Due to my lack of time, I have almost left the MSX scene, but I would like
to put on my web page some MSX games I programmed some years ago.

Most of them are available for download, but I would like to put them
on-line, using the Java MSX emulator. I have not seen any reference on the
Java MSX emulator page about using it, and the email address that appears in
the web doesn't work.

Dou you know if I can use the Java MSX emulator on my page to run my own
games? Is there any page where I can download both the applet classes and
the documentation on how to use it?

Antoni Burguera i Burguera
Departament de Matemątiques i Informątica
Universitat de les Illes Balears
web: http://dmi.uib.es/~burguera
9D-La Novena Dimensió

MSX mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Info page: http://lists.stack.nl/mailman/listinfo/msx

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