
Completely off topic for MUSCLE, but e-wallet is usually an application software package that runs in a PDA or other portable device (or even on the desktop PC), potentially allowing you to store and use all the things that you would normally keep in your wallet.

e-purse stores only e-money (e.g. Mondex), but by extension the term is also used for tokens usable for a specific purpose (e.g. exchange for a ticket on public transport)

You can find all this on the web. But software for these functions is not something that you can develop in a short period of time - you have to do careful security analysis and then comprehensive testing before you have something that can be issued to the public.


jackie wong wrote:
Dear all,
May i know what actually is E-Wallet and E-Purse. What the different between them. I would like to develope a reloadable prepaid card system. So which category is my prepaid system in? E-wallet or E-purse? Regards,
jackie wong

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