
Which system use MuscleCard for its releases and versions?

I have found this scheme:


Your library should have two numbers - the 'release number' and the 'version number'.

The release number uses a scheme of your own devising. Generally it indicates how much functionality has been added since the last version, and how many bugs were fixed.

The version number uses an established scheme to indicate what type of changes happened to your library's interface. The following diagram can be found in many configure.ac files:

                    | | |
             +------+ | +---+
             |        |     |
             |        |     |
             |        |     +- increment if interfaces have been added
             |        |        set to zero if interfaces have been removed
             |        |        or changed
             |        +- increment if source code has changed
             |           set to zero if current is incremented
             +- increment if interfaces have been added, removed or changed

Bye, Karsten

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