Dear all,
I’ve been a long time lurker on this list and now need your advice/criticism of something that I build using Mysys2.

The backstory to this is that I taught, for about 9 years, programming to first year engineering students and for most of them, the whole concept of downloading some sort of IDE, installing it and then navigating through the menu structure to achieve anything was “a bridge too far”. Most of the students would go on to study Civil/Mechanical/Chemical Engineering and were of the mindset “why do I need to learn programming, I’m going to be a XXXXX engineer”. Even though I tried to tell them that ALL fields of engineering do some sort of programming nowadays, they knew better than me and treated the ½ weight subject as something that was a hindrance and would do the least amount of work possible. Hence Barry was created.

Barry is an environment that is built using Msys2 and other open source “stuff”. It is meant to be “installed” on a memory stick and in turn plugged into any Windows machine. Fire up the shell and hey presto you have a C/C++ dev environment. All of your work is stored in the /home dir, which is on the stick so your work is always with the environment. Obviously you can just “install” it directly onto the laptop or a desktop as well. The install process is really just unzipping the zipped up environment that I put together into whatever dir you want – no registry was harmed in the creation of Barry :)

I’ve been a code monkey for a long time and use Linux, Gentoo, as my default machine but I use it in a pretty “standard” config, I don’t fiddle with .rc files etc. When I set Barry up I did a crash course in bash config but I have a feeling I’m probably doing stuff in a sub-optimal way. If people don’t object I’d like to place the steps, one by one, onto this list and you good people can critique and refine what I’m doing so that I can create something that is both robust and customisable.

Having said all of this, having been in academia for the last 10 years, the whole git/git-hub/gitlab thing has passed me by so any advice on the best way to make the eventual steps to create Barry accessible to a wider audience would be greatly appreciated.


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