
I am pleased to announce that version 0.140.0 of the specification of the Muldis
D language, for object-relational databases, has been released on CPAN.

Between this release and release 0.139.0 (not separately announced), there have
been the following main improvements since release 0.138.0:

1. In Basics.pod and Types_Catalog.pod, a consolidation of the system catalog and associated revised conceptions of Muldis D's language structure, such that all the system defined materials plus all non-special system-defined namespaces are now organized in the same way as user-defined materials, which is into "packages"; a "depot" is a pure Muldis D package loaded by the DBMS in user space, often updateable as "the database", while a "module" is a typically mixed-language package loaded by the DBMS readonly in system space. So "Core" and each official or unofficial Muldis D language extension is now a named module and it is now normal for all entities within each such system module to reference each other in the "nlx" relative path namespace rather than "sys", and so "sys" is now more like "fed", mainly just used to reference entities outside the referencer's own package using an absolute path. This also means it is now more or less official that one can define a system package using exactly the same Muldis D dialects/syntaxes as to define user packages. (This release didn't actually tweak the concrete syntaxes themselves, but that could be done later, and they're still correct as is regarding depots.)

2. Muldis D no longer has the core concept of a "transition constraint", which was an assertion on whether a variable is allowed (according to current business rules) to transition directly from one state to another. So the routine kind "transition-constraint", its associated syntaxes, and the catalog data type "TransConstrFunc" were all removed. The rationale for this change is that transition constraints would be better off as a user-definable concept (that could also be provided as a Muldis D language extension module) which is defined instead as a "state constraint" associated with a database schema that explicitly stores multiple versions of data in an auditing fashion, such as "temporal/historical databases" do. These matters may be arbitrarily complex and seem best suited to be user-definable rather than in core. At the very least, the previous "transition constraint" concept was flawed in significant ways, such as that: 1. It couldn't take any other states into account other than the immediately last and next one, where in real life what is a valid transition can depend on multiple prior states; 2. When what looks like multiple successive distinct transactions to one user would look like a single larger transaction to another user due to how the MVCC or serializability etc works, what are the consistent semantics for a constraint saying a status must go A->B->C and not A->C?; 3. Reverting certain user mistakes could require circumventing / temporarily disabling a direction-enforcing constraint.

3. Renamed the 2 functions "is[|_not]_identical" to "is[|_not]_same"; also updated the first one's description to focus on mutual substitutability being the key in considering their arguments to be "same". The term "same" is better by being a little more abstract in its meaning and should be interpreted as any or all of ["same", "equal", "identical", "substitutable", etc]; moreover, "same" is better by being terser and by being more like related functions "before" and "after_or_same" etc.

4. In PTMD_STD.pod, made nonquoted DBMS entity names subject to the "op_char_repertoire" pragma such that the old limited-to-ASCII format of such names is now just the case when the pragma is "basic"; now when the pragma is "extended", such names may include any characters that Unicode considers alphabetic or alphanumeric. Also restricted both formats of nonquoted entity names to require each hyphen to be followed by an alphabetic character. And so, extended names are now exactly the same as Perl 6 identifiers except for not also allowing apostrophes.

5. In all 3 STD.pod, formally deprecated the "rtn_inv_alt_syn" catalog abstraction level, which had mainly served to add alternate syntaxes for function calls, so for example you could write some in infix or postcircumfix format rather than as foo() format. This is likely to be replaced in the future by maybe 3 abstraction levels, where the lowest adds just postcircumfix syntaxes, the next up adds a small number of infix syntaxes that are about the least common denominator in programming languages, and the highest adds a whole bunch more, akin to the current deprecated level. But for that matter, pending enhancements to the system catalogs should boost what the foo() format itself is capable of so there would be less reliance on the higher levels; you would be able to say "+"() for example, using prefix notation for various symbolic ops.

6. In PTMD_STD.pod, updated all the monadic postfix operators that are symbolic so the whitespace between them and their argument is now optional. This is a stopgap (and prefix was done previously) until more flexibility is gained in general for whitespace around symbolic operator calls like of a typical language.

7. The absolute-value operator no longer has the additional "||" prefix op spelling, where "|| x" means the "|x|" of math, since this could confuse people and everything else seems to spell it "abs" instead. I did however keep the "|-|" absolute-difference infix op where "x |-| y" means "|x-y|" of math as that didn't seem so confusing and seems more useful. (I consider that providing actual circumfix operators in Muldis D to be unwieldy, at least in the general case where the inner expression could be long.)

8. In D.pod and SeeAlso.pod, now spell author personal names as "Edgar Codd (E.F. Codd)" and "Chris Date (C.J. Date)" rather than as "Edgar F. Codd" and "Christopher J. Date", respectively.

There were some other changes too.

Now considering that in the last couple months my release rate of Muldis D spec or other changes has slowed, I have still accumulated quite a list of TODO items, or brainstorming for near future enhancements, a bunch of them I fully intend to spec out prior to moving to implementation. Some are in the TODO file and many aren't, to keep it from growing too large. When I have more time I'll get to specifying those. One of the first items is expected to be externalizing most of the details of character data types from the language core, such as everything related to Unicode, similarly to how I externalized nearly all dates and times details, so the core is more pure and lacks such immense and time-variant complexities.

Good day. -- Darren Duncan

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