You have to "module load osl merurial" in your shell startup files somewhere for hg to work on milliways.

On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:15 PM, Ethan Mallove wrote:

On Fri, Mar/13/2009 02:19:24PM, Josh Hursey wrote:
> I just pushed a final draft to the repository. I'll probably plan on
> submitting at 2:30/2:45. Let me know if you have any edits before then
> either through email or IM.

Where's the repo? I'm looking at the .txt file in ~jsquyres/hg/gsoc,
but it looks incomplete. Does milliways have "hg" somewhere? (I'm
trying to find the parent repo using "hg out".)


> Cheers,
> Josh
> On Mar 13, 2009, at 12:11 PM, Josh Hursey wrote:
>> I finished a first pass at cleaning up the Ideas page on the Wiki. All of
>> the ideas were preserved, just some rewording and formatting.
>> If you get a chance, read through this and make sure the text sounds ok
>> (feel free to clean the text up as necessary).
>> The application is due by 3 pm EST. So I hope to have the application
>> ready by 2ish. I'll move onto the application itself now.
>> -- Josh
>> On Mar 12, 2009, at 4:43 PM, Josh Hursey wrote:
>>> Jeff is going to take the first pass at the application.
>>> I am going to go through the Idea page on the wiki and polish a bit:
>>> I'll let folks know when I'm done, and we can start iterating on drafts.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Josh
>>> On Mar 12, 2009, at 4:08 PM, Jeff Squyres wrote:
>>>> I've created a quick-n-dirty hg to collaborate on the GSOC application. >>>> There's a web form to fill out to apply, so let's work on a .txt file in
>>>> the hg to get it right.
>>>> We have until 3pm US Eastern time tomorrow to submit. Here's the HG:
>>>>    ssh://
>>>> I've put the PDF there for now; I'll kruft up a quick .txt shortly and
>>>> push it there as well.
>>>> --
>>>> Jeff Squyres
>>>> Cisco Systems
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Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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