Thanks for the info.
so I handled the ssl stuff (installed module locally and added "use lib <path to 
CRYPT::SSleys>" to client)
I am still having problems understanding what is going on.

The system I am running on uses PBS, but I wanted to use it in interactive mode so I wanted to specify hostfiles.
I am receiving the following warnings
Test run [netpipe]
Running with [ompi-nightly-v1.2] / [1.2.4b1r16141] /
   Using MPI Details [ompi] with MPI Install [ompi/gnu-standard]
   Total of 1 tests to run in this section
   Test: NPmpi, np=2, variant=1: Passed
*** WARNING: Unrecognized resource manager name (hostfile); the only
    permitted names are: "slurm tm loadleveler n1ge none unknown"; skipped
   Test: NPmpi, np=2, variant=2: Passed
*** WARNING: Unrecognized resource manager name (hostfile); the only
    permitted names are: "slurm tm loadleveler n1ge none unknown"; skipped
   Test: NPmpi, np=2, variant=3: Passed

What is causing this warning? (apart from the fact that hostfile is not known_resource_manager_names in What does it mean?
I think I should set resource manager to none - but I am not sure where.

I was able to submit trial results for NP to the database, but OSU tests are timing out.

On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, Jeff Squyres wrote:

On Sep 17, 2007, at 11:26 PM, Jelena Pjesivac-Grbovic wrote:

I am trying to set up mtt client for collectives on UTK clusters and I
received the following error
./client/mtt --scratch /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch/ \
    --file /home/pjesa/mtt/collective-bakeoff/samples/ompi-core-
perf-testing.ini \
    --verbose --print-time
*** MTT: ./client/mtt --scratch /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch/ --file
   --verbose --print-time
*** WARNING: Unable to read hostfile: /home/pjesa/machinefile  --

Note this error as well -- make sure that this hostfile exists.  If
you're running under Torque, you probably don't need a hostfile (I'm
not sure how well we've tested under Torque, but it won't be hard to
fix if there's a problem).

*** Reporter initializing
Initializing reporter module: MTTDatabase
    Set HTTP credentials for realm "OMPI"
*** WARNING: >> Failed test ping to MTTDatabase URL:
*** WARNING: >> Error was: 501 Protocol scheme 'https' is not
     (Crypt::SSLeay not installed)
     LWP will support https URLs if the Crypt::SSLeay module is
     More information at <
*** ERROR: Module aborted: MTT::Reporter::MTTDatabase:Init: ***
     Do not want to continue with possible bad submission URL --

It's not that MTT itself requires SSL, it's that the OMPI test
results submission URL https because a password is sent.

Sorry.  :-(

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

mtt-users mailing list

Jelena Pjesivac-Grbovic, Pjesa
Graduate Research Assistant
Innovative Computing Laboratory
Computer Science Department, UTK
Claxton Complex 350
(865) 974 - 6722 (865) 974 - 6321

"The only difference between a problem and a solution is that
 people understand the solution."
                                      -- Charles Kettering

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