Weird. I was able to reproduce. I suspect that there is probably a bug
somewhere in the uglier magic in the reporter. It is tricky the way
the reporter handles multiple pages of results. Unfortunately, I don't
think anyone understands that code any more (it -really- needs to be

I'm not sure what to say except thanks for reporting the bug, and
hopefully we can fix it in the future when we revamp the reporter
code. Can you put this in MTT's Trac? So if we get around to it again
we can make sure to fix it.

-- Josh

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Eugene Loh <> wrote:
> I seem to get unreliable results from MTT queries.
> To reproduce:
> - go to
> - click on "Test run"
> - for "Date range:" enter "2012-03-23 00:30:00 - 2012-03-23 23:55:00"
> - for "Org:" enter "oracle"
> - for "Platform name:" enter "t2k-0"
> - for "Suite:" enter "ibm-32"
> - click on "Summary"
> - click on "Detail"
> The summary indicates there are 193 passes and 6 skips.  The detail shows
> 199 results distributed over two pages, 1-100 on one page and 101-199 on the
> next.  The total (199=193+6) is correct, but I think the second page is
> suspect.  It includes "Date range" output (which is nice, but I didn't ask
> for it and I think is a symptom of what's going wrong here).  That second
> page includes some repeats from the first page (e.g., "00_create" and
> "00_create_cxx"), etc.  Because the total (199) is correct and because there
> are repeats, other results are missing entirely.  Another indication that
> there is a problem is that there are only three skipped tests in the
> "detail" view but six in the summary.  (I believe the summary.)
> Before I click on "Detail", I can go to "Preferences" and set the number of
> rows per page to be 200.  Doing so and then clicking on "Detail", the
> repeats (00_create, 00_create_cxx, and others) disappear and the number of
> Skipped tests is correct.
> So, the problem seems to be with distributing results over multiple pages.
> _______________________________________________
> mtt-devel mailing list

Joshua Hursey
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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