*REALLY GOOD ONE** .......................*
*Most cricketers, who are not comfortable in conversing in English, go
prepare for some standard questions that are asked to them when commentators
chat with them during the awards
  Inzamam was once asked a different question after Pakistan won the match,
for which he was not prepared. He always used his standard response to the
first question after winning. <http://www.fropki.com/sports-jokes-vf83.html>
  But this time..... Tony Greig: So Inzi, that's fantastic, your wife is
pregnant for the second time and u must be
  Inzamam: Bismillah-e- Rehman-e- Rahim! All credit goes to the boys.
Everyone work hard for it, especially Afridi. It was tight situation when he
went in. <http://www.fropki.com/sports-jokes-vf83.html>   Also Bob Woolmer
was keeping close watch on progress and giving instructions. It's all team
effort. Insha Allah, we all will work together as a team, put in big effort
and deliver good result all the time and will be able to REPEAT the same
result. <http://www.fropki.com/sports-jokes-vf83.html>   Tony


േസ്നഹേത്താെട ജഗ്ഗു :)
With Love JaGGu :)*

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