On Feb 5, 2010, at 4:56 AM, Igor Ivanov wrote:

> Thank you to start playing with one. I hope you find it is useful.
> I am trying to answer questions you raised. 

Thanks!  Sorry for the delay in my answering -- got caught up in other stuff... 

> 1. Yes, you are correct. The implementation uses google account authorization 
> way to access web page only. Client applications use separate approach to 
> communicate with datastore.
> It is difficult to say what way is better from my point of view. In both ways 
> we need to manage list of valid accounts to answer "is this username/password 
> combo valid?" (Google does not do this task instead of us) and send 
> username/password information from a client to application. Visible 
> preference could exist in case web usage that was not main goal.


FWIW, I think it would be (slightly) easier if we don't have to manage users' 
passwords on the appspot.  If the MTT client can just submit using a regular 
google account username+password, that would be one less thing to have to 
manage.  I guess I'm a little burned out from our current MTT setup where 
people had to bug me to reset their passwords (in a local .htaccess file) 
whenever they lost/forgot them.  :-)

All things being equal, you're right, of course -- a) we still have to maintain 
a list of google accounts who are allowed to submit/access/whatever, b) we 
still have to ship off a username/password combo and ask if it's valid.  But 
eliminating that password column from our data, IMHO, represents pushing off 
all account management to Google.  

Is it hard to redirect the appspot lookup to use google account names + 

> 2. Current implementation of datastore environment is oriented on client 
> usage way mostly and does not grant users rich web possibility. Existing web 
> form can be considered as instrument for an administrator now.

Gotcha.  Someday someone with lots of time can write a glitzy web 2.0 
interface.  ;-)

> There is special command line utility that allows to communicate with 
> datastore as bquery.pl located at <mtt root>/src/client. It is able to do 
> query data from datastore and view different information on console using 
> extended (more close to sql) gql syntax that is implemented for users 
> comfort. More detail information can be got from document as 
> http://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/mtt/trunk/docs/gds/VBench_bquery.doc
> For example: 
> to get information related mpi install following command line can be used
> $ ./bquery.pl --username=<username> --password=<password> 
> --server=http://<appid>.appspot.com
> --view --gqls="select description, mpi_path from MpiInstallPhase where 
> duration=1" --format=txt
> description                          mpi_path
> ----------------------------------   ----------------
> Voltaire already installed MPI+OMA   /opt/openmpi/1.3
> ...

Nifty -- I'll go play with this...

> 3. In case we can collect all needed information about cluster using 
> transparent way we should do it. ClusterInfo.pm is attempt to get info in one 
> place in clear manner.

I ask because many of the assumptions in ClusterInfo.pm are not valid for my 

> 4. You are right it can be done.

If you don't care, and since I'm the one making such an annoying request, I'll 
be happy to do the work for this one.  :-)

> 5. Results are cached to keep link information between "test build" ->"mpi 
> install"; "test run"->"test build" ->"mpi install" phases.

Ah -- I see.  In the SQL submitter, when we submit each phase, we get an ID 
back to use for the next linked phase (e.g., the mpi install submit returns an 
ID that is used with a corresponding test build submit, etc.).  Is that not 
possible here?  I.e., can a submit return an ID to be used with the next submit?

I ask for two reasons:

1. When running a huge number of tests in MTT (like I do), it is useful to see 
the results start appearing in the database gradually over time rather than 
having to wait (potentially) many hours for all the results to appear at once.

2. I actually run OMPI testing in two phases at Cisco:

   a. (mpi get + mpi install + test get + test build) for ~25 different mpi 
install sections
   b. as each one of those finish, launch test run phases for each, with either 
~10 or ~25 mpi details variants (depending on the specific mpi install)

   Specifically, I execute each of my test_run phases separately from all the 
other phases (because I have lots of them running in parallel for a given mpi 
install).  Hence, the test run phase needs to be able to run long after all the 
other phase results were submitted.

I believe IU and Sun do similar things (although our MTT setups are quite 
different from each other, I think we have all separated the 
get/install/get/build stuff from test runs).

> 6. Could you send detail info about the issue (ini-file, mtt.log with verbose 
> info and command line), we will look on that.

Let me reproduce and simplify; I was using a fairly complex ini file...  


Jeff Squyres

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