We are less bothered about what is happening in the metros. This is because
none of our own are trapped or engaged in those chaos situations. But please
think of a mother whose son is participating in the NSG operation. Think of
a wife whose husband trapped in the encounter sites. What would be their
state when they watch the live action sequences of the attack through media?
We can just sit in front of our television with handful of refreshments and
simply have a look at the breath taking encounters. See the differences of
approach. With immense grief and anguish the former are watching the news.
On the other hand we are counting the number of fatality toll every minute.
If it crosses three digits, our eyes will expand and pass the message to all
as Wow! What an operation, just as in movies..!

            All the TV channels are reporting continuously this matter from
the last 30 hours. Some of them are focusing on hard talks with the
country's top army officials, politicians, etc analyzing the situation in an
arranged studio set up. What is this for? There in the industrial hub,
firing is at the extreme and here in one of the channels, a vast debate is
going on in which the leading Politician is blaming the ruling party for the
loop holes made by them in the case of national security. The outcome of the
debate is that the common people of India should realize the fact that the
Indian Military intelligence is not up to the mark.

            Blaming the military is not a permanent solution for what is
happening on these days. Let me take the example of Kerala. Here the
situations are calm till this date. This doesn't mean that here the same
conditions exists for the upcoming days too. But the people and the ruling
authorities feel or better to say imagine like that. This is due to their
psychological approach. There is a little difference in mentality of a human
being living in a metro and a person living in a city say Trivandrum. The
reason firstly is that the former is well aware about the terrorist
activities and causalities occurred in his region. On the other hand here in
our state we never expect a sudden attack in our locality. We can't imagine
a high intensity explosion in any of our local places in Trivandrum city.

            The question here is if such incident happen, is the local
security well equipped enough to overcome the chaos? The answer is no. The
local police force doesn't have such sophisticated techniques to tackle the
situation as the Maharashtra police did in Mumbai. As in an interview, one
former army major pointed out that the local security should be trained at
that level where they should be well set enough to face an unexpected terror
situation. So our ministry has to make necessary steps for that. This should
be done in at eh earliest. No time should be wasted in passing bills and
formalities as they cause delay. The strategic plans of terrorists move in
this manner- they plan thing in first week, prepare for that in the next
week and execute in the very next day!

            As people of India, we have to think this seriously. Don't
ignore these matters just because none of our kith and kin are affected by
this hazardous situation.

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From        KL              AJAY

േസ്നഹേത്താെട ജഗ്ഗു :)
With Love JaGGu :)*

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