[Apologies for cross-posting]

AsLing is happy to announce that pre-registration is now open for the 42nd 
edition of its Translating and the Computer Conference series. Please visit 
 and fill in the registration form. This year's event, usually called TC42 on 
the Web or TC42 online, will be totally free for all participants. However, 
pre-registration is mandatory as attendees will need to receive a password and 
guidelines to access the various sessions.

The Organising Committee is doing its utmost to ensure a fully interactive 
conference with a schedule that fits the majority of registered participants: 
the final sessions hours will be determined taking into account the location of 
participants as mentioned in the pre-registration forms.

We are sure that TC42 on the Web will be a great success and will show how 
technology can help solving unexpected problems, not only in translating and 
interpreting, but also in interpersonal communication.

We look forward to your registration on 
 and to greet you virtually this November

TC42 on the Web Organisng Committee


Association internationale pour la promotion des technologies linguistiques

International Association for Advancement in Language Technology

Mt-list site list

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