IU / HLRS -- How's it going?  I see a bunch of submits from you guys in the
database, so I assume things are running smoothly.  But let me know one way
or another.

We have a bunch of improvements waiting in the wings:

1. The version that you are using makes N connections to the IU web server
to submit N results (i.e., one connection per result).  This is not a
problem for many people, but I kept getting cutoff by the Cisco web proxies
because they thought MTT was a worm.  So I implemented "bulk submit",
meaning that results are gathered up (essentially a test run section at a
time) and submitted in one connection to the database.  Not only does this
make MTT not look like a worm, it's a bit more efficient (which is not a
necessarily primary concern, but it is a Good Thing).

We need to coordinate when to deploy this to you because it affects both the
"mtt" client and the PHP at the URL that you are submitting to.  More
details to come on this.  I realize that you guys apparently don't *need*
this, but a) I do, and b) others might when we deploy MTT to the entire

2. Various bug fixes have been committed to the release branch over the last
week as a direct result of your feedback.  Keep the comments coming!

3. Sun is actively working on reporting the data in spiffy web pages.  Stay
tuned on this front.

Jeff Squyres
Server Virtualization Business Unit
Cisco Systems

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