[Apologies for cross-posting]

Dear Professor/Scholar,

We would like to invite you to contribute a chapter for the upcoming book
entitled “Natural Language Processing in Healthcare: A Special Focus on Low
Resource Languages” to be published by the CRC Press.


 Motivation and Scope of the Book

As natural language processing (NLP) gets more and more traction towards
health care applications, there is a growing demand for developing
solutions that can analyze, understand, and support humans. The case is
more challenging for the low-resource languages as without a special focus
on these languages it is hard for any NLP based health care solution to
reach the majority of the population who could obtain the benefit. The goal
of this book is to collect current advances and scenarios of NLP based
solutions for health care focusing on low resource languages.

 Table of Contents

We invite submissions of high-quality, original chapters addressing both
theoretical and practical aspects, including their ethical and social
implications of NLP in healthcare. The Book aims to cover (but not limited)
to the following topics:


   Clinical NLP using Low Resource Settings

   Ethical considerations in Clinical NLP

   Multilingual Speech Processing in Healthcare

   NLP Applications in Healthcare

   Visual Question Answering (VQA) using Medical Images

   Topic Modelling for Clinical Reports


   Automatic Speech Recognition System for Patient

   Machine Translation in Clinical Practice

   Fake News Detection about COVID19

   Healthcare Text Analytics using NLP

   Text summarization in Healthcare

   Digital Healthcare using NLP

   Clinical Text Mining


 Important Dates and Submission Guidelines


   Full Chapter Abstract Submission:            15.10.2020

   Abstract Acceptance/Rejection Notification:        30.11.2020

   Full Chapter Submission:                    30.01.2021

   First Review Notification:                                20.03.2021

   Revised Version Notification:                20.04.2021

   Final Acceptance/Rejection Notification:            15.05.2021

   Camera Ready Chapter Submission:            15.06.2021

Authors should send their abstracts and chapters through easy-chair only.
The submission guidelines and other detailed information can be found on
the book website <https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/nlphealthcare2020>. For any
query mail to: nlphealthcare2...@googlegroups.com



   Assoc. Prof. Ondřej Bojar (Charles University, Czech Republic)

   Assoc. Prof. Satya Ranjan Dash (KIIT University, India)

   Dr. Shantipriya Parida (Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland)

   Prof. Esaú Villatoro-Tello (UAM-C in Mexico City and Idiap Research
   Institute, Switzerland)

   Biswa Ranjan Acharya (KIIT University, India)

Request to share among NLP researchers/scholars.

Shantipriya Parida, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Idiap Research Institute
Rue Marconi 19, 1920 Martigny
Mobile phone: +41768238522
*http://www.shantipriya.me/ <http://www.shantipriya.me/>*
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