Looking over Len's minutes from yesterday, I see that there was a bunch of discussion about MTT on the OMPI teleconf yesterday, but neither Ethan nor I were there to be a part of it. :-\

I couldn't make much sense from Len's minutes:

- having some trouble with MTT config, so will try to look more
  closely at some of these failures
- instead of e-mails sending them to the testing at MTT list
- plenty of internal IU e-mail, better to have one summary e-mail
  each day
- cannot send a summary
- send to mtt list and digest it
- or you can just file bugs
- can't use mtt web site to get the info

What is IU requesting? Who can't use the MTT web site to get info? What info are you trying to get / why can't you get it?

Should we have a teleconf about MTT stuff?

I'm on travel and unavailable all today, but have time tomorrow (Thurs).

Jeff Squyres
Server Virtualization Business Unit
Cisco Systems

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