On Thu, 2009-04-09 at 16:05 -0400, Ethan Mallove wrote:
> On Wed, Apr/08/2009 05:05:30PM, Rafael Folco wrote:
> > Ethan, Jeff,
> > 
> > Sorry for the perl confusion, nevermind...
> > 
> > Below is attached the log and ini files, and also how I run MTT.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Rafael
> > 
> > 
> > client/mtt -d -v -p -f openmpi.ini 2>&1 |tee test.log
> > 
> > ...
> > 
> > 
> > *** Run test phase starting
> > >> Test run [trivial]
> > Evaluating: trivial
> > Found a match! trivial [trivial
> > Evaluating: Simple
> > >> Running with [openmpi-1.2.8] / [1.2.8] / [openmpi-1.2.8]
> > Found MPI details: [mpi details: open mpi]
> > Using [mpi details: open mpi] with [MPI Install: openmpi-1.2.8]
> > Evaluating: # We can exit if the test passed or was skipped (i.e.,
> > there's
> >    no need
> >    # to cleanup).
> >    if test "$MTT_TEST_RUN_RESULT" = "passed" -o "$MTT_TEST_RUN_RESULT" =
> >    "skipped"; then
> >        exit 0
> >    fi
> >    
> >    if test "$MTT_TEST_HOSTFILE" != ""; then
> >        args="--hostfile $MTT_TEST_HOSTFILE"
> >    elif test "$MTT_TEST_HOSTLIST" != ""; then
> >        args="--host $MTT_TEST_HOSTLIST"
> >    fi
> >    orterun $args -np $MTT_TEST_NP --prefix $MTT_TEST_PREFIX
> >    mtt_ompi_cleanup.pl
> > Got final exec: mpirun &if(&have_hostfile(), "&join("--hostfile ",
> >    "&hostfile()")",         "&if(&have_hostlist(), "&join("--host ",
> >    "&hostlist()")", "")") -np &test_np() --mca btl openib,self --debug
> >    --prefix &test_prefix() &test_executable() &test_argv()
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/trivial/test_get__trivial
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Specify::Simple
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Specify::Simple::Specify(@args)
> > Evaluating: &find_executables(".")
> > Got name: find_executables
> > Got args: "."
> > _do: $ret = MTT::Values::Functions::find_executables(".")
> > &find_executables got .
> > &find_exectuables returning: ./c_ring ./f77_ring ./f90_hello ./cxx_ring
> >    ./f77_hello ./cxx_hello ./f90_ring ./c_hello
> > *** ERROR: Module aborted: MTT::Test::Specify::Simple:Specify: Can't use
> >     string ("8") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at
> >     /tmp/ompi-core-testers/lib/MTT/Values.pm line 75.
> You see this in both the "trunk" and "ompi-core-testers"? I think this 
> problem with array references was ironed out in the trunk.

No. I see this error on ompi-core only. It looks like my INI file is not
compliant with trunk. I've already tried on trunk and the Run phase is
ignored. I'll take a look at the documentation to see what I am doing


> -Ethan
> > 
> > On Wed, 2009-04-08 at 14:15 -0400, Ethan Mallove wrote:
> > > On Wed, Apr/08/2009 11:36:05AM, Rafael Folco wrote:
> > > > Well, I took a look at /tmp/ompi-core-testers/lib/MTT/Values.pm line 75.
> > > > 
> > > > This piece of code looks wrong to me:
> > > > 
> > > >  if ($#{@$ret} < 0) {
> > > > 
> > > > $ret references an array
> > > > @$ret points to the first element of this array
> > > > $# returns the number of elements
> > > > 
> > > > So this line is trying to count elements of the first element??! Doesn't
> > > > make sense. Correct me if I am wrong, what am I missing here ?
> > > > 
> > > > "if ($#{$ret} < 0) {" would be correct, without @. 
> > > > 
> > > > I believe "strict refs" has been forced somewhere on SLES11... I also
> > > > tried on other distro and it works fine.
> > > 
> > > How do perl -V differ between the two distros?
> > > 
> > > I can not reproduce the error on a SLES 10 machine.
> > > 
> > > Could you run MTT with the --debug option and send the output with the
> > > line 75 perl error? That might help me determine which INI param is
> > > responsible for the error.
> > > 
> > > -Ethan
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > 
> > > > Rafael
> > > > 
> > > > On Tue, 2009-04-07 at 15:53 -0300, Rafael Folco wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > 
> > > > > I'm trying to run MTT on SLES11, but I am getting an error message
> > > > > during the RUN phase and I can't figure out what is the problem.
> > > > > 
> > > > > *** ERROR: Module aborted: MTT::Test::Specify::Simple:Specify: Can't 
> > > > > use
> > > > >     string ("183") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at
> > > > >     /tmp/ompi-core-testers/lib/MTT/Values.pm line 75.
> > > > > 
> > > > > What I could see was that this error is nothing specific to any
> > > > > particular test, it happens at certain points during the RUN phase.
> > > > > Also, the BUILD phase has been completed successfully for all tests.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Anybody have already seen this? Any thoughts ?
> > > > > 
> > > > > Thanks in advance.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Rafael
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > -- 
> > > > Rafael Folco
> > > > OpenHPC / Test Lead
> > > > IBM Linux Technology Center
> > > > E-Mail: rfo...@linux.vnet.ibm.com
> > > > 
> > > > _______________________________________________
> > > > mtt-users mailing list
> > > > mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
> > > > http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
> > 
> > -- 
> > Rafael Folco
> > OpenHPC / Test Lead
> > IBM Linux Technology Center
> > E-Mail: rfo...@linux.vnet.ibm.com
> > #======================================================================
> > # Overall configuration
> > #======================================================================
> > 
> > [MTT]
> > 
> > # OMPI Core: if you are not running in a scheduled environment and you
> > # have a fixed hostfile for what nodes you'll be running on, fill in
> > # the absolute pathname to it here.  If you do not have a hostfile,
> > # leave it empty.  Example:
> > #     hostfile = /home/me/mtt-runs/mtt-hostfile
> > # This file will be parsed and will automatically set a valid value
> > # for &env_max_np() (it'll count the number of lines in the hostfile,
> > # adding slots/cpu counts if it finds them).  The "hostfile" value is
> > # ignored if you are running in a recognized scheduled environment.
> > hostfile =
> > 
> > # OMPI Core: if you would rather list the hosts individually on the
> > # mpirun command line, list hosts here delimited by whitespace (if you
> > # have a hostfile listed above, this value will be ignored!).  Hosts
> > # can optionally be suffixed with ":num", where "num" is an integer
> > # indicating how many processes may be started on that machine (if not
> > # specified, ":1" is assumed).  The sum of all of these values is used
> > # for &env_max_np() at run time.  Example (4 uniprocessors):
> > #    hostlist = node1 node2 node3 node4
> > # Another example (4 2-way SMPs):
> > #    hostlist = node1:2 node2:2 node3:2 node4:2
> > # The "hostlist" value is ignored if you are running in a scheduled
> > # environment or if you have specified a hostfile.
> > hostlist = cluster-ib-6 cluster-ib-7
> > 
> > # OMPI Core: if you are running in a scheduled environment and want to
> > # override the scheduler and set the maximum number of processes
> > # returned by &env_max_procs(), you can fill in an integer here.
> > max_np = 
> > 
> > # OMPI Core: Output display preference; the default width at which MTT
> > # output will wrap.
> > textwrap = 76
> > 
> > # OMPI Core: After the timeout for a command has passed, wait this
> > # many additional seconds to drain all output, and then kill it with
> > # extreme prejiduce.
> > drain_timeout = 5
> > 
> > # OMPI Core: Whether this invocation of the client is a test of the
> > # client setup itself.  Specifically, this value should be set to true
> > # (1) if you are testing your MTT client and/or INI file and do not
> > # want the results included in normal reporting in the MTT central
> > # results database.  Results submitted in "trial" mode are not
> > # viewable (by default) on the central database, and are automatically
> > # deleted from the database after a short time period (e.g., a week).
> > # Setting this value to 1 is exactly equivalent to passing "--trial"
> > # on the MTT client command line.  However, any value specified here
> > # in this INI file will override the "--trial" setting on the command
> > # line (i.e., if you set "trial = 0" here in the INI file, that will
> > # override and cancel the effect of "--trial" on the command line).
> > trial = 1
> > 
> > # OMPI Core: Set the scratch parameter here (if you do not want it to
> > # be automatically set to your current working directory). Setting
> > # this parameter accomplishes the same thing that the --scratch option
> > # does.
> > # scratch = &getenv("HOME")/mtt-scratch
> > 
> > # OMPI Core: Set local_username here if you would prefer to not have
> > # your local user ID in the MTT database
> > local_username = root 
> > 
> > # OMPI Core: --force can be set here, instead of at the command line.
> > # Useful for a developer workspace in which it makes no sense to not
> > # use --force
> > force = 1
> > 
> > logfile = &getenv("HOME")/mtt.log
> > 
> > #======================================================================
> > # MPI run details
> > #======================================================================
> > 
> > [MPI Details: Open MPI]
> > exec = mpirun @hosts@ -np &test_np() --mca btl openib,self --debug --prefix 
> > &test_prefix() &test_executable() &test_argv()
> > 
> > # Yes, all these quotes are necessary.  Don't mess with them!
> > hosts = &if(&have_hostfile(), "&join("--hostfile ", "&hostfile()")", \
> >             "&if(&have_hostlist(), "&join("--host ", "&hostlist()")", "")")
> > 
> > # Example showing conditional substitution based on the MPI get
> > # section name (e.g., different versions of OMPI have different
> > # capabilities / bugs).
> > mca = &enumerate( \
> >         "--mca btl sm,tcp,self@v1_1_mca_params@", \
> >         "--mca btl tcp,self@v1_1_mca_params@")
> > 
> > # OMPI v1.1 cannot handle heterogeneous numbers of TCP or OpenIB
> > # interfaces within a single job.  So restrict it to a finite number
> > # that will be the same across all processes in the job (adjust for
> > # your own site, of course -- this particular example is meaningless
> > # if all nodes at your site have a homogeneous type and number of
> > # network interfaces).
> > v1_1_mca_params = &if(&eq("&mpi_get_name()", "ompi-nightly-v1.1"), \
> >         " --mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 --mca oob_tcp_if_include eth0 --mca 
> > btl_openib_max_btls 1", "")
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > # Given that part of what we are testing is ORTE itself, using orterun
> > # to launch something to cleanup can be problematic.  We *HIGHLY*
> > # recommend that you replace the after_each_exec section default value
> > # below with something that your run-time system can performan
> > # natively.  For example, putting "srun -N $SLURM_NNODES killall -9
> > # mpirun orted &test_executable()" works nicely on SLURM / Linux
> > # systems -- assuming that your MTT run has all nodes exclusively to
> > # itself (i.e., that the "killall" won't kill some legitimate jobs).
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > # A helper script is installed by the "OMPI" MPI Install module named
> > # "mtt_ompi_cleanup.pl".  This script is orterun-able and will kill
> > # all rogue orteds on a node and whack any session directories.
> > # Invoke via orterun just to emphasize that it is not an MPI
> > # application.  The helper script is installed in OMPI's bin dir, so
> > # it'll automatically be found in the path (because OMPI's bin dir is
> > # in the path).
> > 
> > after_each_exec = <<EOT
> > # We can exit if the test passed or was skipped (i.e., there's no need
> > # to cleanup).
> > if test "$MTT_TEST_RUN_RESULT" = "passed" -o "$MTT_TEST_RUN_RESULT" = 
> > "skipped"; then
> >     exit 0
> > fi
> > 
> > if test "$MTT_TEST_HOSTFILE" != ""; then
> >     args="--hostfile $MTT_TEST_HOSTFILE"
> > elif test "$MTT_TEST_HOSTLIST" != ""; then
> >     args="--host $MTT_TEST_HOSTLIST"
> > fi
> > orterun $args -np $MTT_TEST_NP --prefix $MTT_TEST_PREFIX mtt_ompi_cleanup.pl
> > EOT
> > 
> > [MPI get: openmpi-1.2.8]
> > mpi_details = openmpi-1.2.8
> > alreadyinstalled_dir = /usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi
> > module = AlreadyInstalled
> > 
> > [MPI install: openmpi-1.2.8]
> > module = Analyze::OMPI
> > mpi_get = openmpi-1.2.8
> > 
> > #======================================================================
> > # Test get phase
> > #======================================================================
> > 
> > [Test get: trivial]
> > module = Trivial
> >  
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [Test get: ibm]
> > module = SVN
> > svn_username = ******
> > svn_password = ******
> > svn_url = https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/ibm
> > svn_post_export = <<EOT
> > ./autogen.sh
> > EOT
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [Test get: onesided]
> > module = SVN
> > svn_username = ******
> > svn_password = ******
> > svn_url = https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/onesided
> > svn_post_export = <<EOT
> > ./autogen.sh
> > EOT
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [Test get: mpicxx]
> > module = SVN
> > svn_username = ******
> > svn_password = ******
> > svn_url = https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/cxx-test-suite
> > svn_post_export = <<EOT
> > ./autogen.sh
> > EOT
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [Test get: imb]
> > module = SVN
> > svn_username = ******
> > svn_password = ******
> > svn_url = https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/IMB_2.3
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [Test get: netpipe]
> > module = SVN
> > svn_username = ******
> > svn_password = ******
> > svn_url = https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/NetPIPE_3.6.2
> > 
> > #======================================================================
> > # Test build phase
> > #======================================================================
> > 
> > [Test build: trivial]
> > test_get = trivial
> > save_stdout_on_success = 1
> > merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> > stderr_save_lines = 100
> > merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> > stderr_save_lines = 100
> > 
> > module = Trivial
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [Test build: ibm]
> > test_get = ibm
> > save_stdout_on_success = 1
> > merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> > stderr_save_lines = 100
> > 
> > module = Shell
> > shell_build_command = <<EOT
> > ./configure CC=mpicc CXX=mpic++ F77=mpif77
> > make
> > EOT
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [Test build: onesided]
> > test_get = onesided
> > save_stdout_on_success = 1
> > merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> > stderr_save_lines = 100
> > # Have the onesided tests skip the OMPI 1.1 testing; MPI-2 one-sided
> > # just plain doesn't work there and won't be fixed.
> > skip_mpi_get = ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> > skip_mpi_install = ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> > # Can also have a skip_mpi_install for the same purpose (skip specific
> > # installs)
> > 
> > module = Shell
> > shell_build_command = <<EOT
> > ./configure
> > make
> > EOT
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [Test build: mpicxx]
> > test_get = mpicxx
> > save_stdout_on_success = 1
> > merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> > 
> > skip_mpi_get = ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> > skip_mpi_install = ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> > module = Shell
> > shell_build_command = <<EOT
> > ./configure CC=mpicc CXX=mpic++
> > make
> > EOT
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [Test build: imb]
> > test_get = imb
> > save_stdout_on_success = 1
> > merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> > stderr_save_lines = 100
> > 
> > skip_mpi_get = ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> > skip_mpi_install = ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> > module = Shell
> > shell_build_command = <<EOT
> > cd src
> > make clean IMB-MPI1
> > EOT
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [Test build: netpipe]
> > test_get = netpipe
> > save_stdout_on_success = 1
> > merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> > stderr_save_lines = 100
> > 
> > skip_mpi_get = ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> > skip_mpi_install = ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> > module = Shell
> > shell_build_command = <<EOT
> > make mpi
> > EOT
> > 
> > #======================================================================
> > # Test Run phase
> > #======================================================================
> > 
> > [Test run: trivial]
> > test_build = trivial
> > pass = &and(&cmd_wifexited(), &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0))
> > timeout = &test_np()
> > save_stdout_on_pass = 1
> > merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> > stdout_save_lines = 100
> > np = &env_max_procs()
> >  
> > specify_module = Simple
> > simple_only:tests = &find_executables(".")
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [Test run: ibm]
> > test_build = ibm
> > pass = &and(&cmd_wifexited(), &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0))
> > skipped = &and(&cmd_wifexited(), &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 77))
> > timeout = &max(30, &multiply(10, &test_np()))
> > save_stdout_on_pass = 1
> > merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> > stdout_save_lines = 100
> > np = &env_max_procs()
> > specify_module = Simple
> > # Similar rationale to the intel test run section
> > simple_first:tests = &find_executables("collective", "communicator", \
> >                                        "datatype", "dynamic", 
> > "environment", \
> >                                        "group", "info", "io", "onesided", \
> >                                        "pt2pt", "topology")
> > 
> > # Similar rationale to the intel test run section
> > simple_fail:tests = environment/abort environment/final
> > simple_fail:pass = &and(&cmd_wifexited(), &ne(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0))
> > simple_fail:exclusive = 1
> > simple_fail:np = &env_max_procs()
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [Test run: onesided]
> > test_build = onesided
> > pass = &and(&cmd_wifexited(), &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0))
> > timeout = &max(30, &multiply(10, &test_np()))
> > save_stdout_on_pass = 1
> > merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> > stdout_save_lines = 100
> > np = &if(&gt(&env_max_procs(), 0), &step(2, &max(2, &env_max_procs()), 2), 
> > 2)
> > specify_module = Simple
> > simple_pass:tests = &cat("run_list")
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [Test run: mpicxx]
> > test_build = mpicxx
> > pass = &and(&cmd_wifexited(), &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0))
> > timeout = &max(30, &multiply(10, &test_np()))
> > save_stdout_on_pass = 1
> > merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> > argv = &if(&eq("&mpi_get_name()", "ompi-nightly-v1.1"), "-nothrow", "")
> > np = &env_max_procs()
> > specify_module = Simple
> > simple_pass:tests = src/mpi2c++_test
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >      
> > [Test run: imb correctness]
> > test_build = imb
> > pass = &and(&cmd_wifexited(), &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0))
> > timeout = &max(1800, &multiply(50, &test_np()))
> > save_stdout_on_pass = 1
> > merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> > stdout_save_lines = 100
> > np = &env_max_procs()
> > specify_module = Simple
> > simple_only:tests = src/IMB-MPI1
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [Test run: imb performance]
> > test_build = imb
> > pass = &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0)
> > timeout = -1
> > save_stdout_on_pass = 1
> > # Ensure to leave this value as "-1", or performance results could be lost!
> > stdout_save_lines = -1
> > merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> > np = &env_max_procs()
> > argv = -npmin &test_np() &enumerate("PingPong", "PingPing", "Sendrecv", 
> > "Exchange", "Allreduce", "Reduce", "Reduce_scatter", "Allgather", 
> > "Allgatherv", "Alltoall", "Bcast", "Barrier") 
> > 
> > specify_module = Simple
> > analyze_module = IMB
> > simple_pass:tests = src/IMB-MPI1
> > 
> > #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > [Test run: netpipe]
> > test_build = netpipe
> > pass = &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0)
> > timeout = -1
> > save_stdout_on_pass = 1
> > # Ensure to leave this value as "-1", or performance results could be lost!
> > stdout_save_lines = -1
> > merge_stdout_stderr = 1
> > # NetPIPE is ping-pong only, so we only need 2 procs
> > np = 2
> > 
> > specify_module = Simple
> > analyze_module = NetPipe
> > simple_pass:tests = NPmpi
> > 
> > #======================================================================
> > # Reporter phase
> > #======================================================================
> > 
> > # This is a backup for while debugging MTT; it also writes results to
> > # a local text file
> > 
> > [Reporter: text file backup]
> > module = TextFile
> > 
> > textfile_filename = $phase-$section-$mpi_name-$mpi_version.txt
> > 
> > textfile_summary_header = <<EOT
> > hostname: &shell("hostname")
> > uname: &shell("uname -a")
> > who am i: &shell("who am i")
> > EOT
> > 
> > textfile_summary_footer =
> > textfile_detail_header =
> > textfile_detail_footer =
> > 
> > textfile_textwrap = 78
> > 
> > Debug is 1, Verbose is 1
> > *** MTT: client/mtt -d -v -p -f openmpi.ini
> > chdir client
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers
> > Copying: openmpi.ini to /tmp/QHpNrmfy2n.ini
> > Reading ini file: openmpi.ini
> > Validating INI inifile: /tmp/QHpNrmfy2n.ini
> > Scratch: .
> > Scratch resolved: /tmp/ompi-core-testers
> > Evaluating: 1
> > Making dir: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers)
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers
> > Making dir: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers)
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers
> > Making dir: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/test_runs (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers)
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/test_runs/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers
> > Evaluating: 
> > Evaluating: cluster-ib-6 cluster-ib-7
> > >> Got default hostlist: cluster-ib-6,cluster-ib-7, max_np: 2
> > Evaluating: 
> > Evaluating: 76
> > Evaluating: 5
> > Evaluating: 1
> > *** Reporter initializing
> > Evaluating: TextFile
> > >> Initializing reporter module: TextFile
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Init(@args)
> > Evaluating: $phase-$section-$mpi_name-$mpi_version.txt
> > Evaluating: hostname: &shell("hostname")
> >    uname: &shell("uname -a")
> >    who am i: &shell("who am i")
> > Got name: shell
> > Got args: "hostname"
> > _do: $ret = MTT::Values::Functions::shell("hostname")
> > &shell: got hostname
> > &shell: returning cluster-ib-6
> > String now: hostname: cluster-ib-6
> >    uname: &shell("uname -a")
> >    who am i: &shell("who am i")
> > Got name: shell
> > Got args: "uname -a"
> > _do: $ret = MTT::Values::Functions::shell("uname -a")
> > &shell: got uname -a
> > &shell: returning Linux cluster-ib-6 #1 SMP 2009-02-28
> >    04:40:21 +0100 ppc64 ppc64 ppc64 GNU/Linux
> > String now: hostname: cluster-ib-6
> >    uname: Linux cluster-ib-6 #1 SMP 2009-02-28 04:40:21
> >    +0100 ppc64 ppc64 ppc64 GNU/Linux
> >    who am i: &shell("who am i")
> > Got name: shell
> > Got args: "who am i"
> > _do: $ret = MTT::Values::Functions::shell("who am i")
> > &shell: got who am i
> > &shell: returning root         pts/1        2009-04-08 07:13 (
> > String now: hostname: cluster-ib-6
> >    uname: Linux cluster-ib-6 #1 SMP 2009-02-28 04:40:21
> >    +0100 ppc64 ppc64 ppc64 GNU/Linux
> >    who am i: root     pts/1    2009-04-08 07:13 (
> > Evaluating: 
> > Evaluating: 78
> > File reporter initialized
> >    (/tmp/ompi-core-testers/$phase-$section-$mpi_name-$mpi_version.txt)
> > *** Reporter initialized
> > *** MPI get phase starting
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > >> MPI get: [mpi get: openmpi-1.2.8]
> >    Checking for new MPI sources...
> > Evaluating: AlreadyInstalled
> > Evaluating: openmpi-1.2.8
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > Making dir: mpi_get__openmpi-1.2.8 (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources)
> > chdir mpi_get__openmpi-1.2.8/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/mpi_get__openmpi-1.2.8
> > Evaluating: require MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled::Get(@args)
> > Evaluating: /usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi
> > Using MPI in /usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi
> > ompi:version:full:1.2.8
> > >> MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled::_get_ompi_version returning 1.2.8
> > >> MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled complete
> >    Got new MPI sources: version 1.2.8
> > *** MPI get phase complete
> > >> Phase: MPI Get
> >    Started:       Wed Apr  8 12:45:57 2009
> >    Stopped:       Wed Apr  8 12:45:57 2009
> >    Elapsed:       00:00:00
> >    Total elapsed: 00:00:00
> > *** MPI install phase starting
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs
> > >> MPI install [mpi install: openmpi-1.2.8]
> > Evaluating: openmpi-1.2.8
> > Checking for [openmpi-1.2.8] / [1.2.8] / [openmpi-1.2.8]
> >    Installing MPI: [openmpi-1.2.8] / [1.2.8] / [openmpi-1.2.8]...
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs
> > Unique directory: dLS2
> > Making dir: dLS2 (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs)
> > dLS2 does not exist -- creating
> > chdir dLS2/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > Evaluating: Analyze::OMPI
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > chdir ..
> > chdir openmpi-1.2.8#openmpi-1.2.8#1.2.8
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs
> > Running command: rm -rf /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/iIGf
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > Sym linked: dLS2 to openmpi-1.2.8#openmpi-1.2.8#1.2.8
> > Running command: rm -rf src
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Making dir: src (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2)
> > src does not exist -- creating
> > chdir src/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/src
> > Evaluating: require MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled
> > Evaluating: $ret =
> >    &MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled::PrepareForInstall(@args)
> > chdir 1
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/src
> > Making dir: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/install (cwd:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/src)
> > /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/install does not exist -- creating
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/install/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/src
> > Evaluating: require MTT::MPI::Install::Analyze::OMPI
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::MPI::Install::Analyze::OMPI::Install(@args)
> > Have C bindings: 1
> > Have C++ bindings: 1
> > Have F77 bindings: 1
> > Have F90 bindings: 1
> > Evaluating: &get_mpi_install_bitness("")
> > Got name: get_mpi_install_bitness
> > Got args: ""
> > _do: $ret = MTT::Values::Functions::get_mpi_install_bitness("")
> > &get_mpi_intall_bitness
> > &_find_libmpi returning: 
> > Couldn't find libmpi!
> > String now: 0
> > Evaluating: &get_mpi_install_endian("")
> > Got name: get_mpi_install_endian
> > Got args: ""
> > _do: $ret = MTT::Values::Functions::get_mpi_install_endian("")
> > &get_mpi_intall_endian
> > &_find_libmpi returning: 
> > *** Could not find libmpi to calculate endian-ness
> > String now: 0
> > Found whatami: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/client/whatami/whatami
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Submit(@args)
> > File reporter
> > Writing to text file:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/MPI_Install-openmpi-1.2.8-openmpi-1.2.8-1.2.8.txt
> > >> Reported to text file
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/MPI_Install-openmpi-1.2.8-openmpi-1.2.8-1.2.8.txt
> >    Completed MPI install successfully
> > *** MPI install phase complete
> > >> Phase: MPI Install
> >    Started:       Wed Apr  8 12:45:57 2009
> >    Stopped:       Wed Apr  8 12:45:57 2009
> >    Elapsed:       00:00:00
> >    Total elapsed: 00:00:00
> > *** Test get phase starting
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > >> Test get: [test get: trivial]
> >    Checking for new test sources...
> > Evaluating: Trivial
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > Making dir: test_get__trivial (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources)
> > chdir test_get__trivial/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__trivial
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Get::Trivial
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Get::Trivial::Get(@args)
> > Getting Trivial
> >    Got new test sources
> > >> Test get: [test get: ibm]
> >    Checking for new test sources...
> > Evaluating: SVN
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > Making dir: test_get__ibm (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources)
> > chdir test_get__ibm/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__ibm
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Get::SVN
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Get::SVN::Get(@args)
> > Evaluating: https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/ibm
> > >> in SVN get
> > Evaluating: https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/ibm
> > >> svn: got url https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/ibm
> > >> svn: performing export
> > >> svn: exporting
> > Evaluating: ibm
> > Evaluating: 0p3nhpc
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__ibm
> > SVN checkout: https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/ibm
> > Running command: rm -rf ibm
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Locking: /root/.subversion/servers
> > Running command: svn export --username ibm --password 0p3nhpc
> >    https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/ibm
> > OUT:A        ibm
> > OUT:A        ibm/LICENSE
> > OUT:A        ibm/dynamic
> > OUT:A        ibm/dynamic/spawn_multiple.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/dynamic/client_server.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/dynamic/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        ibm/dynamic/spawn.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/dynamic/comm_join.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/scatter_in_place.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/gatherv.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/bcast_struct.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/allreduce.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/reduce_in_place.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/allgather.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/gather_in_place.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/alltoall.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/struct_gatherv.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/scatter.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/reduce.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/gather.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/intercomm
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/intercomm/reduce_scatter_inter2.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/intercomm/allreduce_inter.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/intercomm/allgather_inter.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/intercomm/alltoall_inter.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/intercomm/scatter_inter.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/intercomm/barrier_inter.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/intercomm/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/intercomm/reduce_inter.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/intercomm/alltoallv_inter.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/intercomm/gather_inter.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/intercomm/alltoallw_inter.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/intercomm/scatterv_inter.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/intercomm/bcast_inter.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/intercomm/reduce_scatter_inter.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/op.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/scan_in_place.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/exscan.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/allgatherv_in_place.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/scan.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/scatterv_in_place.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/barrier.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/reduce_scatter_in_place.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/reduce_big.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/allgatherv.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/allreduce_in_place.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/gatherv_in_place.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/alltoallw.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/scatterv.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/bcast.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/reduce_scatter.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/collective/allgather_in_place.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_create_no_free.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/cxx_fence_get.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/cxx_fence.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_win_errhandler.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/cxx_call_errhandler.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/cxx_win_attr.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/cxx_get_group.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_create_info.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_get.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/cxx_create_size.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_lock_illegal.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_create_disp.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/cxx_simple_lock.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/cxx_create.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_win_attr.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_fence_put_1.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_create_size.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_get_big.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/cxx_create_info.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_create.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/cxx_create_disp.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_create_info_half.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_put.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/cxx_alloc.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_accumulate_atomic.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/cxx_win_name.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_accumulate.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_fence_asserts.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_put_big.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/c_fence_simple.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/onesided/cxx_create_info_half.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/info
> > OUT:A        ibm/info/40_getvaluelen.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/info/10_set_cxx.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/info/30_get.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/info/00_create.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/info/50_getnkeys_cxx.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/info/20_delete.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/info/40_getvaluelen_cxx.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/info/30_get_cxx.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/info/00_create_cxx.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/info/20_delete_cxx.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/info/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        ibm/info/10_set.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/info/50_getnkeys.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/group
> > OUT:A        ibm/group/groupfree.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/group/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        ibm/group/group.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/group/range.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/README
> > OUT:A        ibm/communicator
> > OUT:A        ibm/communicator/attrsetget_f.f
> > OUT:A        ibm/communicator/comm_get_name_cxx.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/communicator/mpisplit.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/communicator/commdup.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/communicator/attrsetget.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/communicator/compare.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/communicator/self_atexit.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/communicator/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        ibm/communicator/attr.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/communicator/commfree.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/communicator/intercomm.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/configure.ac
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/pcontrol.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/procname.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/initialized.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/init_thread_serialized.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/init_thread_multiple.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/finalized.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/abort.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/init_thread_funneled.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/init_thread_cxx.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/is_thr_main_cxx.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/query_thread_cxx.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/wtime.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/err.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/final.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/init_thread.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/is_thr_main_mt.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/is_thr_main.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/query_thread.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/environment/attrs.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/config
> > OUT:A        ibm/config/ompitest_check_cxx.m4
> > OUT:A        ibm/config/ompitest_check_f77.m4
> > OUT:A        ibm/config/ompitest_check_supposed_f77.m4
> > OUT:A        ibm/config/runtests.sh.in
> > OUT:A        ibm/config/ompitest_check_optional_fortran_types_int8.m4
> > OUT:A        ibm/config/Makefile.options
> > OUT:A        ibm/config/ompitest_check_io.m4
> > OUT:A        ibm/config/ompitest_get_version.m4
> > OUT:A        ibm/config/get_ompi_version
> > OUT:A        ibm/config/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        ibm/config/mpi_check_mpi_h.m4
> > OUT:A        ibm/config/mpi_check_link.m4
> > OUT:A        ibm/config/ompitest_check_optional_fortran_types_real16.m4
> > OUT:A        ibm/acinclude.m4
> > OUT:A        ibm/io
> > OUT:A        ibm/io/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        ibm/io/file_status_get_count.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/waitnull.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/isend.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/rsend.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/send2.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/ssend.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/sendrecv_rep.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/sendrecv_f.f
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/free.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/send.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/wildcard.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/bsend_free.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/waitall.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/test1.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/test2.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/test3.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/testsome.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/probe.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/testall.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/buffer.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/sendrecv.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/waitany.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/iprobe.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/startall.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/testany.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/interf.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/waitsome.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/seq.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/getcount.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/allocmem.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/bsend.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/start.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/pt2pt/rsend2.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/reporting
> > OUT:A        ibm/reporting/ompitest_error.h
> > OUT:A        ibm/reporting/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        ibm/reporting/ompitest_progress.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/reporting/ompitest_error.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/reporting/ompitest_error_nonmpi.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/getel.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/fint8_f.f
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/datatype_cxx.cc
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/zero1.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/zero2.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/zero3.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/bottom.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/zero5.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/zero6.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/lbub2.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/pptransp.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/transp.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/freal16_f.f
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/transpa.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/loop.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/paktest.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/structsr2.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/lbub.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/freal4_f.f
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/bakstr.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/freal8_f.f
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/structsr.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/transp2.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/fint2_f.f
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/transp3.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/strangest1.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/datatype/fint4_f.f
> > OUT:A        ibm/autogen.sh
> > OUT:A        ibm/topology
> > OUT:A        ibm/topology/dimscreate.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/topology/graph.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/topology/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        ibm/topology/cart.c
> > OUT:A        ibm/topology/sub.c
> > OUT:Exported revision 1635.
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Unlocking: /root/.subversion/servers
> > Evaluating: ./autogen.sh
> > >> svn: returning successfully
> >    Got new test sources
> > >> Test get: [test get: onesided]
> >    Checking for new test sources...
> > Evaluating: SVN
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > Making dir: test_get__onesided (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources)
> > chdir test_get__onesided/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__onesided
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Get::SVN
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Get::SVN::Get(@args)
> > Evaluating: https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/onesided
> > >> in SVN get
> > Evaluating: https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/onesided
> > >> svn: got url https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/onesided
> > >> svn: performing export
> > >> svn: exporting
> > Evaluating: ibm
> > Evaluating: 0p3nhpc
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__onesided
> > SVN checkout: https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/onesided
> > Running command: rm -rf onesided
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Locking: /root/.subversion/servers
> > Running command: svn export --username ibm --password 0p3nhpc
> >    https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/onesided
> > OUT:A        onesided
> > OUT:A        onesided/t_winattrs.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/utils.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/t_winf.f90
> > OUT:A        onesided/t_f2c_c2f.f90
> > OUT:A        onesided/utils.h
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_lock1.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_lock2.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_lock3.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_lock4.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_lock5.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/run_list
> > OUT:A        onesided/t.f90
> > OUT:A        onesided/t_winattrsf.f90
> > OUT:A        onesided/configure.ac
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_cs1.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_put1.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_um_put1.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/autogen.sh
> > OUT:A        onesided/t_winerror.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_put4.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_put5.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_put6.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_get1.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_rma1.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_get2.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_get3.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_wincreate1.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_acc1.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_acc2.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_acc3.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_um_lock1.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/cmpf2c.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_start1.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_cl1.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_start2.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_cl2.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_start3.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_um_mixed_put1.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/t_win.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_dan1.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/config
> > OUT:A        onesided/config/ompitest_check_cxx.m4
> > OUT:A        onesided/config/ompitest_check_f77.m4
> > OUT:A        onesided/config/ompitest_check_supposed_f77.m4
> > OUT:A        onesided/config/ompitest_check_optional_fortran_types_int8.m4
> > OUT:A        onesided/config/ompitest_check_io.m4
> > OUT:A        onesided/config/ompitest_get_version.m4
> > OUT:A        onesided/config/mpi_check_mpi_h.m4
> > OUT:A        onesided/config/ompi_check_vendor.m4
> > OUT:A        onesided/config/mpi_check_link.m4
> > OUT:A        onesided/config/ompitest_check_f90.m4
> > OUT:A        onesided/config/ompitest_check_optional_fortran_types_real16.m4
> > OUT:A        onesided/acinclude.m4
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_mt_put1.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        onesided/test_mwin1.c
> > OUT:A        onesided/t_winself.c
> > OUT:Exported revision 1635.
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Unlocking: /root/.subversion/servers
> > Evaluating: ./autogen.sh
> > >> svn: returning successfully
> >    Got new test sources
> > >> Test get: [test get: mpicxx]
> >    Checking for new test sources...
> > Evaluating: SVN
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > Making dir: test_get__mpicxx (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources)
> > chdir test_get__mpicxx/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__mpicxx
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Get::SVN
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Get::SVN::Get(@args)
> > Evaluating: https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/cxx-test-suite
> > >> in SVN get
> > Evaluating: https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/cxx-test-suite
> > >> svn: got url
> >    https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/cxx-test-suite
> > >> svn: performing export
> > >> svn: exporting
> > Evaluating: ibm
> > Evaluating: 0p3nhpc
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__mpicxx
> > SVN checkout: https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/cxx-test-suite
> > Running command: rm -rf cxx-test-suite
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Locking: /root/.subversion/servers
> > Running command: svn export --username ibm --password 0p3nhpc
> >    https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/cxx-test-suite
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/configure.ac
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/config
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/config/ompitest_check_cxx.m4
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/config/ompitest_check_io.m4
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/config/mpi_check_mpi_h.m4
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/config/mpi_check_link.m4
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/acinclude.m4
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/bsend.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/range.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/group.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/bcast.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/typekeyval.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/mpi2c++_test.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/grequest.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/mpi2c++_test.h
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/handleconversion.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/test3.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/allgather.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/procname.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/c_s.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/cartcomm.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/testall.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/request1.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/attr.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/rsend.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/waitany.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/sendrecv_rep.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/iprobe.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/topo.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/type.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/badbuf.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/wtime.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/dup_test.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/getcount.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/waitsome.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/alltoallv.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/info.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/split.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/commname.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/waitall.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/pcontrol.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/isend.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/reduce.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/probe.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/buffer.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/winkeyval.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/signal.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/typemap.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/status_test.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/rank_size.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/errhandler.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/initialized2.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/allgatherv.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/scatterv.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/reduce_scatter.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/dims.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/querythread.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/intercomm.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/commfree.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/start.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/groupfree.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/allreduce.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/getel.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/test1.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/alltoall.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/commdup.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/scatter.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/finalized.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/stack.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/graphcomm.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/scan.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/mpi2c++_dynamics_test.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/initialized1.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/startall.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/send.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/win_test.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/bcast_struct.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/testsome.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/bottom.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/struct_gatherv.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/messages.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/window.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/sendrecv.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/gather.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/constants.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/ssend.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/pack_test.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/op_test.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/chandles.c
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/seek_constants.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/cancel.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/compare.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/interf.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/testany.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/commgethandler.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/connect.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/src/info_test.cc
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/Makefile.am
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/autogen.sh
> > OUT:A        cxx-test-suite/README
> > OUT:Exported revision 1635.
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Unlocking: /root/.subversion/servers
> > Evaluating: ./autogen.sh
> > >> svn: returning successfully
> >    Got new test sources
> > >> Test get: [test get: imb]
> >    Checking for new test sources...
> > Evaluating: SVN
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > Making dir: test_get__imb (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources)
> > chdir test_get__imb/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__imb
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Get::SVN
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Get::SVN::Get(@args)
> > Evaluating: https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/IMB_2.3
> > >> in SVN get
> > Evaluating: https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/IMB_2.3
> > >> svn: got url https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/IMB_2.3
> > >> svn: performing export
> > >> svn: exporting
> > Evaluating: ibm
> > Evaluating: 0p3nhpc
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__imb
> > SVN checkout: https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/IMB_2.3
> > Running command: rm -rf IMB_2.3
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Locking: /root/.subversion/servers
> > Running command: svn export --username ibm --password 0p3nhpc
> >    https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/IMB_2.3
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/license
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/license/license.txt
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/license/use-of-trademark-license.txt
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/ReadMe_first
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/versions_news
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/versions_news/Version_history
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/doc
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/doc/ReadMe_IMB.txt
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/doc/IMB_ug.pdf
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/make_sgi
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_window.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_sendrecv.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/Makefile.in
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_pingping.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/make_t3e
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_pingpong.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_open_close.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Allreduce.log
> >    .ps
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Reduce.linear
> >    .ps
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Reduce-32.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Barrier-8.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Allreduce-2.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Allreduce-4.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Reduce.log.ps
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Allreduce-2.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Alltoall-2.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Allreduce-8.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Allreduce-4.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Alltoall-4.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Barrier-32.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Allreduce-8.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Alltoall-8.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Reduce-2.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Reduce-4.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Reduce-8.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Bcast-16.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Allreduce-32.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Allreduce.lin
> >    ear.ps
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Alltoall-16.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Bcast.log.ps
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Reduce-32.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Bcast-2.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Reduce.log.ps
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Allreduce-2.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Alltoall.log.
> >    ps
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Bcast-4.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Allreduce-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Bcast-8.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Allreduce-8.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Reduce-2.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Reduce-4.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Barrier-32.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Reduce-2.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Reduce-8.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Reduce-4.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Bcast-32.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Reduce-8.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Allreduce.lin
> >    ear.ps
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Allreduce-16.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Bcast.log.ps
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Alltoall-16.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Barrier-2.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Reduce-16.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Bcast-2.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Barrier-4.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Alltoall.log.
> >    ps
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Bcast-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Bcast-2.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Barrier-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Bcast-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Bcast-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Bcast-8.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Reduce-2.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Alltoall-2.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Reduce-4.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Alltoall-4.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Barrier-16.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Reduce-8.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Alltoall-8.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Bcast-32.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Bcast.linear.
> >    ps
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Allreduce-16.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Barrier-2.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Alltoall-32.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Barrier-4.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Alltoall.line
> >    ar.ps
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Barrier-2.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Barrier-8.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Barrier-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Bcast-2.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Reduce-16.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Allreduce.log
> >    .ps
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Reduce.linear
> >    .ps
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Bcast-4.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Barrier-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Bcast-8.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Alltoall-2.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Allreduce-2.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Alltoall-4.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Allreduce-4.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Alltoall-2.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Alltoall-8.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Allreduce-8.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Alltoall-4.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Barrier-16.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Alltoall-8.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Bcast.linear.
> >    ps
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Bcast-16.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Allreduce-32.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Alltoall.line
> >    ar.ps
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Barrier-2.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Alltoall-32.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/results/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Barrier-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Allreduce.log.ps
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Reduce.linear.ps
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Reduce-32.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Barrier-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Allreduce-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Allreduce-4.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Reduce.log.ps
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Allreduce-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Alltoall-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Allreduce-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Allreduce-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Alltoall-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Barrier-32.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Allreduce-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Alltoall-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Reduce-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Reduce-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Reduce-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Bcast-16.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Allreduce-32.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Allreduce.linear.p
> >    s
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Alltoall-16.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Bcast.log.ps
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Reduce-32.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Bcast-2.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Reduce.log.ps
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Allreduce-2.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Alltoall.log.ps
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Bcast-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Allreduce-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Bcast-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Allreduce-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Reduce-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Reduce-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Barrier-32.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Reduce-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Reduce-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Reduce-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Bcast-32.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Reduce-8.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Allreduce.linear.p
> >    s
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Allreduce-16.out
> > OUT:A        
> > IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Bcast.log.ps
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Alltoall-16.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Barrier-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Reduce-16.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Bcast-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Barrier-4.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Alltoall.log.ps
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Bcast-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Bcast-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Barrier-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Bcast-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Bcast-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Bcast-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Reduce-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Alltoall-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Reduce-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Alltoall-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Barrier-16.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Reduce-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Alltoall-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Bcast-32.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Bcast.linear.ps
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Allreduce-16.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Barrier-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Alltoall-32.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Barrier-4.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Alltoall.linear.ps
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Barrier-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Barrier-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Barrier-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Bcast-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Reduce-16.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Allreduce.log.ps
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-r12344-Reduce.linear.ps
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Bcast-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Barrier-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Bcast-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Alltoall-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Allreduce-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Alltoall-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Allreduce-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Alltoall-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Alltoall-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12290-Allreduce-8.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Alltoall-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Barrier-16.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-bynode-r12344-Alltoall-8.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Bcast.linear.ps
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Bcast-16.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-Allreduce-32.out
> > OUT:A       
> >    IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12290-r12344-Alltoall.linear.ps
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Barrier-2.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Alltoall-32.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/r2/imb-openmpi-byslot-r12344-Barrier-4.out
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/scripts
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/scripts/graph_me
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/cisco/scripts/run
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_allgatherv.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_parse_name_ext.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/configure.ac
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_bcast.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_prototypes.h
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_appl_errors.h
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/make_ibm_sp
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/Makefile.std
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_benchmark.h
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_ones_accu.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_parse_name_mpi1.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_parse_name_io.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_bnames_io.h
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/Makefile
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_mem_manager.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_warm_up.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_comm_info.h
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_benchlist.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_ones_unidir.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_exchange.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_err_handler.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_barrier.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/config.h.in
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_reduce_scatter.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_declare.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_allgather.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_declare.h
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_reduce.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/make_sr2201
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/config.guess
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/config.sub
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/make_ia64
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/make_sun
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/make_openmpi
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_settings_io.h
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_chk_diff.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_bnames_mpi1.h
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_allreduce.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_output.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_g_info.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_strgs.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_init.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_user_set_info.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_init_transfer.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_read.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_ones_bidir.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/make_ia32
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_write.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_comments.h
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_bnames_ext.h
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_err_check.h
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/make_vpp
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_cpu_exploit.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_init_file.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/make_sx4
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_alltoall.c
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/aclocal.m4
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/IMB_settings.h
> > OUT:A        IMB_2.3/src/install-sh
> > OUT:Exported revision 1635.
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Unlocking: /root/.subversion/servers
> > >> svn: returning successfully
> >    Got new test sources
> > >> Test get: [test get: netpipe]
> >    Checking for new test sources...
> > Evaluating: SVN
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > Making dir: test_get__netpipe (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources)
> > chdir test_get__netpipe/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__netpipe
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Get::SVN
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Get::SVN::Get(@args)
> > Evaluating: https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/NetPIPE_3.6.2
> > >> in SVN get
> > Evaluating: https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/NetPIPE_3.6.2
> > >> svn: got url https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/NetPIPE_3.6.2
> > >> svn: performing export
> > >> svn: exporting
> > Evaluating: ibm
> > Evaluating: 0p3nhpc
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__netpipe
> > SVN checkout: https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/NetPIPE_3.6.2
> > Running command: rm -rf NetPIPE_3.6.2
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Locking: /root/.subversion/servers
> > Running command: svn export --username ibm --password 0p3nhpc
> >    https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/NetPIPE_3.6.2
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/patch
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/patch/patch-3.6.2-windows.diff
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/patch/Readme.txt
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/hosts
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/hosts/NPtcgmsg.p
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/hosts/p4hosts
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/hosts/mvich.hosts
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/hosts/mvich.param
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/hosts/batchLapi
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/hosts/lamhosts
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/get_mpi_type
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/gpshmem.c
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/pvm.c
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/gm.c
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/netpipe.c
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/mpi2.c
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/shmem.c
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/netpipe.h
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/ibv.c
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/tcgmsg.c
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/mpi.c
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/lapi.c
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/tcp.c
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/MP_memcpy.c
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/memcpy.c
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/ib.c
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/src/armci.c
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/bin
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/bin/nplaunch
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/bin/feplot
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/bin/geplot
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/dox
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/dox/np_euro.pdf
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/dox/netpipe.1
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/dox/np_cluster2002.pdf
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/dox/netpipe_paper.ps
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/dox/README
> > OUT:A        NetPIPE_3.6.2/makefile
> > OUT:Exported revision 1635.
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Unlocking: /root/.subversion/servers
> > >> svn: returning successfully
> >    Got new test sources
> > *** Test get phase complete
> > >> Phase: Test Get
> >    Started:       Wed Apr  8 12:45:57 2009
> >    Stopped:       Wed Apr  8 12:46:31 2009
> >    Elapsed:       00:00:34
> >    Total elapsed: 00:00:34
> > *** Test build phase starting
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs
> > >> Test build [test build: trivial]
> > Evaluating: trivial
> >    Building for [openmpi-1.2.8] / [1.2.8] / [openmpi-1.2.8] / [trivial]
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > Evaluating: Trivial
> > Making dir: tests (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2)
> > tests does not exist -- creating
> > chdir tests/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests
> > Making dir: trivial (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests)
> > trivial does not exist -- creating
> > chdir trivial/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/trivial
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Common::Copytree
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Common::Copytree::PrepareForInstall(@args)
> > >> copytree copying to /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/trivial
> > Copying directory: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__trivial
> > Running command: rm -rf test_get__trivial
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Running command: cp -r /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__trivial .
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > >> copytree finished copying
> > chdir test_get__trivial
> > Evaluating: 1
> > Evaluating: 1
> >    1
> > Evaluating: 100
> >    100
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Build::Trivial
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Build::Trivial::Build(@args)
> > Building Trivial
> > Test compile/link sample C MPI application
> > Running command: mpicc      hello.c -o c_hello
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Running command: mpicc      ring.c -o c_ring
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Test compile/link sample C++ MPI application
> > Running command: mpic++  hello.cc -o cxx_hello
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Running command: mpic++  ring.cc -o cxx_ring
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Test compile/link sample F77 MPI application
> > Running command: mpif77  hello.f -o f77_hello
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Running command: mpif77  ring.f -o f77_ring
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Test compile/link sample F90 MPI application
> > Running command: mpif90  hello.f90 -o f90_hello
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Running command: mpif90  ring.f90 -o f90_ring
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Writing built file:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/trivial/test_get__trivial/tes
> >    t_built.ini
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Submit(@args)
> > File reporter
> > Writing to text file:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/Test_Build-trivial-openmpi-1.2.8-1.2.8.txt
> > >> Reported to text file
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/Test_Build-trivial-openmpi-1.2.8-1.2.8.txt
> >    Completed test build successfully
> > >> Test build [test build: ibm]
> > Evaluating: ibm
> >    Building for [openmpi-1.2.8] / [1.2.8] / [openmpi-1.2.8] / [ibm]
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > Evaluating: Shell
> > Making dir: tests (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2)
> > chdir tests/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests
> > Making dir: ibm (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests)
> > ibm does not exist -- creating
> > chdir ibm/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Common::Copytree
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Common::Copytree::PrepareForInstall(@args)
> > >> copytree copying to /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm
> > Copying directory: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__ibm/ibm
> > Running command: rm -rf ibm
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Running command: cp -r /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__ibm/ibm .
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > chdir ibm
> > copytree running post_copy command: ./autogen.sh
> > Running command: /tmp/Ty7RnQFDln
> > OUT:
> >    *** Running GNU tools in directory: 
> >    ***       /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm
> > OUT:aclocal
> > OUT:autoheader
> > OUT:autoconf
> > OUT:libtoolize --automake --copy
> > OUT:automake --foreign -a --copy --include-deps
> > OUT:configure.ac:56: installing `./config/config.guess'
> > OUT:configure.ac:56: installing `./config/config.sub'
> > OUT:configure.ac:25: installing `./config/install-sh'
> > OUT:configure.ac:25: installing `./config/missing'
> > OUT:collective/Makefile.am: installing `./config/depcomp'
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm
> > >> copytree finished copying
> > chdir ibm
> > Evaluating: 1
> > Evaluating: 1
> > Evaluating: 100
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Build::Shell
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Build::Shell::Build(@args)
> > Building Shell
> > Evaluating: ./configure CC=mpicc CXX=mpic++ F77=mpif77
> >    make
> > Running command: /tmp/M8ohoLi5bA
> > OUT:Configuring Open MPI/IBM test suite
> >    checking for a BSD-compatible install... OUT:/usr/bin/install -c
> >    checking whether build environment is sane... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... OUT:/bin/mkdir -p
> >    checking for gawk... gawk
> >    checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking build system type... OUT:powerpc64-suse-linux-gnu
> >    checking host system type... powerpc64-suse-linux-gnu
> > OUT:checking for gcc... mpicc
> > OUT:checking for C compiler default output file name... OUT:a.out
> >    checking whether the C compiler works... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking whether we are cross compiling... OUT:no
> >    checking for suffix of executables... OUT:
> > OUT:checking for suffix of object files... OUT:o
> > OUT:checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking whether mpicc accepts -g... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for mpicc option to accept ISO C89... OUT:none needed
> > OUT:checking for style of include used by make... OUT:GNU
> > OUT:checking dependency style of mpicc... OUT:gcc3
> > OUT:checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking whether mpic++ accepts -g... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking dependency style of mpic++... OUT:gcc3
> > OUT:checking for mpif77... yes
> > OUT:checking whether we are using the GNU Fortran 77 compiler... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking whether mpif77 accepts -g... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for ranlib... ranlib
> >    checking for mpi.h... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for MPI_Initialized in -lmpi... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking if have Fortran MPI bindings... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking if have Fortran optional types, integer*8... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking if have Fortran optional types, real*16... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for Open MPI support of MPI_REAL16... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking if have MPI-2 C++ support... OUT:yes
> >    checking if have MPI-2 one-sided support... OUT:yes
> >    checking if have MPI-2 IO support... OUT:yes
> >    checking if have MPI-2 thread support... OUT:no
> >    checking if checking MPI API params... OUT:yes
> > OUT:configure: creating ./config.status
> > OUT:config.status: creating Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating config/runtests.sh
> > OUT:config.status: creating config/Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating reporting/Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating collective/Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating collective/intercomm/Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating communicator/Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating datatype/Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating dynamic/Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating environment/Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating group/Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating info/Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating io/Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating onesided/Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating pt2pt/Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating topology/Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating reporting/ompitest_config.h
> > OUT:config.status: executing depfiles commands
> > OUT:Making all in reporting
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/reporting'
> >    make  all-am
> > OUT:make[2]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/reporting'
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT ompitest_progress.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/ompitest_progress.Tpo -c -o ompitest_progress.o
> >    ompitest_progress.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/ompitest_progress.Tpo .deps/ompitest_progress.Po
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT ompitest_error.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/ompitest_error.Tpo -c -o ompitest_error.o ompitest_error.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/ompitest_error.Tpo .deps/ompitest_error.Po
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT ompitest_error_nonmpi.o -MD -MP
> >    -MF .deps/ompitest_error_nonmpi.Tpo -c -o ompitest_error_nonmpi.o
> >    ompitest_error_nonmpi.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/ompitest_error_nonmpi.Tpo .deps/ompitest_error_nonmpi.Po
> > OUT:rm -f libompitest.a
> > OUT:ar cru libompitest.a ompitest_progress.o ompitest_error.o
> >    ompitest_error_nonmpi.o 
> > OUT:ranlib libompitest.a
> > OUT:make[2]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/reporting'
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/reporting'
> > OUT:Making all in collective
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/collective'
> > OUT:Making all in intercomm
> > OUT:make[2]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/collective/intercomm
> >    '
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../reporting     -g -MT
> >    allgather_inter.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/allgather_inter.Tpo -c -o
> >    allgather_inter.o allgather_inter.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/allgather_inter.Tpo .deps/allgather_inter.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o allgather_inter allgather_inter.o -L../../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../reporting     -g -MT
> >    allreduce_inter.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/allreduce_inter.Tpo -c -o
> >    allreduce_inter.o allreduce_inter.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/allreduce_inter.Tpo .deps/allreduce_inter.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o allreduce_inter allreduce_inter.o -L../../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../reporting     -g -MT alltoall_inter.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/alltoall_inter.Tpo -c -o alltoall_inter.o
> >    alltoall_inter.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/alltoall_inter.Tpo .deps/alltoall_inter.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o alltoall_inter alltoall_inter.o -L../../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../reporting     -g -MT
> >    alltoallv_inter.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/alltoallv_inter.Tpo -c -o
> >    alltoallv_inter.o alltoallv_inter.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/alltoallv_inter.Tpo .deps/alltoallv_inter.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o alltoallv_inter alltoallv_inter.o -L../../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../reporting     -g -MT
> >    alltoallw_inter.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/alltoallw_inter.Tpo -c -o
> >    alltoallw_inter.o alltoallw_inter.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/alltoallw_inter.Tpo .deps/alltoallw_inter.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o alltoallw_inter alltoallw_inter.o -L../../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../reporting     -g -MT barrier_inter.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/barrier_inter.Tpo -c -o barrier_inter.o
> >    barrier_inter.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/barrier_inter.Tpo .deps/barrier_inter.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o barrier_inter barrier_inter.o -L../../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../reporting     -g -MT bcast_inter.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/bcast_inter.Tpo -c -o bcast_inter.o bcast_inter.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/bcast_inter.Tpo .deps/bcast_inter.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o bcast_inter bcast_inter.o -L../../reporting 
> > -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../reporting     -g -MT gather_inter.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/gather_inter.Tpo -c -o gather_inter.o gather_inter.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/gather_inter.Tpo .deps/gather_inter.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o gather_inter gather_inter.o -L../../reporting 
> > -lompitest OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../reporting     -g -MT 
> > reduce_inter.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/reduce_inter.Tpo -c -o reduce_inter.o reduce_inter.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/reduce_inter.Tpo .deps/reduce_inter.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o reduce_inter reduce_inter.o -L../../reporting 
> > -lompitest OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../reporting     -g -MT
> >    reduce_scatter_inter.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/reduce_scatter_inter.Tpo -c -o
> >    reduce_scatter_inter.o reduce_scatter_inter.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/reduce_scatter_inter.Tpo .deps/reduce_scatter_inter.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o reduce_scatter_inter reduce_scatter_inter.o
> >    -L../../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../reporting     -g -MT
> >    reduce_scatter_inter2.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/reduce_scatter_inter2.Tpo -c
> >    -o reduce_scatter_inter2.o reduce_scatter_inter2.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/reduce_scatter_inter2.Tpo .deps/reduce_scatter_inter2.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o reduce_scatter_inter2 reduce_scatter_inter2.o
> >    -L../../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../reporting     -g -MT scatter_inter.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/scatter_inter.Tpo -c -o scatter_inter.o
> >    scatter_inter.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/scatter_inter.Tpo .deps/scatter_inter.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o scatter_inter scatter_inter.o -L../../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../reporting     -g -MT scatterv_inter.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/scatterv_inter.Tpo -c -o scatterv_inter.o
> >    scatterv_inter.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/scatterv_inter.Tpo .deps/scatterv_inter.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o scatterv_inter scatterv_inter.o -L../../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:make[2]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/collective/intercomm
> >    '
> > OUT:make[2]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/collective'
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT allgather.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/allgather.Tpo -c -o allgather.o allgather.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/allgather.Tpo .deps/allgather.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o allgather allgather.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT
> >    allgather_in_place.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/allgather_in_place.Tpo -c -o
> >    allgather_in_place.o allgather_in_place.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/allgather_in_place.Tpo .deps/allgather_in_place.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o allgather_in_place allgather_in_place.o 
> > -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT allgatherv.o -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/allgatherv.Tpo -c -o allgatherv.o allgatherv.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/allgatherv.Tpo .deps/allgatherv.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o allgatherv allgatherv.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT
> >    allgatherv_in_place.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/allgatherv_in_place.Tpo -c -o
> >    allgatherv_in_place.o allgatherv_in_place.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/allgatherv_in_place.Tpo .deps/allgatherv_in_place.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o allgatherv_in_place allgatherv_in_place.o 
> > -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT allreduce.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/allreduce.Tpo -c -o allreduce.o allreduce.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/allreduce.Tpo .deps/allreduce.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o allreduce allreduce.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT
> >    allreduce_in_place.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/allreduce_in_place.Tpo -c -o
> >    allreduce_in_place.o allreduce_in_place.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/allreduce_in_place.Tpo .deps/allreduce_in_place.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o allreduce_in_place allreduce_in_place.o 
> > -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT alltoall.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/alltoall.Tpo -c -o alltoall.o alltoall.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/alltoall.Tpo .deps/alltoall.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o alltoall alltoall.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT alltoallw.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/alltoallw.Tpo -c -o alltoallw.o alltoallw.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/alltoallw.Tpo .deps/alltoallw.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o alltoallw alltoallw.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT barrier.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/barrier.Tpo -c -o barrier.o barrier.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/barrier.Tpo .deps/barrier.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o barrier barrier.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT bcast.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/bcast.Tpo -c -o bcast.o bcast.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/bcast.Tpo .deps/bcast.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o bcast bcast.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT bcast_struct.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/bcast_struct.Tpo -c -o bcast_struct.o bcast_struct.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/bcast_struct.Tpo .deps/bcast_struct.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o bcast_struct bcast_struct.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT exscan.o -MD -MP
> >    -MF .deps/exscan.Tpo -c -o exscan.o exscan.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/exscan.Tpo .deps/exscan.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o exscan exscan.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT gather.o -MD -MP
> >    -MF .deps/gather.Tpo -c -o gather.o gather.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/gather.Tpo .deps/gather.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o gather gather.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > gather_in_place.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/gather_in_place.Tpo -c -o gather_in_place.o
> >    gather_in_place.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/gather_in_place.Tpo .deps/gather_in_place.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o gather_in_place gather_in_place.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT gatherv.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/gatherv.Tpo -c -o gatherv.o gatherv.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/gatherv.Tpo .deps/gatherv.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o gatherv gatherv.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > gatherv_in_place.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/gatherv_in_place.Tpo -c -o gatherv_in_place.o
> >    gatherv_in_place.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/gatherv_in_place.Tpo .deps/gatherv_in_place.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o gatherv_in_place gatherv_in_place.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT op.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/op.Tpo -c -o op.o op.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/op.Tpo .deps/op.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o op op.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT reduce.o -MD -MP
> >    -MF .deps/reduce.Tpo -c -o reduce.o reduce.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/reduce.Tpo .deps/reduce.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o reduce reduce.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT reduce_big.o -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/reduce_big.Tpo -c -o reduce_big.o reduce_big.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/reduce_big.Tpo .deps/reduce_big.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o reduce_big reduce_big.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > reduce_in_place.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/reduce_in_place.Tpo -c -o reduce_in_place.o
> >    reduce_in_place.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/reduce_in_place.Tpo .deps/reduce_in_place.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o reduce_in_place reduce_in_place.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT reduce_scatter.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/reduce_scatter.Tpo -c -o reduce_scatter.o
> >    reduce_scatter.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/reduce_scatter.Tpo .deps/reduce_scatter.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o reduce_scatter reduce_scatter.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT
> >    reduce_scatter_in_place.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/reduce_scatter_in_place.Tpo
> >    -c -o reduce_scatter_in_place.o reduce_scatter_in_place.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/reduce_scatter_in_place.Tpo
> >    .deps/reduce_scatter_in_place.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o reduce_scatter_in_place reduce_scatter_in_place.o
> >    -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT scan.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/scan.Tpo -c -o scan.o scan.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/scan.Tpo .deps/scan.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o scan scan.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT scan_in_place.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/scan_in_place.Tpo -c -o scan_in_place.o scan_in_place.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/scan_in_place.Tpo .deps/scan_in_place.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o scan_in_place scan_in_place.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT scatter.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/scatter.Tpo -c -o scatter.o scatter.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/scatter.Tpo .deps/scatter.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o scatter scatter.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > scatter_in_place.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/scatter_in_place.Tpo -c -o scatter_in_place.o
> >    scatter_in_place.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/scatter_in_place.Tpo .deps/scatter_in_place.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o scatter_in_place scatter_in_place.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT scatterv.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/scatterv.Tpo -c -o scatterv.o scatterv.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/scatterv.Tpo .deps/scatterv.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o scatterv scatterv.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > scatterv_in_place.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/scatterv_in_place.Tpo -c -o scatterv_in_place.o
> >    scatterv_in_place.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/scatterv_in_place.Tpo .deps/scatterv_in_place.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o scatterv_in_place scatterv_in_place.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT struct_gatherv.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/struct_gatherv.Tpo -c -o struct_gatherv.o
> >    struct_gatherv.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/struct_gatherv.Tpo .deps/struct_gatherv.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o struct_gatherv struct_gatherv.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:make[2]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/collective'
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/collective'
> > OUT:Making all in communicator
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/communicator'
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT attrsetget.o -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/attrsetget.Tpo -c -o attrsetget.o attrsetget.c
> > OUT:attrsetget.c: In function ?attr_set_c?:OUT:
> >    attrsetget.c:27: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/attrsetget.Tpo .deps/attrsetget.Po
> > OUT:rm -f libattrsetget.a
> > OUT:ar cru libattrsetget.a attrsetget.o attrsetget.o
> > OUT:ranlib libattrsetget.a
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT attr.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/attr.Tpo -c -o attr.o attr.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/attr.Tpo .deps/attr.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o attr attr.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT commdup.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/commdup.Tpo -c -o commdup.o commdup.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/commdup.Tpo .deps/commdup.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o commdup commdup.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT commfree.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/commfree.Tpo -c -o commfree.o commfree.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/commfree.Tpo .deps/commfree.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o commfree commfree.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT compare.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/compare.Tpo -c -o compare.o compare.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/compare.Tpo .deps/compare.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o compare compare.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT intercomm.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/intercomm.Tpo -c -o intercomm.o intercomm.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/intercomm.Tpo .deps/intercomm.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o intercomm intercomm.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT mpisplit.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/mpisplit.Tpo -c -o mpisplit.o mpisplit.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/mpisplit.Tpo .deps/mpisplit.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o mpisplit mpisplit.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT self_atexit.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/self_atexit.Tpo -c -o self_atexit.o self_atexit.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/self_atexit.Tpo .deps/self_atexit.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o self_atexit self_atexit.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT
> >    comm_get_name_cxx.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/comm_get_name_cxx.Tpo -c -o
> >    comm_get_name_cxx.o comm_get_name_cxx.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/comm_get_name_cxx.Tpo .deps/comm_get_name_cxx.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o comm_get_name_cxx comm_get_name_cxx.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpif77   -c -o attrsetget_f.o attrsetget_f.f
> > OUT:mpif77     -o attrsetget_f attrsetget_f.o -L../reporting -lompitest -L.
> >    -lattrsetget 
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/communicator'
> > OUT:Making all in config
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/config'
> > OUT:make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
> >    make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/config'
> > OUT:Making all in datatype
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/datatype'
> >    mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting -g -MT bakstr.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/bakstr.Tpo -c -o bakstr.o bakstr.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/bakstr.Tpo .deps/bakstr.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o bakstr bakstr.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT bottom.o -MD -MP
> >    -MF .deps/bottom.Tpo -c -o bottom.o bottom.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/bottom.Tpo .deps/bottom.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o bottom bottom.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT getel.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/getel.Tpo -c -o getel.o getel.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/getel.Tpo .deps/getel.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o getel getel.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT lbub.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/lbub.Tpo -c -o lbub.o lbub.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/lbub.Tpo .deps/lbub.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o lbub lbub.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT lbub2.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/lbub2.Tpo -c -o lbub2.o lbub2.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/lbub2.Tpo .deps/lbub2.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o lbub2 lbub2.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT loop.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/loop.Tpo -c -o loop.o loop.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/loop.Tpo .deps/loop.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o loop loop.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT paktest.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/paktest.Tpo -c -o paktest.o paktest.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/paktest.Tpo .deps/paktest.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o paktest paktest.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT pptransp.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/pptransp.Tpo -c -o pptransp.o pptransp.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/pptransp.Tpo .deps/pptransp.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o pptransp pptransp.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT strangest1.o -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/strangest1.Tpo -c -o strangest1.o strangest1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/strangest1.Tpo .deps/strangest1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o strangest1 strangest1.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT structsr.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/structsr.Tpo -c -o structsr.o structsr.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/structsr.Tpo .deps/structsr.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o structsr structsr.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT structsr2.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/structsr2.Tpo -c -o structsr2.o structsr2.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/structsr2.Tpo .deps/structsr2.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o structsr2 structsr2.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT transp.o -MD -MP
> >    -MF .deps/transp.Tpo -c -o transp.o transp.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/transp.Tpo .deps/transp.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o transp transp.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT transp2.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/transp2.Tpo -c -o transp2.o transp2.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/transp2.Tpo .deps/transp2.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o transp2 transp2.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT transp3.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/transp3.Tpo -c -o transp3.o transp3.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/transp3.Tpo .deps/transp3.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o transp3 transp3.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT transpa.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/transpa.Tpo -c -o transpa.o transpa.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/transpa.Tpo .deps/transpa.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o transpa transpa.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT zero1.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/zero1.Tpo -c -o zero1.o zero1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/zero1.Tpo .deps/zero1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o zero1 zero1.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT zero2.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/zero2.Tpo -c -o zero2.o zero2.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/zero2.Tpo .deps/zero2.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o zero2 zero2.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT zero3.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/zero3.Tpo -c -o zero3.o zero3.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/zero3.Tpo .deps/zero3.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o zero3 zero3.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT zero5.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/zero5.Tpo -c -o zero5.o zero5.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/zero5.Tpo .deps/zero5.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o zero5 zero5.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT zero6.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/zero6.Tpo -c -o zero6.o zero6.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/zero6.Tpo .deps/zero6.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o zero6 zero6.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT datatype_cxx.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/datatype_cxx.Tpo -c -o datatype_cxx.o datatype_cxx.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/datatype_cxx.Tpo .deps/datatype_cxx.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o datatype_cxx datatype_cxx.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpif77   -c -o fint2_f.o fint2_f.f
> > OUT:mpif77     -o fint2_f fint2_f.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpif77   -c -o fint4_f.o fint4_f.f
> > OUT:mpif77     -o fint4_f fint4_f.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpif77   -c -o freal4_f.o freal4_f.f
> > OUT:mpif77     -o freal4_f freal4_f.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpif77   -c -o freal8_f.o freal8_f.f
> > OUT:mpif77     -o freal8_f freal8_f.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpif77   -c -o fint8_f.o fint8_f.f
> > OUT:mpif77     -o fint8_f fint8_f.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpif77   -c -o freal16_f.o freal16_f.f
> > OUT:mpif77     -o freal16_f freal16_f.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/datatype'
> > OUT:Making all in dynamic
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/dynamic'
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT spawn.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/spawn.Tpo -c -o spawn.o spawn.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/spawn.Tpo .deps/spawn.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o spawn spawn.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT spawn_multiple.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/spawn_multiple.Tpo -c -o spawn_multiple.o
> >    spawn_multiple.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/spawn_multiple.Tpo .deps/spawn_multiple.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o spawn_multiple spawn_multiple.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT client_server.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/client_server.Tpo -c -o client_server.o client_server.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/client_server.Tpo .deps/client_server.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o client_server client_server.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT comm_join.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/comm_join.Tpo -c -o comm_join.o comm_join.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/comm_join.Tpo .deps/comm_join.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o comm_join comm_join.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/dynamic'
> > OUT:Making all in environment
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/environment'
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT abort.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/abort.Tpo -c -o abort.o abort.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/abort.Tpo .deps/abort.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o abort abort.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT attrs.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/attrs.Tpo -c -o attrs.o attrs.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/attrs.Tpo .deps/attrs.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o attrs attrs.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT err.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/err.Tpo -c -o err.o err.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/err.Tpo .deps/err.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o err err.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT final.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/final.Tpo -c -o final.o final.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/final.Tpo .deps/final.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o final final.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT finalized.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/finalized.Tpo -c -o finalized.o finalized.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/finalized.Tpo .deps/finalized.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o finalized finalized.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT init_thread.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/init_thread.Tpo -c -o init_thread.o init_thread.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/init_thread.Tpo .deps/init_thread.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o init_thread init_thread.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT
> >    init_thread_funneled.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/init_thread_funneled.Tpo -c -o
> >    init_thread_funneled.o init_thread_funneled.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/init_thread_funneled.Tpo .deps/init_thread_funneled.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o init_thread_funneled init_thread_funneled.o
> >    -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT
> >    init_thread_serialized.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/init_thread_serialized.Tpo -c
> >    -o init_thread_serialized.o init_thread_serialized.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/init_thread_serialized.Tpo .deps/init_thread_serialized.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o init_thread_serialized init_thread_serialized.o
> >    -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT
> >    init_thread_multiple.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/init_thread_multiple.Tpo -c -o
> >    init_thread_multiple.o init_thread_multiple.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/init_thread_multiple.Tpo .deps/init_thread_multiple.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o init_thread_multiple init_thread_multiple.o
> >    -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT initialized.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/initialized.Tpo -c -o initialized.o initialized.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/initialized.Tpo .deps/initialized.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o initialized initialized.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT is_thr_main.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/is_thr_main.Tpo -c -o is_thr_main.o is_thr_main.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/is_thr_main.Tpo .deps/is_thr_main.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o is_thr_main is_thr_main.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT pcontrol.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/pcontrol.Tpo -c -o pcontrol.o pcontrol.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/pcontrol.Tpo .deps/pcontrol.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o pcontrol pcontrol.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT procname.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/procname.Tpo -c -o procname.o procname.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/procname.Tpo .deps/procname.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o procname procname.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT query_thread.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/query_thread.Tpo -c -o query_thread.o query_thread.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/query_thread.Tpo .deps/query_thread.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o query_thread query_thread.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT wtime.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/wtime.Tpo -c -o wtime.o wtime.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/wtime.Tpo .deps/wtime.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o wtime wtime.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > init_thread_cxx.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/init_thread_cxx.Tpo -c -o init_thread_cxx.o
> >    init_thread_cxx.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/init_thread_cxx.Tpo .deps/init_thread_cxx.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o init_thread_cxx init_thread_cxx.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > is_thr_main_cxx.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/is_thr_main_cxx.Tpo -c -o is_thr_main_cxx.o
> >    is_thr_main_cxx.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/is_thr_main_cxx.Tpo .deps/is_thr_main_cxx.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o is_thr_main_cxx is_thr_main_cxx.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > query_thread_cxx.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/query_thread_cxx.Tpo -c -o query_thread_cxx.o
> >    query_thread_cxx.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/query_thread_cxx.Tpo .deps/query_thread_cxx.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o query_thread_cxx query_thread_cxx.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/environment'
> > OUT:Making all in group
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/group'
> >    mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting -g -MT group.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/group.Tpo -c -o group.o group.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/group.Tpo .deps/group.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o group group.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT groupfree.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/groupfree.Tpo -c -o groupfree.o groupfree.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/groupfree.Tpo .deps/groupfree.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o groupfree groupfree.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT range.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/range.Tpo -c -o range.o range.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/range.Tpo .deps/range.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o range range.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/group'
> > OUT:Making all in io
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/io'
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT
> >    file_status_get_count.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/file_status_get_count.Tpo -c
> >    -o file_status_get_count.o file_status_get_count.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/file_status_get_count.Tpo .deps/file_status_get_count.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o file_status_get_count file_status_get_count.o
> >    -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/io'
> > OUT:Making all in info
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/info'
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 00_create.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/00_create.Tpo -c -o 00_create.o 00_create.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/00_create.Tpo .deps/00_create.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o 00_create 00_create.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 10_set.o -MD -MP
> >    -MF .deps/10_set.Tpo -c -o 10_set.o 10_set.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/10_set.Tpo .deps/10_set.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o 10_set 10_set.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 20_delete.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/20_delete.Tpo -c -o 20_delete.o 20_delete.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/20_delete.Tpo .deps/20_delete.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o 20_delete 20_delete.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 30_get.o -MD -MP
> >    -MF .deps/30_get.Tpo -c -o 30_get.o 30_get.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/30_get.Tpo .deps/30_get.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o 30_get 30_get.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 40_getvaluelen.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/40_getvaluelen.Tpo -c -o 40_getvaluelen.o
> >    40_getvaluelen.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/40_getvaluelen.Tpo .deps/40_getvaluelen.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o 40_getvaluelen 40_getvaluelen.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 50_getnkeys.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/50_getnkeys.Tpo -c -o 50_getnkeys.o 50_getnkeys.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/50_getnkeys.Tpo .deps/50_getnkeys.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o 50_getnkeys 50_getnkeys.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 00_create_cxx.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/00_create_cxx.Tpo -c -o 00_create_cxx.o
> >    00_create_cxx.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/00_create_cxx.Tpo .deps/00_create_cxx.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o 00_create_cxx 00_create_cxx.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > 10_set_cxx.o -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/10_set_cxx.Tpo -c -o 10_set_cxx.o 10_set_cxx.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/10_set_cxx.Tpo .deps/10_set_cxx.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o 10_set_cxx 10_set_cxx.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 20_delete_cxx.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/20_delete_cxx.Tpo -c -o 20_delete_cxx.o
> >    20_delete_cxx.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/20_delete_cxx.Tpo .deps/20_delete_cxx.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o 20_delete_cxx 20_delete_cxx.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > 30_get_cxx.o -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/30_get_cxx.Tpo -c -o 30_get_cxx.o 30_get_cxx.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/30_get_cxx.Tpo .deps/30_get_cxx.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o 30_get_cxx 30_get_cxx.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT
> >    40_getvaluelen_cxx.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/40_getvaluelen_cxx.Tpo -c -o
> >    40_getvaluelen_cxx.o 40_getvaluelen_cxx.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/40_getvaluelen_cxx.Tpo .deps/40_getvaluelen_cxx.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o 40_getvaluelen_cxx 40_getvaluelen_cxx.o 
> > -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > 50_getnkeys_cxx.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/50_getnkeys_cxx.Tpo -c -o 50_getnkeys_cxx.o
> >    50_getnkeys_cxx.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/50_getnkeys_cxx.Tpo .deps/50_getnkeys_cxx.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o 50_getnkeys_cxx 50_getnkeys_cxx.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/info'
> > OUT:Making all in onesided
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/onesided'
> >    mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting -g -MT c_create.o -MD -MP
> >    -MF .deps/c_create.Tpo -c -o c_create.o c_create.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_create.Tpo .deps/c_create.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_create c_create.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT c_create_size.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/c_create_size.Tpo -c -o c_create_size.o c_create_size.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_create_size.Tpo .deps/c_create_size.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_create_size c_create_size.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT c_create_disp.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/c_create_disp.Tpo -c -o c_create_disp.o c_create_disp.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_create_disp.Tpo .deps/c_create_disp.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_create_disp c_create_disp.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT c_create_info.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/c_create_info.Tpo -c -o c_create_info.o c_create_info.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_create_info.Tpo .deps/c_create_info.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_create_info c_create_info.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT
> >    c_create_info_half.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/c_create_info_half.Tpo -c -o
> >    c_create_info_half.o c_create_info_half.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_create_info_half.Tpo .deps/c_create_info_half.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_create_info_half c_create_info_half.o 
> > -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > c_create_no_free.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/c_create_no_free.Tpo -c -o c_create_no_free.o
> >    c_create_no_free.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_create_no_free.Tpo .deps/c_create_no_free.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_create_no_free c_create_no_free.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT c_win_attr.o -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/c_win_attr.Tpo -c -o c_win_attr.o c_win_attr.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_win_attr.Tpo .deps/c_win_attr.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_win_attr c_win_attr.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > c_win_errhandler.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/c_win_errhandler.Tpo -c -o c_win_errhandler.o
> >    c_win_errhandler.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_win_errhandler.Tpo .deps/c_win_errhandler.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_win_errhandler c_win_errhandler.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT c_fence_simple.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/c_fence_simple.Tpo -c -o c_fence_simple.o
> >    c_fence_simple.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_fence_simple.Tpo .deps/c_fence_simple.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_fence_simple c_fence_simple.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > c_fence_asserts.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/c_fence_asserts.Tpo -c -o c_fence_asserts.o
> >    c_fence_asserts.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_fence_asserts.Tpo .deps/c_fence_asserts.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_fence_asserts c_fence_asserts.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT c_fence_put_1.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/c_fence_put_1.Tpo -c -o c_fence_put_1.o c_fence_put_1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_fence_put_1.Tpo .deps/c_fence_put_1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_fence_put_1 c_fence_put_1.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT c_lock_illegal.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/c_lock_illegal.Tpo -c -o c_lock_illegal.o
> >    c_lock_illegal.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_lock_illegal.Tpo .deps/c_lock_illegal.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_lock_illegal c_lock_illegal.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT c_put.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/c_put.Tpo -c -o c_put.o c_put.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_put.Tpo .deps/c_put.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_put c_put.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT c_put_big.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/c_put_big.Tpo -c -o c_put_big.o c_put_big.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_put_big.Tpo .deps/c_put_big.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_put_big c_put_big.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT c_accumulate.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/c_accumulate.Tpo -c -o c_accumulate.o c_accumulate.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_accumulate.Tpo .deps/c_accumulate.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_accumulate c_accumulate.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT
> >    c_accumulate_atomic.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/c_accumulate_atomic.Tpo -c -o
> >    c_accumulate_atomic.o c_accumulate_atomic.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_accumulate_atomic.Tpo .deps/c_accumulate_atomic.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_accumulate_atomic c_accumulate_atomic.o 
> > -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT c_get.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/c_get.Tpo -c -o c_get.o c_get.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_get.Tpo .deps/c_get.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_get c_get.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT c_get_big.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/c_get_big.Tpo -c -o c_get_big.o c_get_big.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_get_big.Tpo .deps/c_get_big.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o c_get_big c_get_big.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT cxx_alloc.o -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/cxx_alloc.Tpo -c -o cxx_alloc.o cxx_alloc.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cxx_alloc.Tpo .deps/cxx_alloc.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o cxx_alloc cxx_alloc.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT cxx_create.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/cxx_create.Tpo -c -o cxx_create.o cxx_create.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cxx_create.Tpo .deps/cxx_create.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o cxx_create cxx_create.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > cxx_create_size.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/cxx_create_size.Tpo -c -o cxx_create_size.o
> >    cxx_create_size.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cxx_create_size.Tpo .deps/cxx_create_size.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o cxx_create_size cxx_create_size.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > cxx_create_disp.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/cxx_create_disp.Tpo -c -o cxx_create_disp.o
> >    cxx_create_disp.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cxx_create_disp.Tpo .deps/cxx_create_disp.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o cxx_create_disp cxx_create_disp.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > cxx_create_info.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/cxx_create_info.Tpo -c -o cxx_create_info.o
> >    cxx_create_info.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cxx_create_info.Tpo .deps/cxx_create_info.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o cxx_create_info cxx_create_info.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT
> >    cxx_create_info_half.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/cxx_create_info_half.Tpo -c -o
> >    cxx_create_info_half.o cxx_create_info_half.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cxx_create_info_half.Tpo .deps/cxx_create_info_half.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o cxx_create_info_half cxx_create_info_half.o
> >    -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT
> >    cxx_call_errhandler.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/cxx_call_errhandler.Tpo -c -o
> >    cxx_call_errhandler.o cxx_call_errhandler.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cxx_call_errhandler.Tpo .deps/cxx_call_errhandler.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o cxx_call_errhandler cxx_call_errhandler.o
> >    -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT cxx_fence.o -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/cxx_fence.Tpo -c -o cxx_fence.o cxx_fence.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cxx_fence.Tpo .deps/cxx_fence.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o cxx_fence cxx_fence.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT cxx_fence_get.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/cxx_fence_get.Tpo -c -o cxx_fence_get.o
> >    cxx_fence_get.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cxx_fence_get.Tpo .deps/cxx_fence_get.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o cxx_fence_get cxx_fence_get.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > cxx_get_group.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/cxx_get_group.Tpo -c -o cxx_get_group.o
> >    cxx_get_group.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cxx_get_group.Tpo .deps/cxx_get_group.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o cxx_get_group cxx_get_group.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT 
> > cxx_simple_lock.o
> >    -MD -MP -MF .deps/cxx_simple_lock.Tpo -c -o cxx_simple_lock.o
> >    cxx_simple_lock.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cxx_simple_lock.Tpo .deps/cxx_simple_lock.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o cxx_simple_lock cxx_simple_lock.o -L../reporting
> >    -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT cxx_win_attr.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/cxx_win_attr.Tpo -c -o cxx_win_attr.o cxx_win_attr.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cxx_win_attr.Tpo .deps/cxx_win_attr.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o cxx_win_attr cxx_win_attr.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT cxx_win_name.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/cxx_win_name.Tpo -c -o cxx_win_name.o cxx_win_name.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cxx_win_name.Tpo .deps/cxx_win_name.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o cxx_win_name cxx_win_name.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest 
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/onesided'
> > OUT:Making all in pt2pt
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/pt2pt'
> >    mpif77   -c -o sendrecv_f.o sendrecv_f.f
> > OUT:sendrecv_f.f:119.72:
> > OUT:            go to 121                                                   
> >    
> >    
> >                                                                       1
> >    sendrecv_f.f:121.72:
> >    
> >     121     end do                                                     
> >                                                                       2
> >    Warning: Deleted feature: GOTO at (1) jumps to END of construct at (2)
> > OUT:sendrecv_f.f:163.72:
> > OUT:                go to 165                                               
> >    
> >    
> >                                                                       1
> >    sendrecv_f.f:165.72:
> >    
> >     165  end do                                                        
> >                                                                       2
> >    Warning: Deleted feature: GOTO at (1) jumps to END of construct at (2)
> > OUT:mpif77     -o sendrecv_f sendrecv_f.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT allocmem.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/allocmem.Tpo -c -o allocmem.o allocmem.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/allocmem.Tpo .deps/allocmem.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o allocmem allocmem.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT bsend.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/bsend.Tpo -c -o bsend.o bsend.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/bsend.Tpo .deps/bsend.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o bsend bsend.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT bsend_free.o -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/bsend_free.Tpo -c -o bsend_free.o bsend_free.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/bsend_free.Tpo .deps/bsend_free.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o bsend_free bsend_free.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT buffer.o -MD -MP
> >    -MF .deps/buffer.Tpo -c -o buffer.o buffer.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/buffer.Tpo .deps/buffer.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o buffer buffer.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT free.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/free.Tpo -c -o free.o free.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/free.Tpo .deps/free.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o free free.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT getcount.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/getcount.Tpo -c -o getcount.o getcount.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/getcount.Tpo .deps/getcount.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o getcount getcount.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT interf.o -MD -MP
> >    -MF .deps/interf.Tpo -c -o interf.o interf.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/interf.Tpo .deps/interf.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o interf interf.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT iprobe.o -MD -MP
> >    -MF .deps/iprobe.Tpo -c -o iprobe.o iprobe.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/iprobe.Tpo .deps/iprobe.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o iprobe iprobe.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT isend.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/isend.Tpo -c -o isend.o isend.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/isend.Tpo .deps/isend.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o isend isend.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT probe.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/probe.Tpo -c -o probe.o probe.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/probe.Tpo .deps/probe.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o probe probe.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT rsend.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/rsend.Tpo -c -o rsend.o rsend.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/rsend.Tpo .deps/rsend.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o rsend rsend.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT rsend2.o -MD -MP
> >    -MF .deps/rsend2.Tpo -c -o rsend2.o rsend2.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/rsend2.Tpo .deps/rsend2.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o rsend2 rsend2.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT send.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/send.Tpo -c -o send.o send.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/send.Tpo .deps/send.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o send send.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT send2.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/send2.Tpo -c -o send2.o send2.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/send2.Tpo .deps/send2.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o send2 send2.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT sendrecv.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/sendrecv.Tpo -c -o sendrecv.o sendrecv.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/sendrecv.Tpo .deps/sendrecv.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o sendrecv sendrecv.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT sendrecv_rep.o 
> > -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/sendrecv_rep.Tpo -c -o sendrecv_rep.o sendrecv_rep.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/sendrecv_rep.Tpo .deps/sendrecv_rep.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o sendrecv_rep sendrecv_rep.o -L../reporting 
> > -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT seq.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/seq.Tpo -c -o seq.o seq.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/seq.Tpo .deps/seq.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o seq seq.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT ssend.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/ssend.Tpo -c -o ssend.o ssend.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/ssend.Tpo .deps/ssend.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o ssend ssend.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT start.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/start.Tpo -c -o start.o start.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/start.Tpo .deps/start.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o start start.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT startall.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/startall.Tpo -c -o startall.o startall.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/startall.Tpo .deps/startall.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o startall startall.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT test1.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/test1.Tpo -c -o test1.o test1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test1.Tpo .deps/test1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o test1 test1.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT test2.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/test2.Tpo -c -o test2.o test2.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test2.Tpo .deps/test2.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o test2 test2.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT test3.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/test3.Tpo -c -o test3.o test3.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test3.Tpo .deps/test3.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o test3 test3.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT testall.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/testall.Tpo -c -o testall.o testall.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/testall.Tpo .deps/testall.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o testall testall.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT testany.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/testany.Tpo -c -o testany.o testany.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/testany.Tpo .deps/testany.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o testany testany.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT testsome.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/testsome.Tpo -c -o testsome.o testsome.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/testsome.Tpo .deps/testsome.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o testsome testsome.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT waitall.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/waitall.Tpo -c -o waitall.o waitall.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/waitall.Tpo .deps/waitall.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o waitall waitall.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT waitany.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/waitany.Tpo -c -o waitany.o waitany.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/waitany.Tpo .deps/waitany.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o waitany waitany.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT waitnull.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/waitnull.Tpo -c -o waitnull.o waitnull.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/waitnull.Tpo .deps/waitnull.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o waitnull waitnull.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT waitsome.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/waitsome.Tpo -c -o waitsome.o waitsome.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/waitsome.Tpo .deps/waitsome.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o waitsome waitsome.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT wildcard.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/wildcard.Tpo -c -o wildcard.o wildcard.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/wildcard.Tpo .deps/wildcard.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o wildcard wildcard.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/pt2pt'
> > OUT:Making all in topology
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/topology'
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT cart.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/cart.Tpo -c -o cart.o cart.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cart.Tpo .deps/cart.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o cart cart.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT dimscreate.o -MD
> >    -MP -MF .deps/dimscreate.Tpo -c -o dimscreate.o dimscreate.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/dimscreate.Tpo .deps/dimscreate.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o dimscreate dimscreate.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT graph.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/graph.Tpo -c -o graph.o graph.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/graph.Tpo .deps/graph.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o graph graph.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../reporting         -g -MT sub.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/sub.Tpo -c -o sub.o sub.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/sub.Tpo .deps/sub.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -g       -o sub sub.o -L../reporting -lompitest 
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/topology'
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm'
> > OUT:make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all-am'.
> >    make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm'
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Writing built file:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/ibm/ibm/test_built.ini
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Submit(@args)
> > File reporter
> > Writing to text file:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/Test_Build-ibm-openmpi-1.2.8-1.2.8.txt
> > >> Reported to text file
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/Test_Build-ibm-openmpi-1.2.8-1.2.8.txt
> >    Completed test build successfully
> > >> Test build [test build: onesided]
> > Evaluating: onesided
> > Evaluating: ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> > Evaluating: ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> >    Building for [openmpi-1.2.8] / [1.2.8] / [openmpi-1.2.8] / [onesided]
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > Evaluating: Shell
> > Making dir: tests (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2)
> > chdir tests/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests
> > Making dir: onesided (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests)
> > onesided does not exist -- creating
> > chdir onesided/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/onesided
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Common::Copytree
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Common::Copytree::PrepareForInstall(@args)
> > >> copytree copying to /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/onesided
> > Copying directory:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__onesided/onesided
> > Running command: rm -rf onesided
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Running command: cp -r
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__onesided/onesided .
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > chdir onesided
> > copytree running post_copy command: ./autogen.sh
> > Running command: /tmp/QcIdt4zs6S
> > OUT:
> >    *** Running GNU tools in directory: 
> >    ***       /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/onesided/onesided
> > OUT:aclocal
> > OUT:autoheader
> > OUT:autoconf
> > OUT:automake --foreign -a --copy --include-deps
> > OUT:configure.ac:37: installing `./config.guess'
> > OUT:configure.ac:37: installing `./config.sub'
> > OUT:configure.ac:24: installing `./install-sh'
> > OUT:configure.ac:24: installing `./missing'
> > OUT:Makefile.am: installing `./depcomp'
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/onesided
> > >> copytree finished copying
> > chdir onesided
> > Evaluating: 1
> > Evaluating: 1
> > Evaluating: 100
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Build::Shell
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Build::Shell::Build(@args)
> > Building Shell
> > Evaluating: ./configure
> >    make
> > Running command: /tmp/xxwjpM49dT
> > OUT:Configuring Open MPI/onesided test suite
> > OUT:checking for a BSD-compatible install... OUT:/usr/bin/install -c
> > OUT:checking whether build environment is sane... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... OUT:/bin/mkdir -p
> > OUT:checking for gawk... OUT:gawk
> > OUT:checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking build system type... OUT:powerpc64-suse-linux-gnu
> > OUT:checking host system type... OUT:powerpc64-suse-linux-gnu
> > OUT:checking for mpicc... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for gcc... OUT:mpicc
> > OUT:checking for C compiler default output file name... OUT:a.out
> > OUT:checking whether the C compiler works... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking whether we are cross compiling... OUT:no
> > OUT:checking for suffix of executables... OUT:
> > OUT:checking for suffix of object files... OUT:o
> > OUT:checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking whether mpicc accepts -g... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for mpicc option to accept ISO C89... OUT:none needed
> > OUT:checking for style of include used by make... OUT:GNU
> > OUT:checking dependency style of mpicc... OUT:gcc3
> > OUT:checking how to run the C preprocessor... OUT:mpicc -E
> > OUT:checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... OUT:/usr/bin/grep
> > OUT:checking for egrep... OUT:/usr/bin/grep -E
> > OUT:checking for ANSI C header files... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for sys/types.h... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for sys/stat.h... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for stdlib.h... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for string.h... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for memory.h... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for strings.h... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for inttypes.h... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for stdint.h... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for unistd.h... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking size of void *... OUT:8
> > OUT:checking for the C compiler vendor... OUT:gnu
> > OUT:checking for C compiler-specific debug flags... OUT:-Wall
> > OUT:checking for mpic++... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking whether mpic++ accepts -g... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking dependency style of mpic++... OUT:gcc3
> > OUT:checking for the C++ compiler vendor... OUT:gnu
> > OUT:checking for C++ compiler-specific debug flags... OUT:-Wall
> > OUT:checking for mpif77... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking whether we are using the GNU Fortran 77 compiler... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking whether mpif77 accepts -g... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for Fortran 77 compiler-specific flags... OUT:-fcray-pointer
> > OUT:checking for mpif90... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking whether we are using the GNU Fortran compiler... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking whether mpif90 accepts -g... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for Fortran 90 compiler-specific flags... OUT:-fcray-pointer
> > OUT:checking for ranlib... OUT:ranlib
> > OUT:checking for mpi.h... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for MPI_Initialized in -lmpi... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking if have Fortran 77 MPI bindings... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking if have Fortran 90 MPI bindings... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking if have MPI-2 C++ support... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking if checking MPI API params... OUT:yes
> > OUT:configure: creating ./config.status
> > OUT:config.status: creating Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating onesided_config.h
> > OUT:config.status: executing depfiles commands
> > OUT:make  all-am
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/onesided/onesided'
> >    mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT utils.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/utils.Tpo -c -o utils.o utils.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/utils.Tpo .deps/utils.Po
> > OUT:rm -f libonesided_util.a
> > OUT:ar cru libonesided_util.a utils.o 
> > OUT:ranlib libonesided_util.a
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT cmpf2c.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/cmpf2c.Tpo -c -o cmpf2c.o cmpf2c.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cmpf2c.Tpo .deps/cmpf2c.Po
> > OUT:rm -f libonesided_f2c.a
> > OUT:ar cru libonesided_f2c.a cmpf2c.o 
> > OUT:ranlib libonesided_f2c.a
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_acc1.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_acc1.Tpo -c -o test_acc1.o test_acc1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_acc1.Tpo .deps/test_acc1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_acc1 test_acc1.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_acc2.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_acc2.Tpo -c -o test_acc2.o test_acc2.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_acc2.Tpo .deps/test_acc2.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_acc2 test_acc2.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_acc3.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_acc3.Tpo -c -o test_acc3.o test_acc3.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_acc3.Tpo .deps/test_acc3.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_acc3 test_acc3.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_dan1.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_dan1.Tpo -c -o test_dan1.o test_dan1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_dan1.Tpo .deps/test_dan1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_dan1 test_dan1.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_get1.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_get1.Tpo -c -o test_get1.o test_get1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_get1.Tpo .deps/test_get1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_get1 test_get1.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_get2.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_get2.Tpo -c -o test_get2.o test_get2.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_get2.Tpo .deps/test_get2.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_get2 test_get2.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_get3.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_get3.Tpo -c -o test_get3.o test_get3.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_get3.Tpo .deps/test_get3.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_get3 test_get3.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_lock1.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_lock1.Tpo -c -o test_lock1.o test_lock1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_lock1.Tpo .deps/test_lock1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_lock1 test_lock1.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_lock2.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_lock2.Tpo -c -o test_lock2.o test_lock2.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_lock2.Tpo .deps/test_lock2.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_lock2 test_lock2.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_lock3.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_lock3.Tpo -c -o test_lock3.o test_lock3.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_lock3.Tpo .deps/test_lock3.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_lock3 test_lock3.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_lock4.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_lock4.Tpo -c -o test_lock4.o test_lock4.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_lock4.Tpo .deps/test_lock4.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_lock4 test_lock4.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_lock5.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_lock5.Tpo -c -o test_lock5.o test_lock5.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_lock5.Tpo .deps/test_lock5.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_lock5 test_lock5.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_mt_put1.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/test_mt_put1.Tpo -c -o test_mt_put1.o test_mt_put1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_mt_put1.Tpo .deps/test_mt_put1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_mt_put1 test_mt_put1.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_mwin1.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_mwin1.Tpo -c -o test_mwin1.o test_mwin1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_mwin1.Tpo .deps/test_mwin1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_mwin1 test_mwin1.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_put1.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_put1.Tpo -c -o test_put1.o test_put1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_put1.Tpo .deps/test_put1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_put1 test_put1.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_put4.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_put4.Tpo -c -o test_put4.o test_put4.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_put4.Tpo .deps/test_put4.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_put4 test_put4.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_put5.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_put5.Tpo -c -o test_put5.o test_put5.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_put5.Tpo .deps/test_put5.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_put5 test_put5.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_put6.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_put6.Tpo -c -o test_put6.o test_put6.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_put6.Tpo .deps/test_put6.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_put6 test_put6.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_rma1.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_rma1.Tpo -c -o test_rma1.o test_rma1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_rma1.Tpo .deps/test_rma1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_rma1 test_rma1.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_start1.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_start1.Tpo -c -o test_start1.o test_start1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_start1.Tpo .deps/test_start1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_start1 test_start1.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_start2.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_start2.Tpo -c -o test_start2.o test_start2.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_start2.Tpo .deps/test_start2.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_start2 test_start2.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_start3.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test_start3.Tpo -c -o test_start3.o test_start3.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_start3.Tpo .deps/test_start3.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_start3 test_start3.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_um_lock1.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/test_um_lock1.Tpo -c -o test_um_lock1.o test_um_lock1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_um_lock1.Tpo .deps/test_um_lock1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_um_lock1 test_um_lock1.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_um_mixed_put1.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/test_um_mixed_put1.Tpo -c -o test_um_mixed_put1.o
> >    test_um_mixed_put1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_um_mixed_put1.Tpo .deps/test_um_mixed_put1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_um_mixed_put1 test_um_mixed_put1.o
> >    libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_um_put1.o -MD -MP 
> > -MF
> >    .deps/test_um_put1.Tpo -c -o test_um_put1.o test_um_put1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_um_put1.Tpo .deps/test_um_put1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_um_put1 test_um_put1.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT test_wincreate1.o -MD -MP
> >    -MF .deps/test_wincreate1.Tpo -c -o test_wincreate1.o test_wincreate1.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test_wincreate1.Tpo .deps/test_wincreate1.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o test_wincreate1 test_wincreate1.o
> >    libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT t_winattrs.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/t_winattrs.Tpo -c -o t_winattrs.o t_winattrs.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/t_winattrs.Tpo .deps/t_winattrs.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o t_winattrs t_winattrs.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT t_win.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/t_win.Tpo -c -o t_win.o t_win.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/t_win.Tpo .deps/t_win.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o t_win t_win.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT t_winerror.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/t_winerror.Tpo -c -o t_winerror.o t_winerror.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/t_winerror.Tpo .deps/t_winerror.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o t_winerror t_winerror.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -Wall -g -MT t_winself.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/t_winself.Tpo -c -o t_winself.o t_winself.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/t_winself.Tpo .deps/t_winself.Po
> > OUT:mpicc  -Wall -g   -o t_winself t_winself.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpif90  -fcray-pointer -g -c -o t.o t.f90
> > OUT:mpif90  -fcray-pointer -g       -o t t.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpif90  -fcray-pointer -g -c -o t_winattrsf.o t_winattrsf.f90
> > OUT:mpif90  -fcray-pointer -g       -o t_winattrsf t_winattrsf.o
> >    libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpif90  -fcray-pointer -g -c -o t_f2c_c2f.o t_f2c_c2f.f90
> > OUT:mpif90  -fcray-pointer -g       -o t_f2c_c2f t_f2c_c2f.o 
> > libonesided_f2c.a
> >    libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:mpif90  -fcray-pointer -g -c -o t_winf.o t_winf.f90
> > OUT:mpif90  -fcray-pointer -g       -o t_winf t_winf.o libonesided_util.a 
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/onesided/onesided'
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Writing built file:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/onesided/onesided/test_built.
> >    ini
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Submit(@args)
> > File reporter
> > Writing to text file:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/Test_Build-onesided-openmpi-1.2.8-1.2.8.txt
> > >> Reported to text file
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/Test_Build-onesided-openmpi-1.2.8-1.2.8.txt
> >    Completed test build successfully
> > >> Test build [test build: mpicxx]
> > Evaluating: mpicxx
> > Evaluating: ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> > Evaluating: ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> >    Building for [openmpi-1.2.8] / [1.2.8] / [openmpi-1.2.8] / [mpicxx]
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > Evaluating: Shell
> > Making dir: tests (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2)
> > chdir tests/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests
> > Making dir: mpicxx (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests)
> > mpicxx does not exist -- creating
> > chdir mpicxx/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/mpicxx
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Common::Copytree
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Common::Copytree::PrepareForInstall(@args)
> > >> copytree copying to /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/mpicxx
> > Copying directory:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__mpicxx/cxx-test-suite
> > Running command: rm -rf cxx-test-suite
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Running command: cp -r
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__mpicxx/cxx-test-suite .
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > chdir cxx-test-suite
> > copytree running post_copy command: ./autogen.sh
> > Running command: /tmp/qCdoLhIgjx
> > OUT:
> >    *** Running GNU tools in directory: 
> >    ***       
> > /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/mpicxx/cxx-test-suite
> > OUT:aclocal
> > OUT:autoheader
> > OUT:autoconf
> > OUT:libtoolize --automake --copy
> > OUT:automake --foreign -a --copy --include-deps
> > OUT:configure.ac:40: installing `./config/config.guess'
> > OUT:configure.ac:40: installing `./config/config.sub'
> > OUT:configure.ac:20: installing `./config/install-sh'
> > OUT:configure.ac:20: installing `./config/missing'
> > OUT:src/Makefile.am: installing `./config/depcomp'
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/mpicxx
> > >> copytree finished copying
> > chdir cxx-test-suite
> > Evaluating: 1
> > Evaluating: 1
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Build::Shell
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Build::Shell::Build(@args)
> > Building Shell
> > Evaluating: ./configure CC=mpicc CXX=mpic++
> >    make
> > Running command: /tmp/TXYRC9ZW7U
> > OUT:Configuring Open MPI C++ test suite
> > OUT:checking for a BSD-compatible install... OUT:/usr/bin/install -c
> > OUT:checking whether build environment is sane... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... OUT:/bin/mkdir -p
> > OUT:checking for gawk... OUT:gawk
> > OUT:checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking build system type... OUT:powerpc64-suse-linux-gnu
> > OUT:checking host system type... OUT:powerpc64-suse-linux-gnu
> > OUT:checking for gcc... OUT:mpicc
> > OUT:checking for C compiler default output file name... OUT:a.out
> > OUT:checking whether the C compiler works... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking whether we are cross compiling... OUT:no
> > OUT:checking for suffix of executables... OUT:
> > OUT:checking for suffix of object files... OUT:o
> > OUT:checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking whether mpicc accepts -g... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for mpicc option to accept ISO C89... OUT:none needed
> > OUT:checking for style of include used by make... OUT:GNU
> > OUT:checking dependency style of mpicc... OUT:gcc3
> > OUT:checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking whether mpic++ accepts -g... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking dependency style of mpic++... OUT:gcc3
> > OUT:checking for ranlib... OUT:ranlib
> > OUT:checking for mpi.h... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for MPI_Initialized in -lmpi... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking if have MPI-2 C++ support... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking if have MPI-2 IO support... OUT:yes
> > OUT:checking for signal declaration... OUT:SYSV
> > OUT:configure: creating ./config.status
> > OUT:config.status: creating Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating src/Makefile
> > OUT:config.status: creating src/test_config.h
> > OUT:config.status: executing depfiles commands
> > OUT:Making all in src
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/mpicxx/cxx-test-suite/src'
> > OUT:make  all-am
> > OUT:make[2]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/mpicxx/cxx-test-suite/src'
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT connect.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/connect.Tpo -c -o connect.o connect.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/connect.Tpo .deps/connect.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o connect connect.o  
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT mpi2c++_dynamics_test.o -MD 
> > -MP
> >    -MF .deps/mpi2c++_dynamics_test.Tpo -c -o mpi2c++_dynamics_test.o
> >    mpi2c++_dynamics_test.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/mpi2c++_dynamics_test.Tpo .deps/mpi2c++_dynamics_test.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT messages.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/messages.Tpo -c -o messages.o messages.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/messages.Tpo .deps/messages.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT stack.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/stack.Tpo -c -o stack.o stack.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/stack.Tpo .deps/stack.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT signal.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/signal.Tpo -c -o signal.o signal.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/signal.Tpo .deps/signal.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT c_s.o -MD -MP -MF 
> > .deps/c_s.Tpo
> >    -c -o c_s.o c_s.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/c_s.Tpo .deps/c_s.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o mpi2c++_dynamics_test mpi2c++_dynamics_test.o
> >    messages.o stack.o signal.o c_s.o  
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT mpi2c++_test.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/mpi2c++_test.Tpo -c -o mpi2c++_test.o mpi2c++_test.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/mpi2c++_test.Tpo .deps/mpi2c++_test.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT allgather.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/allgather.Tpo -c -o allgather.o allgather.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/allgather.Tpo .deps/allgather.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT allgatherv.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/allgatherv.Tpo -c -o allgatherv.o allgatherv.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/allgatherv.Tpo .deps/allgatherv.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT allreduce.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/allreduce.Tpo -c -o allreduce.o allreduce.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/allreduce.Tpo .deps/allreduce.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT alltoall.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/alltoall.Tpo -c -o alltoall.o alltoall.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/alltoall.Tpo .deps/alltoall.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT alltoallv.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/alltoallv.Tpo -c -o alltoallv.o alltoallv.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/alltoallv.Tpo .deps/alltoallv.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT attr.o -MD -MP -MF 
> > .deps/attr.Tpo
> >    -c -o attr.o attr.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/attr.Tpo .deps/attr.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT badbuf.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/badbuf.Tpo -c -o badbuf.o badbuf.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/badbuf.Tpo .deps/badbuf.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT bcast.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/bcast.Tpo -c -o bcast.o bcast.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/bcast.Tpo .deps/bcast.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT bcast_struct.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/bcast_struct.Tpo -c -o bcast_struct.o bcast_struct.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/bcast_struct.Tpo .deps/bcast_struct.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT bottom.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/bottom.Tpo -c -o bottom.o bottom.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/bottom.Tpo .deps/bottom.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT bsend.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/bsend.Tpo -c -o bsend.o bsend.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/bsend.Tpo .deps/bsend.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT buffer.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/buffer.Tpo -c -o buffer.o buffer.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/buffer.Tpo .deps/buffer.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT cancel.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/cancel.Tpo -c -o cancel.o cancel.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cancel.Tpo .deps/cancel.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT cartcomm.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/cartcomm.Tpo -c -o cartcomm.o cartcomm.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/cartcomm.Tpo .deps/cartcomm.Po
> > OUT:mpicc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT chandles.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/chandles.Tpo -c -o chandles.o chandles.c
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/chandles.Tpo .deps/chandles.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT commdup.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/commdup.Tpo -c -o commdup.o commdup.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/commdup.Tpo .deps/commdup.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT commfree.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/commfree.Tpo -c -o commfree.o commfree.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/commfree.Tpo .deps/commfree.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT commgethandler.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/commgethandler.Tpo -c -o commgethandler.o commgethandler.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/commgethandler.Tpo .deps/commgethandler.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT commname.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/commname.Tpo -c -o commname.o commname.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/commname.Tpo .deps/commname.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT compare.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/compare.Tpo -c -o compare.o compare.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/compare.Tpo .deps/compare.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT constants.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/constants.Tpo -c -o constants.o constants.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/constants.Tpo .deps/constants.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT dims.o -MD -MP -MF 
> > .deps/dims.Tpo
> >    -c -o dims.o dims.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/dims.Tpo .deps/dims.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT dup_test.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/dup_test.Tpo -c -o dup_test.o dup_test.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/dup_test.Tpo .deps/dup_test.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT errhandler.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/errhandler.Tpo -c -o errhandler.o errhandler.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/errhandler.Tpo .deps/errhandler.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT finalized.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/finalized.Tpo -c -o finalized.o finalized.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/finalized.Tpo .deps/finalized.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT gather.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/gather.Tpo -c -o gather.o gather.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/gather.Tpo .deps/gather.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT getcount.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/getcount.Tpo -c -o getcount.o getcount.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/getcount.Tpo .deps/getcount.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT getel.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/getel.Tpo -c -o getel.o getel.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/getel.Tpo .deps/getel.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT graphcomm.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/graphcomm.Tpo -c -o graphcomm.o graphcomm.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/graphcomm.Tpo .deps/graphcomm.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT grequest.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/grequest.Tpo -c -o grequest.o grequest.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/grequest.Tpo .deps/grequest.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT group.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/group.Tpo -c -o group.o group.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/group.Tpo .deps/group.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT groupfree.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/groupfree.Tpo -c -o groupfree.o groupfree.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/groupfree.Tpo .deps/groupfree.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT handleconversion.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/handleconversion.Tpo -c -o handleconversion.o handleconversion.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/handleconversion.Tpo .deps/handleconversion.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT info.o -MD -MP -MF 
> > .deps/info.Tpo
> >    -c -o info.o info.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/info.Tpo .deps/info.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT initialized1.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/initialized1.Tpo -c -o initialized1.o initialized1.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/initialized1.Tpo .deps/initialized1.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT initialized2.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/initialized2.Tpo -c -o initialized2.o initialized2.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/initialized2.Tpo .deps/initialized2.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT intercomm.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/intercomm.Tpo -c -o intercomm.o intercomm.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/intercomm.Tpo .deps/intercomm.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT interf.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/interf.Tpo -c -o interf.o interf.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/interf.Tpo .deps/interf.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT iprobe.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/iprobe.Tpo -c -o iprobe.o iprobe.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/iprobe.Tpo .deps/iprobe.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT isend.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/isend.Tpo -c -o isend.o isend.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/isend.Tpo .deps/isend.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT op_test.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/op_test.Tpo -c -o op_test.o op_test.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/op_test.Tpo .deps/op_test.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT pack_test.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/pack_test.Tpo -c -o pack_test.o pack_test.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/pack_test.Tpo .deps/pack_test.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT pcontrol.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/pcontrol.Tpo -c -o pcontrol.o pcontrol.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/pcontrol.Tpo .deps/pcontrol.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT probe.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/probe.Tpo -c -o probe.o probe.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/probe.Tpo .deps/probe.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT procname.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/procname.Tpo -c -o procname.o procname.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/procname.Tpo .deps/procname.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT querythread.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/querythread.Tpo -c -o querythread.o querythread.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/querythread.Tpo .deps/querythread.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT rank_size.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/rank_size.Tpo -c -o rank_size.o rank_size.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/rank_size.Tpo .deps/rank_size.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT reduce.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/reduce.Tpo -c -o reduce.o reduce.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/reduce.Tpo .deps/reduce.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT reduce_scatter.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/reduce_scatter.Tpo -c -o reduce_scatter.o reduce_scatter.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/reduce_scatter.Tpo .deps/reduce_scatter.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT request1.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/request1.Tpo -c -o request1.o request1.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/request1.Tpo .deps/request1.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT rsend.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/rsend.Tpo -c -o rsend.o rsend.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/rsend.Tpo .deps/rsend.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT scan.o -MD -MP -MF 
> > .deps/scan.Tpo
> >    -c -o scan.o scan.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/scan.Tpo .deps/scan.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT scatter.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/scatter.Tpo -c -o scatter.o scatter.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/scatter.Tpo .deps/scatter.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT scatterv.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/scatterv.Tpo -c -o scatterv.o scatterv.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/scatterv.Tpo .deps/scatterv.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT seek_constants.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/seek_constants.Tpo -c -o seek_constants.o seek_constants.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/seek_constants.Tpo .deps/seek_constants.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT send.o -MD -MP -MF 
> > .deps/send.Tpo
> >    -c -o send.o send.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/send.Tpo .deps/send.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT sendrecv.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/sendrecv.Tpo -c -o sendrecv.o sendrecv.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/sendrecv.Tpo .deps/sendrecv.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT sendrecv_rep.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/sendrecv_rep.Tpo -c -o sendrecv_rep.o sendrecv_rep.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/sendrecv_rep.Tpo .deps/sendrecv_rep.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT split.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/split.Tpo -c -o split.o split.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/split.Tpo .deps/split.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT ssend.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/ssend.Tpo -c -o ssend.o ssend.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/ssend.Tpo .deps/ssend.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT start.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/start.Tpo -c -o start.o start.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/start.Tpo .deps/start.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT startall.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/startall.Tpo -c -o startall.o startall.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/startall.Tpo .deps/startall.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT status_test.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/status_test.Tpo -c -o status_test.o status_test.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/status_test.Tpo .deps/status_test.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT struct_gatherv.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/struct_gatherv.Tpo -c -o struct_gatherv.o struct_gatherv.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/struct_gatherv.Tpo .deps/struct_gatherv.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT test1.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test1.Tpo -c -o test1.o test1.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test1.Tpo .deps/test1.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT test3.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/test3.Tpo -c -o test3.o test3.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/test3.Tpo .deps/test3.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT testall.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/testall.Tpo -c -o testall.o testall.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/testall.Tpo .deps/testall.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT testany.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/testany.Tpo -c -o testany.o testany.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/testany.Tpo .deps/testany.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT testsome.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/testsome.Tpo -c -o testsome.o testsome.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/testsome.Tpo .deps/testsome.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT topo.o -MD -MP -MF 
> > .deps/topo.Tpo
> >    -c -o topo.o topo.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/topo.Tpo .deps/topo.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT type.o -MD -MP -MF 
> > .deps/type.Tpo
> >    -c -o type.o type.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/type.Tpo .deps/type.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT typekeyval.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/typekeyval.Tpo -c -o typekeyval.o typekeyval.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/typekeyval.Tpo .deps/typekeyval.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT typemap.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/typemap.Tpo -c -o typemap.o typemap.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/typemap.Tpo .deps/typemap.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT waitall.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/waitall.Tpo -c -o waitall.o waitall.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/waitall.Tpo .deps/waitall.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT waitany.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/waitany.Tpo -c -o waitany.o waitany.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/waitany.Tpo .deps/waitany.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT waitsome.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/waitsome.Tpo -c -o waitsome.o waitsome.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/waitsome.Tpo .deps/waitsome.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT window.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/window.Tpo -c -o window.o window.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/window.Tpo .deps/window.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT wtime.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/wtime.Tpo -c -o wtime.o wtime.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/wtime.Tpo .deps/wtime.Po
> > OUT:mpic++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.         -g -MT winkeyval.o -MD -MP -MF
> >    .deps/winkeyval.Tpo -c -o winkeyval.o winkeyval.cc
> > OUT:mv -f .deps/winkeyval.Tpo .deps/winkeyval.Po
> > OUT:mpic++  -g       -o mpi2c++_test mpi2c++_test.o messages.o stack.o 
> > signal.o
> >    allgather.o allgatherv.o allreduce.o alltoall.o alltoallv.o attr.o
> >    badbuf.o bcast.o bcast_struct.o bottom.o bsend.o buffer.o cancel.o
> >    cartcomm.o chandles.o commdup.o commfree.o commgethandler.o commname.o
> >    compare.o constants.o dims.o dup_test.o errhandler.o finalized.o
> >    gather.o getcount.o getel.o graphcomm.o grequest.o group.o groupfree.o
> >    handleconversion.o info.o initialized1.o initialized2.o intercomm.o
> >    interf.o iprobe.o isend.o op_test.o pack_test.o pcontrol.o probe.o
> >    procname.o querythread.o rank_size.o reduce.o reduce_scatter.o
> >    request1.o rsend.o scan.o scatter.o scatterv.o seek_constants.o send.o
> >    sendrecv.o sendrecv_rep.o split.o ssend.o start.o startall.o
> >    status_test.o struct_gatherv.o test1.o test3.o testall.o testany.o
> >    testsome.o topo.o type.o typekeyval.o typemap.o waitall.o waitany.o
> >    waitsome.o window.o wtime.o winkeyval.o  
> > OUT:make[2]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/mpicxx/cxx-test-suite/src'
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/mpicxx/cxx-test-suite/src'
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/mpicxx/cxx-test-suite'
> >    make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all-am'.
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/mpicxx/cxx-test-suite'
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Writing built file:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/mpicxx/cxx-test-suite/test_bu
> >    ilt.ini
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Submit(@args)
> > File reporter
> > Writing to text file:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/Test_Build-mpicxx-openmpi-1.2.8-1.2.8.txt
> > >> Reported to text file
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/Test_Build-mpicxx-openmpi-1.2.8-1.2.8.txt
> >    Completed test build successfully
> > >> Test build [test build: imb]
> > Evaluating: imb
> > Evaluating: ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> > Evaluating: ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> >    Building for [openmpi-1.2.8] / [1.2.8] / [openmpi-1.2.8] / [imb]
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > Evaluating: Shell
> > Making dir: tests (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2)
> > chdir tests/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests
> > Making dir: imb (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests)
> > imb does not exist -- creating
> > chdir imb/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/imb
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Common::Copytree
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Common::Copytree::PrepareForInstall(@args)
> > >> copytree copying to /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/imb
> > Copying directory: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__imb/IMB_2.3
> > Running command: rm -rf IMB_2.3
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Running command: cp -r /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__imb/IMB_2.3
> >    .
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > >> copytree finished copying
> > chdir IMB_2.3
> > Evaluating: 1
> > Evaluating: 1
> > Evaluating: 100
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Build::Shell
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Build::Shell::Build(@args)
> > Building Shell
> > Evaluating: cd src
> >    make clean IMB-MPI1
> > Running command: /tmp/duHd9tMJe5
> > OUT:/bin/rm -f *.o *~ PI* core IMB-IO IMB-EXT IMB-MPI1 exe_io exe_ext
> >    exe_mpi1
> > OUT:touch exe_mpi1 *.c; rm -rf exe_io exe_ext
> > OUT:make MPI1 CPP=MPI1
> > OUT:make[1]: Entering directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/imb/IMB_2.3/src'
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_declare.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_init.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_mem_manager.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_parse_name_mpi1.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_benchlist.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_strgs.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_err_handler.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_g_info.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_warm_up.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_output.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_pingpong.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_pingping.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_allreduce.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_reduce_scatter.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_reduce.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_exchange.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_bcast.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_barrier.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_allgather.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_allgatherv.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_alltoall.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_sendrecv.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_init_transfer.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_chk_diff.c
> > OUT:mpicc  -I.      -DMPI1 -O -c IMB_cpu_exploit.c
> > OUT:mpicc   -o IMB-MPI1 IMB.o IMB_declare.o  IMB_init.o IMB_mem_manager.o
> >    IMB_parse_name_mpi1.o  IMB_benchlist.o IMB_strgs.o IMB_err_handler.o
> >    IMB_g_info.o  IMB_warm_up.o IMB_output.o IMB_pingpong.o IMB_pingping.o
> >    IMB_allreduce.o IMB_reduce_scatter.o IMB_reduce.o IMB_exchange.o
> >    IMB_bcast.o IMB_barrier.o IMB_allgather.o IMB_allgatherv.o
> >    IMB_alltoall.o IMB_sendrecv.o IMB_init_transfer.o  IMB_chk_diff.o
> >    IMB_cpu_exploit.o   
> > OUT:make[1]: Leaving directory
> >    `/tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/imb/IMB_2.3/src'
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Writing built file:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/imb/IMB_2.3/test_built.ini
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Submit(@args)
> > File reporter
> > Writing to text file:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/Test_Build-imb-openmpi-1.2.8-1.2.8.txt
> > >> Reported to text file
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/Test_Build-imb-openmpi-1.2.8-1.2.8.txt
> >    Completed test build successfully
> > >> Test build [test build: netpipe]
> > Evaluating: netpipe
> > Evaluating: ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> > Evaluating: ompi-nightly-v1.1, ompi-nightly-trunk, ompi-nightly-v1.2
> >    Building for [openmpi-1.2.8] / [1.2.8] / [openmpi-1.2.8] / [netpipe]
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > Evaluating: Shell
> > Making dir: tests (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2)
> > chdir tests/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests
> > Making dir: netpipe (cwd: /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests)
> > netpipe does not exist -- creating
> > chdir netpipe/
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/netpipe
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Common::Copytree
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Common::Copytree::PrepareForInstall(@args)
> > >> copytree copying to /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/netpipe
> > Copying directory:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__netpipe/NetPIPE_3.6.2
> > Running command: rm -rf NetPIPE_3.6.2
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Running command: cp -r
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/sources/test_get__netpipe/NetPIPE_3.6.2 .
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > >> copytree finished copying
> > chdir NetPIPE_3.6.2
> > Evaluating: 1
> > Evaluating: 1
> > Evaluating: 100
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Build::Shell
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Build::Shell::Build(@args)
> > Building Shell
> > Evaluating: make mpi
> > Running command: /tmp/fcesGYV0ih
> > OUT:mpicc -O -DMPI ./src/netpipe.c ./src/mpi.c -o NPmpi -I./src
> > Command complete, exit status: 0
> > Writing built file:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/netpipe/NetPIPE_3.6.2/test_bu
> >    ilt.ini
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Submit(@args)
> > File reporter
> > Writing to text file:
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/Test_Build-netpipe-openmpi-1.2.8-1.2.8.txt
> > >> Reported to text file
> >    /tmp/ompi-core-testers/Test_Build-netpipe-openmpi-1.2.8-1.2.8.txt
> >    Completed test build successfully
> > *** Test build phase complete
> > >> Phase: Test Build
> >    Started:       Wed Apr  8 12:46:31 2009
> >    Stopped:       Wed Apr  8 12:48:56 2009
> >    Elapsed:       00:02:25
> >    Total elapsed: 00:02:59
> > *** Run test phase starting
> > >> Test run [trivial]
> > Evaluating: trivial
> > Found a match! trivial [trivial
> > Evaluating: Simple
> > >> Running with [openmpi-1.2.8] / [1.2.8] / [openmpi-1.2.8]
> > Found MPI details: [mpi details: open mpi]
> > Using [mpi details: open mpi] with [MPI Install: openmpi-1.2.8]
> > Evaluating: # We can exit if the test passed or was skipped (i.e., there's
> >    no need
> >    # to cleanup).
> >    if test "$MTT_TEST_RUN_RESULT" = "passed" -o "$MTT_TEST_RUN_RESULT" =
> >    "skipped"; then
> >        exit 0
> >    fi
> >    
> >    if test "$MTT_TEST_HOSTFILE" != ""; then
> >        args="--hostfile $MTT_TEST_HOSTFILE"
> >    elif test "$MTT_TEST_HOSTLIST" != ""; then
> >        args="--host $MTT_TEST_HOSTLIST"
> >    fi
> >    orterun $args -np $MTT_TEST_NP --prefix $MTT_TEST_PREFIX
> >    mtt_ompi_cleanup.pl
> > Got final exec: mpirun &if(&have_hostfile(), "&join("--hostfile ",
> >    "&hostfile()")",         "&if(&have_hostlist(), "&join("--host ",
> >    "&hostlist()")", "")") -np &test_np() --mca btl openib,self --debug
> >    --prefix &test_prefix() &test_executable() &test_argv()
> > chdir /tmp/ompi-core-testers/installs/dLS2/tests/trivial/test_get__trivial
> > Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Specify::Simple
> > Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Specify::Simple::Specify(@args)
> > Evaluating: &find_executables(".")
> > Got name: find_executables
> > Got args: "."
> > _do: $ret = MTT::Values::Functions::find_executables(".")
> > &find_executables got .
> > &find_exectuables returning: ./c_ring ./f77_ring ./f90_hello ./cxx_ring
> >    ./f77_hello ./cxx_hello ./f90_ring ./c_hello
> > *** ERROR: Module aborted: MTT::Test::Specify::Simple:Specify: Can't use
> >     string ("8") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at
> >     /tmp/ompi-core-testers/lib/MTT/Values.pm line 75.
> > _______________________________________________
> > mtt-users mailing list
> > mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
> > http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users

Rafael Folco
OpenHPC / Test Lead
IBM Linux Technology Center
E-Mail: rfo...@linux.vnet.ibm.com

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