Le Tuesday 01 March 2005 à 12:20:41, Peter D'Costa a écrit:
> Hi all,


> Would it be possible to use a proprietary IFDHandler (having a
> proprietary license) along with the PCSClite package?
> I understand that the PCSClite package is having a BSD license. Would
> this setup have legal implications?

In fact some proprietary drivers are already available. In 2001 I made a
license status [1] on the drivers available on [2].

The pcsc-lite license allows you to provide a proprietary driver. But I
strongly _not_ recommand it.


[1] http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/dev/muscle/2001-q4/0188.html
[2] http://musclecard.com/sourcedrivers.html

 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -- Normaliser Unix c'est comme pasteuriser le camembert, L.R. --
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