****SummDial @ SIGDial 2021: A Special Session on Automatic Minuting and
Summarization of Dialogues and Multi-party Meetings****



With a sizeable working population of the world going virtual, resulting in
information overload from multiple online meetings, imagine how convenient
it would be to just hover over past calendar invites and get concise
summaries of the meeting proceedings? How about automatically minuting a
multimodal multi-party meeting? Are minutes and multi-party dialogue
summaries the same? We believe Automatic Minuting is challenging. There are
possibly no agreed-upon guidelines to take minutes, and people adopt
different styles to record minutes of the meeting. The minutes also depend
on the meeting's category, the intended audience, and the goal or objective
of the meeting.

The SummDial special session at SIGDial 2021 intends to instigate
discussions on these challenges. Our goal for this SIGDial special session
would be to stimulate intense discussions around this topic and set the
tone for further interest, research, and collaboration in both Speech and
Natural Language Processing communities. We are also launching a shared
task on Automatic Minuting (AutoMin) at Interspeech 2021:

***SummDial @ SIGDial 2021 will be an all-virtual event***

****Call for Papers (Long, Short, Late-breaking, Research In Progress,
Position Papers)****

We invite regular and work-in-progress papers that report:

- Current research in multi-party dialogue summarization for summarizing
meetings, spoken dialogue, using speech, text, or multi-modal data (audio,

- Challenges in manual and automatic dialogue summarization evaluation,

- New methods and metrics for manual and automatic dialogue summarization

- Challenges and methods in summarizing transcripts in different domains,
including legal, educational, political, social, etc.

- Datasets and corpora for dialogue summarization,

- Techniques of data collection, pre-processing, adaptation,

- Ethical issues and possible solutions,

- New systems for dialogue or meeting summarization, or new evaluations of
existing systems,

- Qualitative or quantitative comparisons of speech-specific summarization
systems and summarization systems imported from the text domain,

- Tools for meeting transcript generation and automatic summarization,

- Topic detection and span identification in meeting transcripts for
multi-topic summarization,

- Position papers to reflect on the current state of the art in this topic,
take stock of where we have been, where we are, where we are going and
where we should go.

Researchers may choose to submit:

- ****Long papers**** must describe substantial, original, completed, and
unpublished work. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and analysis
should be included. These papers would go through the same peer-review
process by the SIGDial program committee as papers submitted to the main
SIGdial track. These papers will appear in the main SIGdial proceedings and
are presented with the main track. Long papers must be no longer than 8
pages, including title, text, figures, and tables. An unlimited number of
pages is allowed for references. Two additional pages are allowed for
appendices containing sample discourses/dialogues and algorithms, and an
extra page is allowed in the final version to address reviewers’ comments.

- ****Short papers**** must describe original and unpublished work. These
papers would go through the same peer-review process by the SIGDial program
committee as papers submitted to the main SIGdial track. These papers will
appear in the main SIGdial proceedings and are presented with the main
track. Please note that a short paper is not a shortened long paper.
Instead, short papers should have a point that can be made in a few pages,
such as a small, focused contribution; a negative result; or an interesting
application nugget. It should be no longer than 4 pages, including title,
text, figures, and tables. An unlimited number of pages is allowed for
references. One additional page is allowed for sample discourses/dialogues
and algorithms, and an extra page is allowed in the final version to
address reviewers’ comments. An unlimited number of pages are allowed for

- ****Late-breaking and Work-in-progress papers**** will showcase ongoing
work and focused relevant contributions. Submissions need not present
original work. Late-breaking and work-in-progress papers should be no
longer than four pages, including title, text, figures and tables, and
references. These will be reviewed by the SummDial program committee and
posted on the special session website. These papers will be presented as
lightning talks or posters during the session. Authors will retain the
copyright to their work so that they may submit to other venues as their
work matures.

- ****Position papers**** will give voice to authors who wish to take a
position on a topic listed above or the field of spoken, dialogue, meeting
summarization. Submissions need not present original work and should be two
to six pages in length, including title, text, figures and tables, and
references. These will be reviewed by the SummDial program committee and
posted on the special session website. These papers will be presented as
lightning talks or posters during the session. Authors will retain the
copyright to their work so that they may submit to other venues.

****SummDial Special Session****

The special session would consist of a keynote, a panel, lightning talks,
oral and poster paper presentations. Details of the program would be
updated on our website:

****Important Dates****

- Regular Papers (Long and Short) Deadline (SIGDial): April 2, 2021 (23:59

- Notification for Regular Papers: TBA (as per SIGDial 2021)

- Camera-ready due (Regular Papers): TBA (as per SIGDial 2021)

- Late-breaking (LBR) and Work-In-Progress Papers (WiP) Deadline: May 31,

- Position Papers Deadline: May 31, 2021

- Notification for LBR/WiP/Position Papers: July 5, 2021

- Event date: TBA (between July 29 - 31, 2021)

****Submission Website and Format****

- For Regular Papers (Long and Short), please follow the SIGDial 2021
submission instructions

- For Late-breaking, Work-In-Progress, and Position Papers, please submit
to min...@ufal.mff.cuni.cz

- Please follow SIGDial 2021 submission instructions and formatting


- Tirthankar Ghosal, Charles University, Czech Republic

- Muskaan Singh, Charles University, Czech Republic

- Anja Nedoluzhko, Charles University, Czech Republic

- Ondřej Bojar, Charles University, Czech Republic

****Contact:**** min...@ufal.mff.cuni.cz

****Website:**** https://elitr.github.io/automatic-minuting/summdial.html

Thanks and Regards,
Muskaan Singh,
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics,
Charles University, Prague
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