*Pilot refuses to fly faulty plane, A.I grounds him*

*http://www.hindustantimes.com/ StoryPage/ StoryPage. aspx?id=1cebbab0
-b9ad-4498- 9477-ee23e3fdd43

A possible Air France-like disaster was averted by a firm Air India pilot.
But instead of lauding him, the Air India management grounded him and
stopped his salary.  The pilot, Captain NK Beri was grounded after he
refused to fly flight number AI-822 from Riyadh to Mumbai after the aircraft
developed a technical snag on May 27.

The pilot declined to operate the aircraft with over 300 passengers on board
despite Air India ’s top officials mounting pressure on him. A baffled Air
India , which feels the airline “incurred heavy monetary losses and was
subjected to an embarrassment” due to the episode, has issued a show cause
notice to Capt Beri, the captain of the Boeing 747-400.

The airline has stopped payment of his salary and declared him “not
available for flying duties”. A show cause notice issued by Air India
executive director (Operations- II) Capt Rakesh Anand said the action on the
part of Capt Beri caused 24 hours delay in the departure of the flight from
Riyadh .

Capt Beri told HT he had refused to operate the flight in the night with
landing gear down, said “I didn’t want to risk the lives of so many
passengers. Flying an aircraft with landing gear down at night is against
the DGCA (Directorate General of Civil Aviation) regulations.” A senior
technical examiner of Boeing 747-400 aircraft, told HT on condition of
anonymity, “When the gear is down, the aircraft’s performance gets severely
compromised — it can’t go to higher altitudes, fuel consumption increases
manifold, speed gets considerably reduced and it’s not easy to avoid harsh
weather conditions. Nobody should insist that a pilot fly such aircraft at

The flight developed a problem in the landing gear soon after take-off. The
pilot-in-command, Capt Beri, informed Air Traffic Control that the
aircraft's landing gear was not going up and he would have to return to
Riyadh .
Surprisingly, he was asked to bring the flight to Mumbai with all passengers
on board by Air India officials. But Capt Beri refused.

The episode, which took place four days before an Air France aircraft from
Rio de Janeiro to Paris crashed, killing 228 passengers on board on May 31,
and has raised questions about Air India’s concern for passenger safety.
Air India chairman-cum- managing director Arvind Jadhav, 53, was not
available for comment.

*േസ്നഹേത്താെട ജഗ്ഗു :)
With Love JaGGu :)

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