 Photochor: The Truth About Pakistan's Nuclear Program - CLICK HERE TO WATCH
VIDEO <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wciSG_3-x28&feature=email>
 Pakistanis worship Dr. A.Q.Khan as the father of their country's nuclear
program, and the inventor of the "Islamic Bomb".

The international community reviles him for expanding Pakistan's catalog of
major exports, which previously consisted of heroin and Islamic terrorism,
to include nuclear weapons technology as well.

So what's the truth? Would Dr. A.Q. Khan, whose "research" amounts to
photocopying and plagiarising Dutch/German technology, be considered a
"scientist" in any other country than Pakistan?

How long can the Pakistan Army and government cover up their primary role in
running an international black market which supplied nuclear technology to
Iran, Libya and North Korea?

Did Dr. A.Q. Khan's nuclear devices, which Pakistan claimed to have tested
at Chagai Hills in 1998, actually work? Or were they duds which had to be
replaced by Chinese nuclear bombs for those face-saving tests?

And just what nu...

േസ്നഹേത്താെട ജഗ്ഗു :)
With Love JaGGu :)*

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