
I had this wacky idea the other day.

I have a collection of scripts that I've accumulated to run
MTT with parameter combinations that MTT does not iterate on
(see #245). E.g., I have a dozen or so scripts that do
variations on something like this:

  Do a 32-bit mtt run with compiler X, on 2 nodes
  Do a 32-bit mtt run with compiler Y, on 2 nodes
  Do a 64-bit mtt run with compiler X, on 2 nodes
  Do a 64-bit mtt run with compiler Y, on 2 nodes
  Do a 32-bit mtt run with compiler X, on 1 node
  Do a 32-bit mtt run with compiler Y, on 1 node
  Do a 64-bit mtt run with compiler X, on 1 node
  Do a 64-bit mtt run with compiler Y, on 1 node

So I thought, "can I somehow harness xargs to do this
instead of creating another shell script every time I have
another testing combination I want to run?" xargs doesn't
seem powerful enough. Then I realized that the MTT run
engine *itself* does exactly what I want. Xargs on steroids.
So I created the following "MPI" details section to get MTT
to run itself:

  [MPI Details: test-matrix]
  exec = <<EOT
        --file @INI_NAME@
        --section "mpi.get.*ompi-nightly-trunk mtt mpi.details.*open.mpi 
reporter.*iu.database mpi.install.*autotools ..."
        prepend_path="PATH /path/to/my/compiler/@compiler@"

  bitness = &enumerate(32,64)
  run_on_single_node = &enumerate(0, 1)
  compiler = &enumerate("A", "B")

The above expands to 8 MTT runs (2 compilers x 2 bitnesses x
2 hostlists). Then, I had to fake MTT out in order to *use*
the run engine. So I created some modules that do
nothing but scoot MTT along to the RunEngine phase:

  [MPI get: noop]
  # Fill this in from the command line
  mpi_details =
  module = Noop
  [MPI install: noop]
  mpi_get = noop
  module = Noop
  [Test get: noop]
  module = Noop
  [Test build: noop]
  test_get = noop
  module = Noop
  [Test run: noop]
  test_build = noop
  module = Noop
  timeout = -1

Finally, I can kick off a series of MTT runs like this:

  $ client/mtt --section "noop test-matrix" mpi_details=test-matrix

What do you think? 

I'd like to make this use case even easier. E.g., create a
--run-engine (?) option for the specific purpose of skipping
all the phases in order to simply execute commands. Or maybe
there is another tool to do what I am trying to do?  In
which case, this has been an exercise :-)


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