On 2002.10.10 20:28 Mari van den Broek wrote:

> Was a long time I did log-in at Funet (or any other FTP-site!)... therefore
> I had some troubles...
> As far As I Looked, I couldn't find this answer in the FAQ! Maybe this can
> be put in there (Manuel?)...

I'd vote against that - sorry Mari :-)

The Ultimate MSX FAQ is still an *MSX* FAQ, not a user guide to the internet.
There's nothing MSX-specific to logging in on an ftp server. (Maybe a little
instruction on how to proceed when you'd like to *upload* stuff, since that
can differ from server to server (mail to the ftp-admin, login with special
username, just dump it in an 'incoming' directory...))

Just my 2 cts 
        Eric (didn't we already have this discussion a long time ago?)

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