • Nestor Soriano

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