Subject: Kidnap Trick -happened in Dubai-Warning to All Parents!!


 Kidnap Trick - Warning to All Parents!!

Even if you do not have little kids - please pass this one on to
everyone you can think of. You never know whom you
might save by forwarding this e-mail. I wanted to share something that
happened today while shopping at Carrefour:

A mother was leaning over looking for meat and turned around to find
her 4 yr old daughter was missing. I was standing there right beside her and
she was calling her daughter with no luck.

I asked a man who worked at Carrefour to announce it over the
loudspeaker. He immediately walked right past me after I asked and went to a
pole where there was a phone. He made an announcement for all the doors and
gates to be locked - using a store code or something.
So they locked all the doors at once.

This took all of 3 minutes after I asked the guy to do this.
They found the little girl 5 minutes later in the store's toilet cubicle -
Her head was half shaved! and was dressed in her underwear with a bag of
clothes, a razor, and a wig sitting on the floor beside her - most likely to
make her look different!

Whoever this despicable person was took the little girl, brought her into
the bathroom, shaved half her head and undressed her in a matter of less
than 10 minutes!!

This makes me shake to no end. Please keep a close eye on your kids when in
big places where it's easy for you to get separated like Shopping Malls.
It only took a few minutes to do all of that.

Another 5 minutes and she would have been out the door.
I am still in shock that some sick person could do this - let alone in a
matter of minutes.
The days are over when our little ones could run rampant all over the place
and nothing worse would happen than them annoying some people.

The little girl is fine. Thank God for the workers who didn't take any
> Thanks and Best Regards.

േസ്നഹേത്താെട ജഗ്ഗു :)
With Love JaGGu :)*

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