Dear All,


I'm trying to make a port of pcsc-lite to an arm based linux system ( 


I've configured pcsc-lite as follows:

./configure -prefix=`pwd`/Install -host=arm-linux -disable-libhal 
-enable-ipcdir=/tmp/pcscd/var/run/pcscd -sysconfdir=/tmp/pcscd/etc 
-enable-usbdropdir=/usr/lib/pcsc/drivers LIBUSB_CFLAGS="-I..." 
LIBUSB_LIBS="-L... -lusb"

make LDFLAGS="-all-static -pthread"


-> libusb version: 0.1.12

-> rootfs is read-only

-> /tmp dir is RW


Starting up the daemon works fine. It can find all the reader bundles (acr38 
ccid and non ccid, download from ACS website and compiled...)


Adding a first reader seems to work fine. Pcscd recognices the reader and 
handles card events.

But the daemon does not recognice adding a second reader!


I've  put some more debug info into the source code and found that pcscd hangs 
when creating the thread for handling the card events for the first reader

So this ThreadCreate just hangs when called. It seems however that the thread 
function is called, as is handles the events for the first reader.

As a result, the usb-bus isn't scanned anymore and adding a second reader 
doesn't work!


Also when stopping the daemon, I'm getting on the screen a pthread_join failed: 
no such process (line 190 in eventhandler.c)


I hope that you could give me some hints...



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