
A new version of libccid (driver for CCID readers) is available [1].

1.3.6 - 30 April 2008, Ludovic Rousseau
    - add support for Covadis Alya, Covadis VĂ©ga, Precise Biometrics 250
      MC, Vasco DP905, Validy TokenA sl vt
    - better support for the O2Micro OZ776, GemCore SIM Pro
    - the environment variable LIBCCID_ifdLogLevel overwrite the value
      of ifdLogLevel read from the Info.plist file
    - add support for DragonFly BSD
    - some minor bugs removed

[1] https://alioth.debian.org/frs/?group_id=30105&release_id=1168

 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau

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