
I've done a few things to address the mismatched
configuration/results that Tim originally reported. That is,
I cleaned out the corrupted records, removed a race
condition, and made mtt print out SQL errors. As I have not
had success reproducing the issue on my own, I would greatly
appreciate it if you could forward me (and/or the list) any
output from the client that you see which looks something
like this:

    # 1 MTTDatabase server error
    # The data that failed to submit is in *.txt
    # See the above output for more info.


On Sun, Nov/12/2006 05:34:23PM, Tim Mattox wrote:
> Hello,
> I just noticed that the MTT summary page is presenting
> incorrect information for our recent runs at IU.  It is
> showing failures for the 1.2b1 that actaully came from the
> trunk!  See the first entry in this table:
> Click on the [i] in the upper right (the first entry) to get the popup
> window which shows the MPIRrun cmd as:
> mpirun -mca btl tcp,sm,self -np 6 --prefix
> /san/homedirs/mpiteam/mtt-runs/odin/20061112-Testing-NOCLN/parallel-block-3/installs/ompi-nightly-trunk/odin_64_bit_gcc/1.3a1r12559/install
> dynamic/spawn
> Note the path has "1.3a1r12559" in the name... it's a run
> from the trunk, yet the table showed this as a 1.2b1 run.
> There are several of these missattributed errors.
> This would explain why Jeff saw some ddt errors on the 1.2
> brach yesterday, but was unable to reproduce them.  They
> were from the trunk!
> -- 
> Tim Mattox -
> ||
>     I'm a bright...
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