On Dec 20, 2007, at 11:38 AM, Ethan Mallove wrote:

FYI: per my post to the OMPI devel list, I discovered the
"svnsync"  command yesterday.  svnsync allows you to
mirror an entire SVN  repository in a read-only fashion; I
mirrored the ompi-tests  repository locally at Cisco.  A
one-line cron job keeps my ompi-tests SVN repo mirror up
to date every night.

Can you post that crontab?

It's just

0 19 * * * . $HOME/.bashrc ; svnsync sync 

(repeated for the other SVN repo's I'm mirroring)

See the SVN book docs for svnsync -- they discuss how to setup a local repo for mirroring with svnsync (there's a few steps you have to do to set it up).

Hence, my SVN checkouts are no longer  serialized -- which
had been causing significant delays when the "test  get"
phases of many MTT jobs were running at more-or-less the
same time.

If I see this:

$ ls /foo
README.txt conf dav db format hooks locks

How do I "svn checkout" from /foo using a "file:" URL?

svn co file:///foo

A file:// URL is just like an http[s]:// URL -- just put the absolute directory name after it (to include the leading "/" -- so a file URL will have 3 /'s).

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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