[Muscle] Reflex USB v.2 Reader
Geoffrey Elgey      gelgey
at vintela.com        
     Tue Mar 22 14:52:29 PST 2005

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Sukalyan Mukherjee wrote:
> I want to
use a SchlumbergerSema Reflex USB v.2 reader on RedHat Linux 
> 9.0. I am using pcsc-lite-1.1.1 version of the library. I
installed the 
> USB reader driver from
slb_rfUSB.0.9.0.tar.gz file. The installation was 

I had this problem just last week, and posted a
solution to this list a 
few days ago.

The slb_rfUSB
driver does not work with the Reflex USB v.2 reader. I 
asked Axalto
about this, and was told that you need to reflash the 
firmware of
the reader so that you can use the CCID driver in PC/SC Lite.

The firmware is available here:


V5.18 for the SCR331 firmware is required.

After I did
this, I used the CCID driver (not the slb_rfUSB driver) and 
pcsctest without any problems.

-- Geoff

Hello, I saw that message and have same problem, but not on RedHat
Linux. The problem is on 
Ubuntu 7.10 (Debian). I tested the link to
v5.18 SCR331 firmware and the page does not have the firmware.
Can u
help me?
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