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1srt Workshop on Spoken Language Translation in Real-World Settings


Co-located with AMTA 2021


To date, the production of audio-video content has exceeded that of written
texts. The need to make such content available across language barriers has
increased the interest in spoken language translation (SLT), opening up new
opportunities for the use of speech translation applications in different
settings and for different scopes, such as live translation at
international conferences, automatic subtitling for video accessibility, or
as a support system for human interpreters. Furthermore, specific needs are
emerging/have emerged in terms of user profiles, e.g. people with different
abilities, and user experiences, e.g. use on mobile devices.

Against this backdrop, the Spoken Language Translation in Real-World
Settings workshop aims to bring together researchers in the areas of
computer science, translation, and interpreting, as well as users of SLT
applications, such as international organizations, businesses,
broadcasters, content media creators, to discuss the latest advances in
speech translation technologies and raise awareness on topics such as the
challenges in evaluating current technologies in a real-life scenario,
customization to improve performance, ethical issues, and so forth.

The workshop will seek to answer these questions by inviting papers
exploring topics including, but not limited to:

   - Latest advances in cascading and end-to-end systems
   - Use of spoken language translation system in a real-world scenario
   - Automatic subtitling and dubbing
   - Cross-lingual NER/summarization/retrieval from speech
   - Automatic generation of meeting minuting
   - Automatic respeaking
   - Customization of SLT systems to real-world applications
   - Computer-assisted interpreting
   - Data scarcity and underrepresented languages
   - Potential and risks of SLT
   - SLT evaluation
   - Communicative-oriented evaluation of spoken language translation
   - Benchmark creation
   - Ethical issues (bias, etc.)
   - Communicative inclusion through SLT

***Important Dates***

Paper submission: 10 June 2021
Notification of acceptance: 2 July 2021
Camera-ready submission: Monday, 12 July 2021
Workshop date/time: to be confirmed

***Submission Details***

Papers may consist of 6 to 10 pages of content (for references, an
unlimited number of pages is allowed). The papers must follow the AMTA 2020
style guides (PDF version, LaTeX version, MS Word version) and be submitted
in PDF format. To allow for blind reviewing, please do not include author
names and affiliations within the paper and avoid obvious self-references.
Papers must represent new work that has not been previously published
(pre-prints posted online on servers such as arXiv do not count as
published papers, and thus are allowed to be submitted; we do not require a
1-month anonymity period for previous submissions on arXiv). Authors
submitting a similar paper to another conference or workshop must specify
this at submission time; if the paper is accepted to multiple venues, the
author must choose which one to present at. Papers must be submitted to the
following website by the conference submission deadline (please select the
right workshop once in the system):



Claudio Fantinuoli (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
Marco Turchi (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Mt-list site list

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