Hi all,

In 1995, C.P.U. started development on additional features in the MSX-DOS2 command interface, COMMAND2.COM which resulted in version 2.40 and 2.41. After version 2.41 no more actual updates were done. Recently a bug report in version 2.41 arose involving the tab completion which caused an infinite loop in an empty sub directory and a bugfix in a version 2.42. Investigations led to the discovery the fix was based on version 2.40 rather than 2.41 even though it was released as version 2.42. Later a version 2.43 was released with simple text fixes based on version 2.42.

The New Image decided to continue development of COMMAND2.COM version 2.4, resulting in version 2.44. This is a true continuation of the original version 2.41 of COMMAND2.COM. Changes in this version are:

- Fixed a bug causing TAB completion to go into an infinite loop in a
  subdirectory with only the . and .. entries. In such a case a BEEP
  will occur indicating it couldn't find any name to complete.
- The COMPATCH is implemented natively. This is to display the free
  size of a FAT16 partition.
- Added SHIFT command for batch files. This allows to shift arguments
  1 position to the left, including an option to specify from which
  argument the shift will take place.
- New external command: TYPEWW to type text with word-wrap.
- New external command: MORE   piping command to pause output display
  per screen.
- Added BOOT command. Sets the boot drive for when leaving MSX-BASIC.
- Added HERTZ command. Sets VDP refresh frequency.
- SET PROMPT ON and SET PROMPT OFF are restored to their respective
  defaults. If PROMPT wasn't set, it defaults to %_CWD%>.
- Restored ERA, ERASE and RENAME commands for compatibility reasons.
- Added missing COMMAND2.COM version 2.41 features to the help files.
- Internal Variable _MSXVER now supports all MSX generations.
- Added @STRING Internal Variable Function. Returns a string of the
  specified length containing the first character of a string.

This new version is available on: http://www.tni.nl/products/command2.html

GreeTz, BiFi

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