*How to achieve good vision while driving during a heavy *
*downpour.  We are not sure why it is so effective; just try this  method
when it rains heavily.

This method was told by a Policeman who had **experienced  and confirmed
it.   *
*It is useful...even driving at night.

**Most of the motorists would turn on HIGH or FASTEST SPEED **of the wipers
during heavy downpour, yet the visibility in front of the  **windscreen is
still bad...... *

*In the event you face such a situation, just try your SUN *
*GLASSES (any model will do), and miracle! *
*All of a sudden, your visibility in front of your *
*windscreen is perfectly clear, as if there is no rain. *

*Make sure you always have a pair of SUN GLASSES in your *
*car, as you are not  only helping yourself to drive safely with good
vision, but **also might save your friend's life by giving him this idea.. *
*  *
*Try it yourself and share it with your friends!??? *
*Amazing, you still see the drops on the windshield , *
*but not the sheet of rain falling.? You can see where the *
*rain bounces off the road.? It works to eliminate the *
*"blindness" from passing semi's spraying you too.? Or the *
*"kickup" if you are following a semi or car in the rain.? *
*They ought to teach that little tip in driver's training. It *
*really does work.** *

Happy Onam :D

ഹാപ്പി ഓണം
േസ്നഹേത്താെട ജഗ്ഗു :)
With Love JaGGu :)

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