On Sep 5, 2007, at 3:00 AM, Shai Venter wrote:

1. If I wanted to compile and do some benchmarking and stress tests over MPICH2 (got their latest version download) can I accomplish that with MTT?

I have just recently added support for several other MPI's, including MPICH2 (did you really mean MVAPICH2? I added support for that as well) in a development branch that we are just about to merge into the trunk. We'll then be deploying this new version out to the OMPI core testing group within a week or two.

However, you're free to use this branch now.  Get a checkout of:


There is a sample/template INI file for the OMPI collective performance bake-off that we're going to undertake shortly -- it has template sections for lots of different MPI's. Look at samples/ompi- core-perf-testing.ini. You'll see some SLURM-specific stuff because that's what I run on my cluster, but adapting it to use a hostfile / hostlist would not be difficult (especially if you have a fixed/known list of hosts in advance).

Note that the template INI file is a slightly different format than the INI files that are currently being used on the OMPI core nightly regression testing (meaning: we changed a few of the parsing rules). So don't start with a nightly regression testing INI file -- you must start from one of the samples on the jms-new-parser branch (every samples/*ini file on the jms-new-parser branch should be updated with the new formatting rules).

Does this help?  Let me know if you have further questions.

2. Not being an "OMPI core member", how do I download latest MTT and updates?

Actually, you are. :) Membership is by organization, not individuals, and Mellanox is a core Open MPI member.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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