]       /dev/scsia0             (first MegaSCSI, device with ID 0, partition 0)
] I need to know that my ZIP drive has ID 5 or I can't access it because
] I don't know which entry to use in /dev.
]       I hope I made de problem clear. If not, I can explain it again.
]       So, master-of-MegaSCSI-NestorPrograms ;), am I right about all this
] things or there is an easier way to handle all this stuff?
Hi Adriano,

You are right. Though, in stead of using special commands to look at the 
directories and copy files from them, you can also build FAT support into the 
uzix kernel. Such that you can do for example:
mount /dev/scsia0 /msx_data

Or whatever you want to call your filesystem. Obviously you would put the 
line in /etc/fstab so that the mount is done automatically at boot time. In 
such way you do not have to remember the SCSI IDs or partition numbers 
afterwards anymore. Only when you put them in /etc/fstab.

But I suppose I'm not telling anything new here ;-)

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms

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