*During work, Raman and Narayan were chatting:*


*Raman: Narayan, I've been attending night classes for 5 months now and I have

*an exam next week.*


*Narayan: oh!*


*Raman: For example, do you know who is Graham Bell?*


*Narayan: No*


*Raman: He's the inventor of the phone in 1876; if you take night Courses you

*would know this.*


*The next day, the same discussion took place:*


*Raman: Do you know who Alexander Dumas is?*


*Narayan: No*


*Raman: He's the author of "The 3 Musketeers", if you take night courses, you

*would know this.*


*The next day, once again:*


*Raman: And do you know who Jean Jacques Rousseau is?*


*Narayan: No*


*Raman: He's the author of "Confessions", if you take night courses, you would

*know this.*


*This time, Narayan got irritated and said: And you, do you know who is*

*Balakrishnan Kuppuswamy?*


*Raman: No*


*Narayan: He's the guy roaming with your wife!! If you stop night courses,
you *

*would know.*


*" Rule: There is 'some thing' important in life than Work and General*



േസ്നഹേത്താെട ജഗ്ഗു :)
With Love JaGGu :)*


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