If you are running your own pcscd you need to set the Java system
property sun.security.smartcardio.library to the location of your
PC/SC library, e.g.

java -Dsun.security.smartcardio.library=/usr/local/lib/libpcsclite.so JavaReader

There's some documentation about this at:


There's a PC/SC library in Solaris 10 that can talk to the internal
readers on workstations which is used by default.

Hope this helps,


On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 11:54 PM, annie dang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi
> I download CCID-1.3.7 and pcsc-lite-{ | 1.4.2} and complied onto
> solaris 10 platform. The card reader is SCM 331.  Then I run the pcscd
> daemon. The pcscd daemon can be able to read the driver as well as ATR
> string on the card.
> I have application that are using TerminalFactory class to communicate with
> the card. The Java application can not be able to detect the smart card from
> card reader on Solaris 10 platform. The same Java application can be able to
> communicate on Linux platform.
> Have anyone encountered the issue? if yes, how do you solve the issue in
> solaris 10 platform?
> Regards,
> Annie
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