----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wynke Stulemeijer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Msx] Migration to mailman - end of the spam

> On Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 10:08:13AM +0200, Patrick Kramer wrote:
> > > 
> > > The mailinglist is at this point being migrated to Mailman. The point
> > > of this is to be more able to stop spam. Hopefully, the spam will end
> > > with this (except when sent by subscribers). We have to figure a few
> > > things out, so don't get mad if a few things go wrong in the first few
> > > days - After that, it is likely to be much better and new instructions
> > > on subscribing/unsubscribing will follow as soon as possible.
> > > 
> > Very Nice! Well done! This should stop the spamming assh*BEEP*
> > 
> > But erhmmm, will the messages always carry [MSX] in front of the subject ? 
> > Because I really hate it when mailinglists do that (I'm subscribed to more). 
> > I bet almost everyone sorts their messages already on the To: line 
> > containing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I don't know if most people sort their mail at all, really. I think it
> will remain the way it is now unless many people complain about it.
> I myself usually quite like it when a mailinglist adds such a prefix
> (if it is short enough), because it makes it much easier to see
> whether it's a mailinglist mail or not. Guess tastes differ in this.
> Would be a nice option in Mailman to turn the prefix on and off per
> user... Guess I'll have to check if it exists.
That would of course be a perfect solution!
[MSX] is rather short, so it doesnt "eat up" valuable space for the subject line.
It IS however annoying that replies show up as 
Re: [Msx] 
instead of 
[MSX] Re:

Makes it very clutterish if you ask me. Wait... I now see Ricardo's last reply-mail 
DOES show up as [MSX] Re:


> > Also I noticed the Reply-to is set to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Can one also 
> > reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?
> Of course. I think I have changed it now, I don't like the address to
> show as [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] (I think it's ugly,
> though they do actually work).
Yep, you fixed it :-)


MSX mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
New info page: http://lists.stack.nl/mailman/listinfo/msx
Old info page: http://www.stack.nl/~wynke/MSX/listinfo.html

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