On Thu, Mar/19/2009 09:17:29PM, Mike Dubman wrote:
>    Hello Eithan,
>    Thanks for info, will refactor it.
>    from http://www.netlib.org/benchmark/hpl/
>    ...
>    HPL is a software package that solves a (random) dense linear
>    system in double precision (64 bits) arithmetic on
>    distributed-memory computers. It can thus be regarded as a
>    portable as well as freely available implementation of the High
>    Performance Computing Linpack Benchmark.
>    The HPL package provides a testing and timing program to quantify
>    the accuracy of the obtained solution as well as the time it took
>    to compute it
>    ...
>    Where do you think is a good place to keep parsers for other then
>    lat/bw based mpi benchmarks? I think we can have a collection of
>    such parsers in the mtt and at some point we can enhance mtt
>    reports with other metrics.
>    What do you think?

Sounds like a nice enhancement.  I think just assigning this parser
its own "test_type" will be helpful for now (and I have no thoughts on
what to call it).  When the server-side submit PHP script is ready to
handle non-latency/bandwidth test data, we can split out the
client-side Analyze/Performance directory.


>    On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 8:22 PM, Ethan Mallove <ethan.mall...@sun.com>
>    wrote:
>      Hi Mike,
>      Is HPL a latency and/or bandwidth performance test? *All the Analyze
>      plug-ins in lib/MTT/Test/Analyze/Performance are for latency/bandwidth
>      tests, which means they can then be rendered as graphs in the MTT
>      Reporter. *All of these plug-ins are required to output at least one
>      of the following:
>      *latency_avg
>      *latency_min
>      *latency_max
>      *bandwidth_avg
>      *bandwidth_min
>      *bandwidth_max
>      They all contain this:
>      *$report->{test_type} = 'latency_bandwidth';
>      HPL.pm should have a line like this somewhere:
>      *$report->{test_type} = 'tv_gflops';
>      Maybe HPL.pm could go into a different directory or have a comment
>      somewhere to clear up this confusion.
>      Regards,
>      Ethan
>      On Thu, Mar/19/2009 02:11:05AM, mi...@osl.iu.edu wrote:
>      > Author: miked
>      > Date: 2009-03-19 02:11:04 EDT (Thu, 19 Mar 2009)
>      > New Revision: 1273
>      > URL: https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/mtt/changeset/1273
>      >
>      > Log:
>      > HPL analyzer added
>      >
>      > Added:
>      > * *trunk/lib/MTT/Test/Analyze/Performance/HPL.pm
>      >
>      > Added: trunk/lib/MTT/Test/Analyze/Performance/HPL.pm
>      >
> ==============================================================================
>      > --- (empty file)
>      > +++ trunk/lib/MTT/Test/Analyze/Performance/HPL.pm * * 2009-03-19
>      02:11:04 EDT (Thu, 19 Mar 2009)
>      > @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
>      > +#!/usr/bin/env perl
>      > +#
>      > +# Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. *All rights
>      reserved.
>      > +# Copyright (c) 2007 * * *Voltaire *All rights reserved.
>      > +# $COPYRIGHT$
>      > +#
>      > +# Additional copyrights may follow
>      > +#
>      > +# $HEADER$
>      > +#
>      > +
>      > +package MTT::Test::Analyze::Performance::HPL;
>      > +use strict;
>      > +use Data::Dumper;
>      > +#use MTT::Messages;
>      > +
>      > +# Process the result_stdout emitted from one of hpl tests
>      > +sub Analyze {
>      > +
>      > + * *my($result_stdout) = @_;
>      > + * *my $report;
>      > + * *my(@t_v,
>      > + * * * @time,
>      > + * * * @gflops);
>      > +
>      > +$report->{test_name}="HPL";
>      > + * *my @lines = split(/\n|\r/, $result_stdout);
>      > + * *# Sample result_stdout:
>      > +#- The matrix A is randomly generated for each test.
>      > +#- The following scaled residual check will be computed:
>      > +# * * *||Ax-b||_oo / ( eps * ( || x ||_oo * || A ||_oo + || b ||_oo )
>      * N )
>      > +#- The relative machine precision (eps) is taken to be * * * * * * *
>      1.110223e-16
>      > +#- Computational tests pass if scaled residuals are less than * * * *
>      * * * *16.0
>      >
> +#================================================================================
>      > +#T/V * * * * * * * *N * *NB * * P * * Q * * * * * * * Time * * * * *
>      * * * Gflops
>      >
> +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      > +#WR00L2L2 * * * 29184 * 128 * * 2 * * 4 * * * * * 15596.86 * * * * *
>      * *1.063e+00
>      >
> +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      > +#||Ax-b||_oo/(eps*(||A||_oo*||x||_oo+||b||_oo)*N)= * * * *0.0008986
>      ...... PASSED
>      >
> +#================================================================================
>      > +#T/V * * * * * * * *N * *NB * * P * * Q * * * * * * * Time * * * * *
>      * * * Gflops
>      >
> +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      > +#WR00L2L4 * * * 29184 * 128 * * 2 * * 4 * * * * * 15251.81 * * * * *
>      * *1.087e+00
>      > + * *my $line;
>      > + * *while (defined($line = shift(@lines))) {
>      > + * * * *#WR00L2L2 * * * 29184 * 128 * * 2 * * 4 * * * * * 15596.86 *
>      * * * * * *1.063e+00
>      > + * * * *if ($line =~
>      m/^(\S+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d+[\.\d]+)\s+(\S+)/) {
>      > + * * * * * *push(@t_v, $1);
>      > + * * * * * *push(@time, $2);
>      > + * * * * * *push(@gflops, $3);
>      > + * * * *}
>      > + * *}
>      > +
>      > + * * *# Postgres uses brackets for array insertion
>      > + * *# (see postgresql.org/docs/7.4/interactive/arrays.html)
>      > + * *$report->{tv} * = "{" . join(",", @t_v) . "}";
>      > + * *$report->{time} * = "{" . join(",", @time) . "}";
>      > + * *$report->{gflops} * = "{" . join(",", @gflops) . "}";
>      > + * *return $report;
>      > +}
>      > +
>      > +1;
>      > +
>      > _______________________________________________
>      > mtt-svn mailing list
>      > mtt-...@open-mpi.org
>      > http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-svn
> References
>    Visible links
>    . http://www.netlib.org/benchmark/hpl/
>    . mailto:ethan.mall...@sun.com
>    . mailto:mi...@osl.iu.edu
>    . https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/mtt/changeset/1273
>    . http://postgresql.org/docs/7.4/interactive/arrays.html
>    . mailto:mtt-...@open-mpi.org
>    . http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-svn

> _______________________________________________
> mtt-devel mailing list
> mtt-de...@open-mpi.org
> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-devel

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