Twenty Years of Bitext (at EMNLP 2013)
Friday, October 18, 2013
Seattle, WA

1993 was a watershed year in the development of empirical methods for
processing parallel corpora. Seminal publications by Gale and Church
at Bell Labs (CL, 1993) and Brown and colleagues at IBM (CL, 1993)
established the methodology, models, and algorithms that form the
basis of modern statistical approaches to machine translation and
multilingual text processing. In that year the first Workshop on Very
Large Corpora (which would ultimately become EMNLP) was held, a sign
of the broader sea change that transformed how problems in natural
language processing are approached.

This workshop, collocated with EMNLP 2013 in Seattle, is an
opportunity to look back on the 20-year history of statistical models
of bitext processing and to ask where the field will be in another 20

We invite 2-page (including references) extended abstracts for poster
presentations on the use of bitext in NLP, including:
* Representations: morphology, syntax, semantics, words, phrases;
* Models: generative, discriminative, Bayesian, hybrid, neural;
* Speculation: e.g., will we still be using Model 4 in 2033?;
* Applications of bitext models: machine translation, syntax,
semantics, object recognition, topic modeling, paraphrase, textual
entailment, question answering;
* Learning: latent variables, non-convex optimization,
semi-supervision, spectral methods, information theoretic approaches;
* Formalisms: automata, transducers, grammars;
* (and of course) Data: parallel corpora and other artifacts of multilinguality.

Each submission must contain:
* Author name(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es) (submissions
should not be anonymized)
* Title
* Abstract text

To encourage inclusiveness and the presentation of speculative and
recent work, abstracts will not be published in a proceedings, but
simply reviewed by the conference organizers and panelists to ensure
that they are on topic and reasonably coherent. Abstracts on work
published or submitted elsewhere are welcome.

Abstracts, indicating authors and their affiliations, should be
submitted as an attachment in PDF format to before 11:59PM PDT on Friday, August
30, 2013.

Important Dates
* Abstract deadline : Friday, August 30, 2013
* Acceptance notification : Monday, September 9, 2013
* Workshop : Friday, October 18, 2013

Chris Dyer, Carnegie Mellon University
Noah A. Smith, Carnegie Mellon University
Phil Blunsom, University of Oxford
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