Let's see how the speed goes as we keep accumulating trials. If it becomes a problem, we can re-examine pruning. But unless it becomes a problem, let's just keep the philosophy of "keep everything".

Disk space is cheap. Hopefully, dbv3 will let us store arbitrary amounts of data with no loss in performance. :-) :-) :-)

On Aug 28, 2007, at 11:26 AM, Ethan Mallove wrote:

Are we not going to prune "trial" results in the new schema?
We previously pruned trial results to improve query speed,
but for small date range intervals this might not be
worthwhile with the new schema. Also, I assume a "trial" MPI
install could key to a "non-trial" test build, which would
mean we can only prune out test runs if we decide to prune
at all.

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Cisco Systems

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