] too. It may be true that there will be viruses (or there may already be some).
] But if a virus gets access to the processor somehow, it still cannot remove any
] important files from the system. I heard there is a windows virus that removes
] windows and installs linux. The other way round would be totally impossible,
] because
] 1. The virus will not get executed
] 2. If it does, it will not be able to remove linux/repartition the hard disk

Unfortunately this is not entirely true. There are known bugs in most unix 
flavors (including linux) on the market that can provide root-access to an 
attacking program. And although there are also known patches for most of 
these bugs, not everybody is aware and has upgraded his/her system to the 
latest security patch.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that unix is indeed more secure by design than 
windows 3.x and 9.x flavors. And furthermore, although win-nt flavors can be 
configured as secure as unix-flavors, the out-of-the-box installation is as 
insecure as it can be. This is an intentional choice of Microsoft. They 
prefer to have a system on which an ignorant user can do anything he/she 
wants without any problems. But if the system would be secure, that would 
become impossible. In that case, the user should be computer literate enough 
to still handle the system. Thus, Microsoft has choosen to offer security for 
user friendliness. Though, a system that is so insecure that it enables any 
attack to the system is in my humble opinion not so friendly to the user. 
Before he/she knows, he can not use his/her system anymore at all.

Just my 2 cents.

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms

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