
I am trying to put the MCardApplet onto a Cyberflex 64v2 Pegasus card -
actually it is a Gemalto TOP IM FIPS CY2.
The ATR is 3b:95:95:40:ff:ae:01:03:00:00 - should be fine.

To get the applet I've taken the code from SVN at svn://
svn.debian.org/muscleplugins/trunk/MCardApplet. I build using the ant script
there for Cflex, used the captransf.jar and finally got a CardEdgeCflex.ijc.

Now I ask myself how to load the applet onto the card. First I used the
gpshell script mcardInstallFormat-CyberFlex64kV2c.txt from:
http://www.dseven.org/twiki/bin/view/Stuff/SolarisSmartCard. Which is
working until the magic APDU:
send_apdu -sc 1 -APDU

The error is:
send_APDU() returns 0x80206A80 (6A80: Wrong data / Incorrect values in
command data.)

As I have now clue about what this is doing I replaced this command by:
install_for_install -instParam 00 -priv 02 -AID A00000000101 -pkgAID
A000000001 -instAID A00000000101 -nvDataLimit 16000 which results in the
slightly different APDU

Now I get the error:
install_for_install_and_make_selectable() returns 0x80206A80 (6A80: Wrong
data / Incorrect values in command data.)
Which is probably excactly the same :(

The current helloInstallCyberflexAccess64k.txt from gpshell does work
without any error.

Any idea what went wrong?

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